
A Perfectly Balanced Adventure in Bleach

A Computer science student of modern day dies abruptly and his soul encounters a being known as the God of Balance. For its own amusement, it has selected this student to be reincarnated in another world along with 3 'UNIQUE' wishes that differentiate him from all others reborn through various gods. This was originally a placeholder for a story I planned to write and still will but as I finished the previous story i was working on at the time i started this. I found my motivation lacking so i only posted what i had which isnt much but I do plan to still make this story when its write. in the meantime pin my new story Danmachi: The great devourer if your feeling interested

Xanok_Malakai · Cómic
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3 Chs

C3: Birthday Incident (false chap)

C3: Birthday Incident (false chap)

Word count = 1365

(Second chapter I wrote that I didn't really like as it just felt so awkward to write this. I felt I was repeating Xue Ties personality on Nou)

It is now Nou's 4th birthday. He had previously been to the doctor and his parents realized that his red right eye had somehow been affecting his mood. He was given a diagnosis and advised to wear something over it and then check back on how he is doing.

As such, a pirate eyepatch wearing 4 year old is celebrating his birthday. While his mental age is much higher, he has a shy smile though as his suppressed emotions made him a bit awkward now but he would rather wear the eyepatch than be subject to some sort of strange medicine or surgery to fix his spiritual issue.

As for why he chose the pirate theme. The better question is why not? He doesnt wanna wear some strange bandage over his eye. Also even if he didn't watch anime all that much in his previous life, that didn't mean he didn't watch movies. So as a pirate enjoyer, he simply went to where his preference led him.

If anything, he has an easier time dressing up for Halloween even though there's no trick or treating. Which was a highlight of his disappointment once he realized this as he would not get free candy from good natured folk. Granted he lives in a more high class area so there are instead small scale parties on that day where adults also dress up.

For Nou's birthday, some of his relatives came over as most of them work overseas which is why he has mostly been spending it with just his parents and the helpful servants.

It's not all bad even if it is the 1980s. Part of his birthday presents was the computer he asked for before which is still low level tech at this point. But Nou has the experience and knowledge to assemble a low level code structure which would be the foundation of his work.

The reason he is doing all this is to be able to ditch school if necessary in the future. That greatly frees him up to train or just fight hollows in the future once he understands how his own hollow powers work as he never got a manual and he is unsure if his status page only system would even help.

As such, Nou is currently stuck in a nice little kid suit with a pirate eyepatch surrounded by 6 maids and 2 butlers. One who serves his mother and the other who is split in helping both him and his father. His father Kai is in a simple white suit as he just got back from work as hasnt had time to change yet. He got Nou, literally 5 boxes full of various shows for him to watch. This would take him months to go through as they keep great track of what he has already seen so it's all new.

He has primarily been enjoying the older shows as his original life, he never saw them for the masterpieces they were.

His mother on the other hand, Mei Akagi, was the one who got him the computer. Nou assumes that his father told his mother who was out of the country as well about this before she returned which made getting the computer easier. But with his new eyepatch he is at least able to show joy at having his whole family and his funny uncle Akio.

It doesnt help that even though his name means bright, he isn't. It's not to say he is dumb, he is quite smart but his wisdom is a little low and blurts out random catch phrases because he shares common hobbies with Nou. Which is why he is a funny uncle because Nou can actually understand him and make references back. Though he struggles to not make references to things that don't exist yet or haven't happened. As such it's mostly limited to Mortal Kombat 1 references and metal gear solid. As such, his present was a giant cardboard box with his real present inside which is a NES which is the Nintendo Entertainment System for the unaware.

After some partying, the cake was brought out. It was a delicious triple milk cake. Let's just say that it was heavenly with strawberries and peaches. Very extensive but delicious. He would have surely enjoyed it more if a stupid fucking PLUS[1] didn't run into his backyard with a hollow on his ass.

Nou tries to guide his family away which isn't hard as the loud explosions sound from the hollows footsteps and leaps as it finally lands on the legs of the plus…right in front of him.

"NOUUUUU, let's go" His father kai tries to bring him away but as the hollow rips into the wandering soul in front of him, wisps of the pluses Reiyoku [2] accidentally floats into Nou. This causes him to spasm as he is accepting foreign soul energy, not very good. His spasming is self evident to his family who worry for him even more but with the hollow finishing it's meal, it notices Nou's heightened energy signature caused by the foreign reishi.

The hollow who looks like a low grade monkey swats it's hand and knocks kai (the father) away. He is knocked unconscious due to the injury but he landed near his wife who in her panic brings him away while ignoring Nou.

As the monkey is about to swat down on Nou. A burst of energy is released from his body as white foam like structure begins to be vomited out of his mouth. Covering his face and then coating the rest of his body in it. Leaving very little gray that is typically there for hollows as the white part of hollows represents their mask.

But you see, Nou is a little bit more special, as he is half human in the truest sense, the mask which is the representation of the soul has less value and thus has been transformed into an armor of sorts. The energy blast stops the monkey hollows attack and before it. Is a squatting rabbit, complete with dragon horn like ears that flow in reverse. The entire body being a blank canvas with 5 spikes replace his fingers on his hands.

2 cracks appear on where the face would be. The first crack opens up in a circle, revealing an eye with a colorful pentagon surrounded by more colorful runes. The 2nd crack opens up around the mouth area and somewhat like canadians from South park or those memes where people unhinge their jaws. The mouth opens up to say a guttural phrase

"What I seek is thunder, Izuchi"


From one of the things, a body sized magic circle appears and all of Nou's Reishi is used to power the lightning bolt being emitted from his hand. This magic circle is overlaid by the alpha stigma symbol which boosts it's power to the point that it rips right through the hollows body. Electrocuting it until it dies as the lightning sparks break its mask.

Nou collapses onto his back but he is still conscious for a bit. His eye deactivates as he has run out of power, he opens his mouth and the leftover energy from the hollows body flows into Nous mouth. He munches on it a bit and moans a bit from pleasure before passing out from exhaustion. His hollow form breaks down to reveal his original body.


Vocabulary for those unaware.

1: Pluses are dead folk who are essentially wandering souls.

2: Reiyoku is the pure form of energy that all souls use (what is used in the system labeling). It is otherwise known as Soul energy if I ever mention it then that is what im talking about. Reiyoku can be transformed into Reiatsu which is Soul pressure. As compared to Reishi which is spirit particles and is what makes up the bodies all of soul creatures