

The sun is rising, rays of light cut through the morning mist.

The little birds chirp in together like a poorly coordinated chorus, like those of the elementary school musical , this is a cacophony that I have to face every blessed (f*cking) morning.

Although the first few days had been pleasant, an alarm clock always remains an alarm clock, no matter how beautiful the music is, in the end, you'll hate it and I hate all this, so much that I would kill all those cursed birds one by one...and cook them...with a bit of white pepper and rosemary... Maybe paprika and curry would be better...

Now, now...for breakfast there are fruits, vegetables and goat milk.

The fruits and vegetables are different from those I used to, some of them seems less evolved, very similar to those seen in a documentaries, and the others have a rather curious appearance.

I have sold 16 of them in a town not really far away from here, earning 1 silver, 1 small silver and 10 copper with whom I bought basic necessities.

The goat milk is from a goat that I have found in my early days while I was hunting, probably its escaped from some village nearby.

There're a lot of questions that need an answer like :

Did you end up in another world??

It's a game world?

Do you have some cheat power??

Where are you living? Can you communicate with the locals? Didn't they think you're weird because you have different costumes? Are you not scared that someone, or something, could hurt and even kill you? Are U a G1rl or a b0oy??? WHO 4re U talKinG TO???????

Yep! Nope. I'd love to...

I'm living in a wood, precisely in a small cave located on the wall of the mountain at 10 m from the ground, it goes down very easily for the first 6 m (approx.), Then I use a rope ladder for the remaining 4 m. There is a spring inside the cave which then comes to flow out from a large crack and it continue it course down to the outside. Thankfully, the humidity is not excessive and there's enough space for my stuff.

This is my third refuge.

So so...?...Their language is a little bit similar to mine, my conversations seem to be those of northern Italians trying to communicate with one from the south and in the worse case I can try very hard with gestures.

YES, they think I'm strange, but not for the clothes, because my starter pack was just a wearing a turtleneck sweater, a black trousers and lace-up work boots, a canvas backpack and all the "strange" things is inside it with my camping set and I try to use them as little as possible. The reason of why they found me... unusual is because...you will know...and you probably guessed it.

If I'm scared?? Of course I am, to the point that I become paranoid!! But I prefer call it prudence.

I have a shovel and I know how to use it. Of course It's not my only weapon, I've 2 steel dagger and 1 axe. Plus, I have practiced taekwondo and self defense since I was 6 , but I'm not that confident...

As for the last questions...

I'm a girl and I'm felling very lonely. Okk4iY!??¿! Talking to oneself is NORMAL.

I have spent half a day to write that and draw the cover.

(つω`。) Hope you appreciate that.

NoisyFridgecreators' thoughts