
“RUN, FOREST! RUN!!! “ + First meet

After thinking for a bit I realized that eating the same thing for long is not something that I could

afford to, so the plan is aborted , the researchs can to wait, unlike my survival.


Day 25

Two days ago, a magical beast was noticed to be consumed by that tree, which, according to me, has only the shape of a tree. A too much evolved fungus? Anyway, his victim this time is the same deer I saw last time...WTF.

Plus, from time to time I dream of it and I hearn voices, some of which I could barely understand a few words, while others are alien to me. It's as if that thing tries to communicate with me, invites me to get closer...



After adequate preparation such as stocks of dried meat and vegetables and all packed I started to leave following the course of the steam.

With the speed I have now I can travel 10 km in about 3 hours, the same the speed I would have if I was using my dear bike...

Time passed...around me is getting more and more dangerous, but I decided to keep going, accordingly I speeded up as much as I can.

I have got new wounds after some fights with some beasts, they're mostly superficial.

... Heck... I'm accumulating scars one after another...

After 6 hours, my stamina is at the limit, therefore I climbed a tall tree that resembles a neem tree, here I'm felling safe so I started treating my wounds I also tried to use the leaves and the tree berries, It must not be really safe, I'm betting my life, but if it work mean I hit jackpot.

During the break I removed some twigs full of leaves and use them to cover me, this should make me less eye catching; after 2h I resumed the journey.

Another 4h have passed and I'm seeing what looks like the end of the forests...

I can't really believe I've made it, I feel so lucky that I didn't have encountered any strong monster...

The trees begin to thin out and leave room for the open plains, I can see a town not too far away, surrounded by fields.

I have identified what should be a road, I do not want to look like a wild one out of the forest, I put the processed things in the backpack and tie the cardigan to the hips to hide the upper part of the pants. The shade of my clothing is very sober, with dull colors, a little faded. I used a piece of cloth to hide my head, I do not know if the inhabitants I will find are human, and in fact I had to congratulate my providence.

On the side of the road there is what should be a little boy grazing goats and this 1,56m tall boy have part of the skin is scaly, ears and head covered with feathers instead of hair. Intrigued, he tried to talk to me and noticing that I couldn't understand him, he started to try in another language, it seems that in reality he is not a boy but he is 84 years old, he traveled a lot as a merchant, but traveling is becoming more and more dangerous, so he settled in this little village far from the frontlines .

From what I understand it seems that I speak a very vernacular language of the Beaterram Imperium.

He asked me how the situation on the front is going, but noticing my confusion he asked me where the hell I was until now.

All I could do is pointing at the forest and say is «Forest...survive...forgotten lot of things »

Then he keep staring at me with widen eyes...I left him be and head to the city gate, I need a map…and also a "update"...