
A Piece of Me

On a frosty evening in London, a peculiar accident changed the lives of twin sisters Gia and Gaia. 20 years later, they finally get a chance to meet. However, their fateful encounter ended tragically. Enraged and racked with guilt, assuming her sister died in her place, Gia vowed to avenge her death, thereby taking her identity. Instantly becoming a fiance to the governor’s son, Gia soon discovered that Gaia’s life was far more dangerous than she was led to believe. -- !!WARNING!! This piece is not for those easily triggered. Some parts will have death and violence. -- Disclaimer: Cover is not mine. Grabbed from Pinterest.

Panpire_23 · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs


The monitor beeped, displaying a weak heart rate. The patient lay unconscious, barely breathing.

She had several injuries and lacerations due to receiving the fatal impact of the car ramming right into her. But her vital organs were untouched. Hence, her fighting spirit continued to live on.

However, she was yet to be out of the danger zone. Any minute, she could choose to let go and escape to the other realm. There, she would no longer suffer physical pain or mortal woes.

The attending Doctor pulled the curtain, concealing the patient from being seen. He glanced at his watch, clicking his tongue as he anticipated an important call.

"I hope you will not disappoint," the Doctor muttered, a smirk appearing on the corner of his lips.

"You have reached Doctor Mattheo Chase; who am I speaking to?"

"Collin De Vera," Collin immediately answered, checking his watch. "I'm calling about Faye Lewis."

There was a brief pause before the Doctor gave a response.

"Ah, yes, Mister De Vera. Leila told me. I gave her instructions for the papers you needed to sign and the medicine she would need for the first few days. I just need to warn you that everything would be very painful for her and I would suggest you bring your fiancé to see her Doctor. Another medical opinion wouldn't hurt. Lastly," the Doctor took a deep breath.

It was at this moment that Collin noticed the hesitation. But he didn't say a word, waiting.

"It's imperative for Miss Lewis's recovery not to get stressed," another pause. Collin heard a beeping noise from the background, somewhat intriguing his curiosity. "Is there anything you'd like to ask, Mister De Vera?"

Collin pursed his lips. There was something that bothered him. Yet, the man knew better to keep things to himself first until he was sure.

Hence, with a smirk playing on his lips, Collin opened his mouth to respond.

"You tell me, Doctor," he uttered. "Is there something I should know?"

The silence that followed became a confirmation of a rising suspicion at the back of Collin's mind. He listened to the doctor chuckle after several heartbeats.

'He's toying with me,' Collin concluded, reading between the pauses. He was aware that Doctor Mattheo Chase was perhaps purposely letting him know he was not at the morgue.

There were two possibilities that came to Collin's mind. But he didn't ponder on those thoughts just yet. He wanted to be sure before formulating any hypothesis.

However, he was beginning to dislike the Doctor with every passing minute.

"I will be straightforward, Mister De Vera," the Doctor answered, sounding serious.

"Please," Collin encouraged.

"You know, for someone who just learned his fiancé got into an accident, you don't seem to be that worried. It's a little bothersome considering the gravity of what happened."

Collin checked the time again. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a camera flash from a dark alley.

"Doctor Chase," Collin narrowed his gaze at the movement he saw on the same spot. "I'd like to keep this call short, and our relationship should remain strictly professional."

The Doctor clicked his tongue.

"My apologies. I am a curious man. It's part of being a doctor. " There was a brief pause. The tension rose between the two men. "Last query Mister De Vera before we end this call and perhaps never speak again."

Collin rechecked the dark alleyway. He could no longer visualize any movement or trace of the individual who snapped a photo of his car.

The glass was tinted, saving him from any attempt to get captured while driving either alone or with someone else.

"I'm not required to answer your questions if they do not concern Faye at all."

"Fair enough," the Doctor replied. "Well, then, aren't you going to ask who saved your fiancé's life at least?"

Collin stared out of the window and into the darkening sky. He gathered his thoughts for a minute before composing an appropriate response.

"The bereaved will be compensated," he spoke calmly. "And so will your services, Doctor. I do hope we never need to speak again."

"It was a pleasure to talk to you, Mister De Vera."

Collin pursed his lips again.

"I cannot say the same. But thank you for answering, Doctor Chase."

"Anytime. You know how to reach me if need be. Goodbye, Mister De Vera."

Collin immediately hung up. He took a few seconds to breathe, leaning against the car seat. He closed his eyes, fighting the myriad of emotions raging inside his chest.

After calming himself, he dialed a different number and put the phone on loudspeaker. On the second ring, a grumpy voice echoed from the other end of the line.

"This better be important, brat."

"I need you to do two things for me. First, book me two plane tickets to Hawaii, leaving tonight. One for me and one for Faye. Be sure to keep it confidential. If this leaks out, you're immediately fired."

"I'm not—"

"Second, I'm going to send you an address and a list of things to buy. Deliver them within ten minutes, or you won't get paid."

"What the—!"

Collin didn't let him finish, ending the call as he checked his watch. He dialed a third person, running a hand through his hair.

He was beginning to feel the weight of everything that had happened. The outcome was least expected, leaving Collin angrier than he could control.

The man gripped the steering wheel tight, his knuckles turning white.

"Viper," a voice chirped up. "It's been a long time. I thought I would never hear from you. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Collin had a moment's hesitation. His conviction momentarily vanished as he thought about the promise he had made several years ago.

However, a gentle reminder of his ruined evening plans made him certain he was making the right choice.

If not, it was something he knew he wouldn't regret.

"I believe it's time," Collin intoned, his eyes no longer seeing his surroundings. "It's time you pay me back for that favor."

Warning! If you do not like tragedy, drama, or death, please stay away. Save your mental health :>

Names, events, places and all other things considered are fictional. Any relation to actual stuff is purely coincidental.

Panpire_23creators' thoughts