
A Nihilists Guide to Optimism(indefinite hiatus)

Sine Helmuth, a popular kid at Izayoi High, Meets a Girl in the pouring rain, and thus a fateful encounter, will the girl help Sine learn how to care again? and will she be able to have someone care for her finally? (updates every 2 days ish if i stay consistent kek)

Sounare · Realistic
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7 Chs

The Story structure going forward

In terms of the story. I want to try and do the main plot points in 170 ish chapters of chapters each, and 10 volumes to boot.

Chapter 1-20 is going to be in the summer break, and is the prologue volume.(Volume 0)

At this point going forward is only going to be a maybe. The first 1-20 chapters are going to be written 100% but the following is only a maybe and a outline of my plans for the novel.


Chapter 21-100(Volume 1-4)

School days. And the school events and character growth

Chapter 101-140(Volume 5-8)

The main climax of the story.

Chapter 141-160(Volume 9)

Continues school days. But with a different tone

Chapter 161-170 (Volume 10)

Graduation and Epilogue.