A freshman in college isn't getting the experience that he truly wants and wishes to be like his friends and have girls all over him. Ryder King, an 18 year old college freshman who wishes to have females all over him and get that full college experience he wishes to have no matter the "cost".
I looked at Paige and checked out her appearance. She had her hair in a ponytail. She wore a white t-shirt with the words "Dangerous" on it. She also wore black jeans with a red belt. She had a gold chain attached to her belt loops. She wore black boots and carried a purse as well. She looked at me and noticed I was checking her out.
I blushed and cleared my throat. "Would...you like to hang out somewhere? There's some malls and restaurants in the area and the annual fair is opened until this March, we could also go there."
"I am fine with nearly anything, as long as it isn't boring." Paige smiled and tilted her head a bit.
"Ah- Y-Yeah! Yeah, it won't be boring." I said, but on the inside I'm as boring as they come when I'm not with my friends.
We walked to my average looking car, a white KIA to be specific. I opened the door for her and she got in then put on her seatbelt. I hurried over to the driver's side and got in the car and closed the door then put on my seatbelt. I started it then checked the mirrors and drove out of the parking lot. I decided to take her out to dinner since the night was still young.
I took her to one of my favorite restaurants, Texas Roadhouse. I parked the car in the parking lot. We got out of the car then headed towards the restaurant. I felt even more nervous, but remained my cool. We walked inside and got our table. We sat down and got handed menus. I looked up from my menu and grunted seeing Jaiden with a woman from our first period.
Paige looked up and noticed my face and tilted her head. "Hm? What's the matter, Ryder?"
"A-Ah nothing! Just one of those random embarrassing memories you get from your past." I laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my head.
She rose and eyebrow then decided to not pry on the topic. "So, what do you like doing? I can tell you're in college."
"Mmm...I am very basic so I usually just go to classes and go back to my dorm and watch anime or play games with my friends and on weekends we go out to parties." I answered.
"Really? Sounds very basic." Paige giggled softly.
"My friends however aren't basic at all. One is an upcoming D1 Athlete and my other friend is an upcoming music artist who's about to get signed to a huge record label. You can pretty much say I'm the odd one out..." I sighed softly.
Paige looked at me and crossed her arms. "You're alright in my book. If under different circumstances, you wouldn't be my first choice, but you wouldn't be the last in line either."
"I guess that's very reassuring. I may be a bit of a nerd, but I have my cool moments." I said then looked at Paige.
She looked back at me and smiled. She was extremely beautiful. A woman like this is normally out of my league. Not even normally she's completely out of my league. A woman like this is in Jaiden's league, even Matt;
Our food came and we thanked the waitress. We began to eat and make small talk with each other. We shared a few laughs here and there. The atmosphere and the air began to lighten until I noticed Jaiden and his date walk over to our table, assuming he's noticed us.
"Well well! You've scored big bro! Who is she?" Jaiden asked and smirked.
"A-Ahh, this is Paige and she's my friend that...I met at the...Library!" I said, trying my hardest to keep my cool.
"Oh? A quality woman huh? I can see your rejection streak is over, good shit bro." Jaiden pat my back and chuckled then walked off with his date.
I set my fork down, resisting the urge to stab my own neck with it. Paige noticed my extremely flustered face.
"You didn't have to lie." Paige said.
"And tell him my desperation has led me to this route? I can't tell anyone who you really are. I refuse.." I said and looked down.
Paige crossed her arms and noticed my embarrassed and disappointed expression. She smiled and closed her eyes. "I understand. I respect your decision."
I looked at her then smiled a bit. "Thank you."
We continued our date and finished eating our food. The waitress came back with the bill and I paid the bill with my card. Luckily I had just enough for the dinner. I didn't get paid until tomorrow, so I pretty much lucked out. I got my card back and we left the restaurant. We went back to my car and got it. I drove Paige home since she came here by bus. It wasn't too far of a drive from campus. We waved goodbye to each other then I drove back to campus.
I parked the car in the parking lot and got out. I made sure to lock the doors of my car then went back to my dorm room. I walked in the room and walked to my bed and crashed on the bed. I turned my head noticed Matt sleeping on his bed. I could only imagine how tired he was after the game. I took my glasses off and set them on my nightstand. I got under the covers and went straight to sleep.
The next day I woke up feeling my phone buzzing. I took my phone out of my pocket and opened my eyes to look at it. I noticed I had a few missed messages. Some were from Matt telling me he went out, some were from professors telling me about extra credit. Some were from my older sister asking how I was, but one stood out to me.
Paige: You've still got six days left with me, we can hang out today if you'd like.
I sat up and moved my hair from my eyes. It wasn't just a dream. I was on a real date with a real girl and not some anime girl behind a computer screen. I decided to text her back.
Me: We can meet up at the same location.
Paige: Alright, that's fine by me.
I got out of bed to get ready for my second date ever. I did my normal routine and left my dorm room. I didn't wear my glasses since I didn't really need them to begin with. I wore a white button up shirt, but left it unbuttoned and wore a white t-shirt underneath. I had on jeans and some black timberlands. I met up with Paige at the campus's parking lot.
She looked up from her phone and looked at me, looking a bit surprised. "Uh...is this the same Ryder?"
"Yeah, I'm the same Ryder." I said. "I don't really need my glasses, they are mostly used as a fashion choice than a necessity."
"There is a clear difference in appearance. Without your glasses you look like a model..." Paige said.
I didn't know I looked that good without my glasses. I was always under the impression that I looked the same with or without glasses. I blushed after she complimented me. "W-Well would you like to get some breakfast?"
"Sure, I didn't eat anything yet." Paige smiled.
We both walked to my car and got in. I started it and drove out of the parking lot to a nearby restaurant called The Northern Blossom. It was said to have some of the best food in the area. I parked the car and we got out to have breakfast inside the restaurant;
We walked in and got our table then sat down and ordered food. We made small talk, mainly talking about the plans for our date today. She was very nice, but I guess she has to be since her agency said they only provide the best women. The feeling of dread hit me once reality came back to me. It isn't real love or affection, it's just someone I hired to make me feel that way.
After eating breakfast, we got back in my car and drove off to the mall. I had gotten paid and had some extra cash in my wallet. We made it to the mall and got out of my car. We walked to the mall and she held my hand. I looked at our hands and blushed;
We walked into the mall together and just strolled around for a bit. We did enter a clothing store and shopped around a little. I looked around and noticed Matt with his date. I hurried away from his field of view. I went over to Paige and noticed she was looking at some shoes she thought was cute.
"Hey babe, do you think these shoes would look good on me?" She asked and looked at me.
"B-Babe..?!" I asked a bit surprised, blushing up a storm.
"I mean we are dating are we not..? I think babe is a great nickname. I can seriously tell you have zero dating experience..." said Paige in a teasing manner and poked my nose.
"Ah...uhm...yeah...babe, those shoes would look great on uh..on you." I said and felt myself die of embarrassment on the inside.
Paige smiled and picked the shoes she wanted and we headed to the counter to buy them. I paid for the shoes and got the bag from the clerk. We began to make our way out of the store until Matt noticed us.
'God please strike me down now...There are things worse than death around here and this is one of them...' I thought to myself.
"Hello? Ryder, I didn't know you were bagging chicks like this and damn bro you are fine without your glasses, no homo." Matt teased.
"Ah- Matt, she's just a friend I met at the library. I'm showing her around and whatnot..." I said feeling embarrassed.
"Oh? The library women are quality women as me and Jaiden would say. Good job my man, see you do got potential." Matt pat my back.
I never wanted to die so badly in my life. The embarrassment is really getting to me. Paige and I walked out of the store and she looked at my face.
"Another one of your friends?" She asked.
"Yeah, that was Matt. He's the athlete and the one who goes on the most dates with women." I said.
"You've got really supportive friends. They seem like really cool people." Paige smiled.
I nodded and she once again held my hand. We went to a variety of stores and only bought a couple of things. We were at the mall for a few hours, chatting and walking around. We left the mall and got back into my car and the same happened once again, I dropped her off at her house then drove back to campus. I got out of my car and retreated back to my dorm. I walked in and was greeted with the sight of Jaiden and Matt playing some games.
"Aye, the man made it home." Matt chuckled.
"What's up." I smiled tiredly.
"So who is that girl? She's fucking hot as hell. How did you bag her?" Matt asked.
I went over to my computer and logged on. "Her name is Paige and we met by complete chance." I started as I frantically deleted my browser history.
"A classic chance meeting at the library." Matt chuckled.
"We started talking to each other and one thing led to another thing and here we are now." I said, lying through my teeth but made sure to sound as believable as possible.
"My fucking boy! I knew you had it in you, you just had to find the right girl, know what I mean? And she's a 10 out of 10?! Shiiit the women I pick up are 8 out of 10 at best." Matt laughed.
Jaiden and I laughed along. I went over to them and began to play games with them. Although they are my only two friends in college, I can't tell them how I really met Paige and how desperate I was. This is a secret that I can't let slip from my lips no matter what.