

Mera descended the stairs, carefully propping her belly with her hand to avoid slipping and falling. The battle had begun since the break of dawn and it was well past noon already.

She felt like she was going crazy just sitting alone upstairs in her room, thinking about what could be happening to Dexter at the moment. She didn't want to feel so useless.

An unusual mist hung in the air, and she sensed it was because of the war. Though some might have discarded it as perhaps, the sound of the wind or anything else,her sharp ears caught it. The faint ringing of battle cries, the clashing of metal weaponry against another, and the frightened whinnying of horses.

Mera carefully opened the door to the council halls. It was the only place large enough with adequate ventilation and a strategic position for bringing in the wounded, so they had turned it into a temporary infirmary. There were already a good number of wounded soldiers there.