

Julie's birthday is today, she was so happy because she will celebrate her 16th birthday on a beach with an astonishing view. Her parents worked 24/7 for the past few weeks just to have enough money for them to make their only child happy. Julie's parent weren't that rich but, they find a way to earn money just to make their daughter happy. After weeks of earning they were finally able to surprise her for her 16th birthday. As Julie stepped on the "tricycle" an arc smile suddenly form from her lips and that arc spread and become a smile that touch her parents deep within their heart.

As Julie enjoying the soft texture of the white sand a wave suddenly burst off her feet which lead her from outbalance and fall from the ground, then her parents start laughing at her which made her laugh too. As Julie got bored, she suddenly ask permission to her dad to swim along with the waves, after her dad agreed she run towards the big wave with a smiling face. Her dad seems to be delighted by that smiling face of her, it seems like that smile could melt the whole world. Julie seems to enjoying herself along with the waves, then a crazy idea pop-up on her mind she want to challenge her limitation and went to the deepest part of the sea.

A loud scream took the attention of Julie's mother, and then her world seems to stop spinning for a while. She run at her child drowning in the sea with full of tears she called her husband's name who was building a sand castle for her daughters palace. Julie's father went straight to the sea and swim as fast as he can to save his daughter. After they reach the shore, Julie is no longer breathing. Julie's mother start begging mercy to switch her life to save her child and try to resurrect her from death. Her parents went crazy asking her to live but no matter what call or shout they make Julie is no longer with them and that is the last time they will able to see her with a smile.