

The familiar sound of a click jolted Mazikeen awake. Her heart rate started riding, breathing got hitched into the back of her throat.

"Mazeeeyyy." A sickening voice called out from the darkness. Trying to be as still Mazikeen was able she squeezed her eyes shut in attempt to block out the thoughts that came flooding back to her memory.

"Lil' Princess...I know you're awake. Don't tease me little girl."

There were a couple shuffled steps and Troy was leaning right over Mazikeen. He reeked of vodka and cheap perfume, obviously was hanging around one of those sluts again. She thought quietly to herself.

"Hello my little Princesses...you aren't going to tell your father good morning?" His voice filled with anger at that last word. He sniffed and wiped his nose.

Troy's emerald eyes bore into the back of Mazikeen's head. Ha It's three in the fucking morning. That's a new record, he usually comes in at one. She said sarcastically in her mind. Her head was unusually calm in this situation.

Troy leaned over Mazikeen painfully slow. She scrunched up her nose and waited for the impact. Resistance was out of the question, it would only make things worse for her and her brothers.

You could hear the sickness and tipsiness in his voice as he spoke. "Princess I know your awake. Do you want to have some fun?"

He yanked her legs towards himself so that she was facing the figure that towered over her. Now she was frightened stiff, her inhalation's became quick and shallow. Troy put his knees in between her and personal space as he pinned her arms.

His grin became sickly and wide, eyes lusting over her as his dark eyes scanned Mazikeen's body. She shivered in disgust turning her head away from him. She yelped as he forced her face to look at His face, holding her chin up.

He began to grope he body. Moving down to her stomach. Troy suddenly gets up and goes into her closet that was on the other side of her carpeted floor. He appeared back into view with a rope and gag.

"Now if you try to scream I will grab Cole from his room and rip his guts out with my pocketknife." The treat terrified her. Because she knew it was true. He always kept his word.

This was new to her he usually comes in there to beat her for some ungodly reason.Troy moves on top of her straddling her legs. Placing the gag in her mouth tightening the strap on the back, catching some of her hair in the process she squinted trying to relieve at least some of the pressure. Then he moved to her hands and tied them together in a strong bond with the black silk tie.

Tears began to collect in the back of her eyes. Troy moves back to her tiny form

and began to rip the clothes off of her body. A couple stray tears fell from her eyes, rolling down her cheeks. Troy pulled her pants down to her ankles.

"Harming ourselves again are we?" His fingers traced the many cuts and boils on her upper thighs. What was worse is not only does he know her deepest secret, Troy mocks her for it. "You really are a pathetic slut."

Taking off his pants and boxers, Mazikeen tried to wiggle her way free from his tight grasp. He struck her cheek. A small echo radiated throughout the house. Burning sensations rocked across her face.

A muffled whimper came from her lips as he roughly gripped her throat and continued the process of contaminating Mazikeen's body with his revolting hands.

Mazikeen's light brown eyes widened as he took her virginity. She cried through the whole episode repellent with herself and with what was happening.