
A Night with the Stranger

Maya is an orphan, who was living with her aunt. Her aunt sent her to college but she couldn't continue because of a lack of funds, so she needed to get a job to be able to further her studies. So, she got a job at a well-known clubhouse, where she is working with her friend, Mia. Maya and Mia, were working that night and they both went to the restroom to talk about how flirtatious the customers were, Mia advised her friend to tolerate them because they needed the job. After the discussions, they both went back to their duty post but Mia left before Maya. As Maya was going, she felt a hand dragged her into a dark room. She couldn't see the face because everywhere was dark. And the stranger was smelling of alcohol. The stranger forcefully raped her, Maya. Will Maya know who raped?

Salman_Abiodun · Real
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs


Days later, Jayden was piling up his work in his office and at the same time thinking about Maya, he couldn't stop thinking about their closeness that night,

"Stop Jayden! This is not you, why are you thinking about her, she is not worth your time". he grunts hitting his hand on the table.

Maya was cleaning the table at the same time lost in thought, Mia came behind her and tapped her shoulder and she jerked up.

" Are you ok?"Mia asked.

"You scared me".

" What were you thinking?" she asked and Maya sighed.

"Nothing, am fine".

" Are you sure? You know you can't lie to me ".

" Yes, am fine, don't worry about me".

"Okay, if you say so". she said.

During the day, Maya was rushing home, and suddenly, a car parked at her front, and two bodyguards came out and walked up to her, she pushed back looking scared.

" Who are you? what do you want?"She asked.

"We want you to get into the car". 1st guard said.

"Excuse me! ".

" You heard him, come with us or we force you, ".2nd guard said.

"Are you two ok? What right do you have to walk up to me and order me around". she yelled and they grabbed her hand quickly, she struggled with them as they dragged her into the car, and she was surprised to see Jayden beside her in the car." You!".

"yes, me ".

" How dare you, order your men to drag me in here". she said angrily

"Yes I did and you are quite the stubborn type". he said and Maya scoffed.

" What do you want?".

"Why are you refusing to accept the money I offer you?". he asked.

" Seriously, do I look like one of those slut you give money after taking advantage of their innocence?" she questioned and Jayden scoff." if you don't have anything to say, I bare to take my leave". she turned to open the door, but it was locked." can you open your door and let me get out?".

"No, am taking you home". he said and ordered the driver to drive and he obeyed and drove off.

" You can't be serious, do you think I will show you where I live?". she scoffs.

"You don't need to, I know where you live and I know everything about you, Maya Charles". he said emphasizing her name. Maya was surprised and stared at him." Are you surprised?"

"Why are you stalking me? did you have me investigated?" She questioned and Jayden scoffed.

"Of course, I do, do you think I am stupid? I am just conscious to know the strange lady I had a one-night stand with, just to be sure if she is not from the guttersnipe and also having a family curse". he said and Maya got angry, she tightened her fist as she raised her hand to slap him, but he held her quickly." Don't you dare! Because if you do, you never make use of this hand again". He warned frowning at her as he flipped off her hand, they stared hard at each other for a while, and then the car came to a stop at Maya's apartment, and she came down from the car angrily and rushed to her room crying. Jayden sighed and asked the driver to go.

A month later Mia came over to the staff room looking for Maya, then she saw her sleeping on the sofa.

"Why is she sleeping at this time of the day?" She questioned herself and then tapped her on her shoulder, Maya jerked up quickly from her sleep. "Maya, are you ok? why are you sleeping on duty?" she asked, Maya, yawned quietly

"I didn't know when I slept off". she said weakly.

" Are you sure you are ok?". she felt her forehead." your body is running temperature, when did this start?".

"For a week now, have been feeling tired and sleepy lately, and sometimes running body temperature". she explained.

" Then you need to see a doctor ".

" Sure, I will inform my aunt to take me to the hospital".Maya said.

"Ok, you know what, you stay here and relax, I will let the manager know in case he is looking for you". Mia said.

" Ok, thank you".

"Sure, take care of yourself". she walks away and Maya lies back on the sofa.

Jayden was scolding his secretary over the errors she made on their new project.

" Am sorry sir ". she apologizes with her head bowed to the ground.

" You are sorry, if you know you can no longer work here, then resign!" he yelled.

"Am sorry sir, I don't want to lose my job, I will do the readjustment right away". she said, and Jayden threw the document at her.

" I want them back on my desk by tomorrow morning".

"Ok sir," she picked up the document and rushed out. Jayden sighed and rested his head on his hand tiredly.

Later in the evening, the driver drove him to his villa. The Luxury villas were built in stunning locations featuring exclusive amenities. These include gardens, pools, spacious balconies, cinema rooms, gyms, tennis courts, and more. All the rooms in luxury villas have expensive and elegant artwork, appliances, and furniture. The light shines brightly around the house and flowers are planted everywhere and surrounding the building. The chauffeur opens the door of the car for him, he steps down, and all the bodyguards and servants bow to him as he steps into the house and goes straight to his bedroom. His bedroom was magnificent with an oversized master bed, a chic rug, a colorful artwork displayed on the wall, a glamour chandelier, and an exclusive couch, and the bed had a hidden light underneath. He sat down on the couch and started to take off his shoes and shirt, he left for the bathroom to freshen up and later came out putting on his bathrobe, he went to the bed and brought out sleeping pills from his drawer and took two from it before laying down.

The next day, Maya went to the hospital with her aunt, they sat in the lobby waiting for their turn, and soon the doctor came out and called them in.

a few minutes later, they were seated at the doctor's office.

"So, Doctor, what did the results say?" Ms. Lucy said.

"Well, is nothing to worry about ". she said and gave Maya her test results, she opened them and glanced through them." you are three weeks pregnant". she said and Maya and her aunt were stunned, Maya couldn't believe her eyes, her whole body was shaking as her aunt took the result from her.

"Oh my God!, but how?" Ms. Lucy questioned confusedly as she stared at Maya whose face was already bringing out tears.

They arrived home and they sat down on the couch as Maya couldn't stop crying

"How did this happen?" Ms.Lucy asked.

"I made a big mistake". she sobs.

" Stop crying and tell me what happened". she said trying to console her. Maya sniffed and started to explain everything to her. After a moment of explanation, Ms. Lucy was shocked."That's awful, how dare he try to pay you off after what he did to you".

"I can't believe I let my guard down, this is all my fault". she sniffs as she rests her head on Ms. Lucy's laps

" Don't blame yourself, mistakes happen, and is not your fault, you need to let him know about the pregnancy". she said and Maya raised her face to her.

"No aunt, I won't, that man is a beast and pervert, I won't let him come near my child". She said.

" I understand how you are feeling, but he still needs to know and take responsibility for it". she advised and Maya declined.

"Never, I hate him so much, he ruins my life and I won't let him come near my child". she sobs and Ms. Lucy pats her shoulder.

" So, What do we do? I can't let you carry this burden alone, you are still young and full of life, I know you are working hard to save up for your school".

"I know, I will keep this child, once the child is born, I will start my life all over again".

" And I will be here to support you, do you want me to call my daughter so that you can go and spend some time with her and her family until the child is born?". she asked.

"No, aunt, I don't want to be a burden to her and her family, I will stay here with you, am ok here". she said

"Are you sure? What if he finds out?".

" Don't worry Aunt, I will sort it out myself".

"Ok, I will always be here for you is the promise I made to your parents". she said as she hugged her and Maya continued to sob in her arms.