
A Poem From Stranger

Siti_Anisah_4166 · Adolescente
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2 Chs

Incompatible Feelings

If we are a magnet.

I am S and N is yours.

If we have the authority of life decision.

I will go to The South Pole and North Pole will be your destination.

If we are housewares.

I am a conductor and you are inductor.

If we are confronting a question.

The same answer of us is just an illusion.

I am fragile but you are indestructible.

I am too weak but you are not.

I am nothing when you are something.

I am staying when you are leaving.

I love The Petrichor while you hate the rain.

I love sunset while you detest the darkness.

I love to climb the mountain while you have Acrophobia.

Then, how we can be one if the incompatibility surrounding us?

-A poem from stranger day 2