
A player in Jujutsu Kaisen

I am a player in the world of jujutsu Kaisen watch my journey to the top of the world and put my name into the heavens.

ThePpp_Pppp · Cómic
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133 Chs

The great swallow {80}

Pov change.

Megumi was now fighting the man,all he needed was visualize winning against this man,even though this man speed reminded him of Kenzo speed,the kind of speed that would just blitze him without him realizing it.

However Megumi could feel like he could keep up if he focus and so he focused while looking at the man infront of him.

Megumi took a deep breath before summoning rabbit escape to make sure that this man couldnt see him.

Megumi then dropped into his own shadow before leaving a bunch of rabbit where he stood previously.As soon as he did the rabbit were attacked and Megumi used his Toad in order to try and restrain the man but the main overwhelming physique was able to easily shrug off all of his attempts

Megumi then summoned Elephant to drop on the man but the main dodged the attacks,Megumi wasnt done yet as he made Giant elephant release a bunch of water toward the man.

The man dodged the water with what seemed to be ease,Megumi then make his divine dog totality attack the man pushing into the water before unsummoning the dog and summoning the toad to hold the man still as he summoned Nue who attacked the area where the man was standing with eletricity and even if the man himself wasnt hit...he was standing on water and water is very conductive....

The man was eletricified but he seemed to have barely taken that much damage..Megumi then pop out of his shadow,he waited for the man to get close to him and as soon as he saw the man move toward him,he opened his shadow next to him and as soon as the man stepped inside Megumi Shadow,his foot fell inside the shadown causing the man to miss his attacks as Megumi try to attack the man with a hit of his own.

The man however dodged Megumi attacked and jumped away"He is strong"Megumi mutter to himself as he looked at the man,this wasnt impossible he could win without resorting to using 'that'.

As long as he could move away and drink one of those mana potion that Kenzo gave him he could gain enough curse energy to open his domain,he could also just summon piercing ox...the only downside was the fact that it only moved in a straight line.

He could also just drop the man into his shadow and dont let him leave until a few hour later..considering there is no oxygen down there...So he had win-con its just that this man was to fast,he didnt get much time to think of his options.

"Hey boy,what your name"The man suddenly asked to which Megumi looked at the man confused...uh..why did the man ask that.

"Fushiguro"Megumi reply after a bit.

The man looked at Megumi before saying "Fushiguro and not Zenin-huh..Good for you"The man said nonchantly before stabbing his own head with the weopon that he was carrying.

Megumi looked confused as he watch the man take his own life...why did he even do that...not enough time to think he has to get to Maki and Nobara,he had a bad feeling about this.

As Megumi toward them,a shadow soldier with a bloodied axe appeared infront of him,the soldier was carrying Maki and Nobara,he gently placed their unconscious body infront of him.

"Where is Nanami"Megumi asked to which the shadow soldier opened his mouth and said"By the time i got back,he was not there"

Megumi nodded to that before the shadow soldier went back into Maki shadow.

Megumi quickly got to work by summoning round deer to heal them and himself...

Suddenly all around Shibuya a huge amount of pure evil curse energy was released and to figure out the route of it we must go back a while back.

Pov Yuji.

Yuji was seen beating the absolute break out of Mahito..it wasnt even fair but no matter how much beat down the curse received it wouldnt die,it was crazy durable and so Yuji decided to use the new way he could use his divergent fist on Mahito.

He used his divergent fist to creates a resonance in Mahito cursed energy, destabilizing it. This resonant disruption not only damages Mahito physically but also interferes with his ability to control cursed energy.

He kind of copy Nobara on this one...she wouldnt mind it,as long as she doesnt figure it out then it should be fine.

Yuji then rushed toward Mahito before starting to built up his stronguest technique,hitting Mahito over and over again and each hit,his technique was building up.

After the last punch that sent Mahito flying,it activated and the second impact was felt just this time,Mahito lacked a chest and an arm and a leg,basically most of his upper and lower body as gone.

Standing over him was Yuji Itadori.....someone he thought he could toy around with but he was wrong....he was going to die.

"I am going to kill you for what you did to Jumpei...."Yuji said codly,this person..not this thing standing infront of him was something that made him feel nothing but hate and he would finally get rid of it once and for all.

He cocked back his punch and calm down before focusing and looking at Mahito eyes.....they both knew that punch would be a black flash..it was a guarentee at this point.

As Yuji launched his punch,something blocked it....

"Geto"Mahito said upon looking at who saved him.

The man looked at Yuji who seemed to have recovered and was running toward him,he sent some curse to deal with the boy but the grade two,grade 1 curse seem to have no effect on this beast.

"Isnt this amusing"Geto said before dodging Mahito attempt at using idle transfiguration on him....Yuji watched as the man started to do something to Mahito and Mahito started to turn into a small ball.

"I would much rather absorb you after you had evolved but guess i have to do it now"The man said before proceeding to deepthroat the ball,he seemed to have alot of experience with deepthroating big balls considering how efficiently he was doing it.

{A/N What am i even writting}

The man then procceeded to use maximum uzumaki on Yuji...Yuji was promply overwhelm and sent flying,he hit muliple wall and broke through all of them.

"You can have him"Geto said as someone with white hair appeared next to him, that person seemed not to please that Kenjaku did this much damage to Yuji...no..not Yuji that person seemed to not care about Yuji.

"Hand, master finger over, "The person said to which Kenjaku just handed over the 9 fingers that dropped out of Gojo's seal as they couldn't be sealed with him, the seal was supposed to seal Satoru Gojo and not Ryomen Sukuna.

The finguer contains a part of this man's soul and so they couldn't be sealed with Gojo as they would be considered as another entity.

Kenjaku then handed over the other three finguer that he had taken from the girls before killing them off...The man with the white hair took the fingers before walking toward Itadori's unconscious body and started to feed them to him.

A/N did y'all really think Kenjaku would have left Mahito to die...he needs Mahito in order to start the culling game, I don't think he would let him die so yeah Yuji go hit with the maximum Uzumaki to the face.