
A Night with the Stranger

Maya is an orphan, who was living with her aunt. Her aunt sent her to college but she couldn't continue because of a lack of funds, so she needed to get a job to be able to further her studies. So, she got a job at a well-known clubhouse, where she is working with her friend, Mia. Maya and Mia, were working that night and they both went to the restroom to talk about how flirtatious the customers were, Mia advised her friend to tolerate them because they needed the job. After the discussions, they both went back to their duty post but Mia left before Maya. As Maya was going, she felt a hand dragged her into a dark room. She couldn't see the face because everywhere was dark. And the stranger was smelling of alcohol. The stranger forcefully raped her, Maya. Will Maya know who raped?

Salman_Abiodun · Real
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs


A few minutes later, she arrived home and was shocked to see her aunt in tears trying to stop some guys from bringing out their stuff. She paid the driver and rushed to her aunt.

"Aunt, what is going on here? Who are these people and why are they bringing out our stuff?". she asked.

"I don't know, they won't talk to me". she said, and soon people started gathering around. Maya rushed to one of them.

" Please excuse me, sir, what is going on here, why are you people throwing out our stuff? Who sent you?". she asked.

"Listen, miss, don't bug me, I am only doing my job, but in case you don't know this property has been sold to another person and he asked to vacate everyone out of this place''. he said and Maya went surprised.

" What? sold? By who?" she asked curiously.

"By Jayden Williams, this property now belongs to him, he sent us ". he said and went inside, Maya went stunned and clenched her fist in anger.

" That bastard!''. she grunts angrily and walks away ignoring her aunty calling.

Jayden was seated on the couch in the VIP lounge and was sipping from his cocktail drink. He smirks, staring at one spot.

Mia was attending to a customer when she saw Maya walk into the club with anger on her face, she tried calling her but she ignored her.

"Why is she here? And why is she looking furious?". she wonders and continues serving the customer.

Jayden was still seated in his position when suddenly the door opened and Maya barged in and he could see the anger on her face.

" You came, I thought you won't come". he said smirking.

"How dare you! What games are you playing? What right do you have to send your boys to rage at our house like that?". she asked angrily.

" What? Seriously! What right do I have over my own

property". he scoffs.

"What do you want? Haven't you done enough damage already".

" Nope, not yet, more damage will come if you refuse to come live with me".

"Never! I will never live with slime like you" she yelled.

"Then watch how the people you love suffer, Your aunt did not only lose her job but now her home too and it is all because of your stubbornness". he said.

" Did you make my aunt get fired from her job?" she asked curiously and Jayden scoffed.

"What do you expect, I also save your sorry ass today from being accused of stealing from your work". he said as gulp his drink and Maya stared surprisedly at him.

" How did you know --" she got interrupted

"I know everything, dummy! I am Jayden Williams and I can make your life miserable with the snap of my finger". he gloats.

" You are one selfish bastard, I hate you so much". she said furiously.

"And I don't care". he laughs." I can get you fired as well and your best friend too, and I will make sure no one ever employs you, people, you don't want that do you?". he questioned and tears crawled out from Maya's eyes. "I can take it all back if you agree to my demand, the ball is in your court". he added as he watched her sobbing quietly, in as much as it hurt him to see her like this, he just has to control his emotions to get what he wants. Maya went mute for a while thinking about her aunt and the pain she is going through all because of her and also Mia, she doesn't want to involve her in her mess. She let out a deep sigh and cleaned up his tears.

" Fine, I will live with you". she said.

"I didn't hear you clearly". he said.

" I said I will live with you". she repeated it and Jayden smirked "But on one condition".

" Which is?".

"Give back my aunt her job, she had lived all her life in that company and the apartment too". she said.

" Sure, that won't be a problem, but I will only do that if you sign this contract ". he said and gave her the paper.

" What's this for?".

"Sign it, is an arrangement that says you are willing to live with me ".

" I didn't want to live with you, you forced and threatened me". she said rudely, and Jayden laughed.

"I don't care, just sign it ".

" you will regret this ". She picks a pen from her bag and signs it on the paper and gives it back to him. " since you have gotten what you wanted, can I leave now".

"Sure, get your things ready by tomorrow, I will send my driver to come pick you up". he said and walked away angrily. She came out and Mia rushed to catch up with her.

" Maya, are you ok? What happened? Why are you here?". she asked curiously.

"Nothing to worry about, I just came to sort out things with your boss". she said.

" Which boss? Mr. Jayden?".Mia asked and she nodded."Why? Did he do something wrong to you?".

" It has been resolved now, I will tell you all about it later, bye". She left and Mia stared after her.

An hour later, she came home and saw everything had been arranged to its normal position and was surprised to also see her aunt, cooking and smiling in the kitchen. "Aunt". she called and her aunt answered and turn to her

" You are back?".

"Yes, how do you manage to arrange this place back to its position?" she asked.

"I didn't, the same guys that were packing them out, brought them back inside and arranged them back to their position". she explained.

" Oh".

"I was surprised to see them bringing the stuff back inside and they even apologized to me before leaving, and one more thing". she moves to her. " I was called back to my work and they even said they will compensate me for the trauma they put me through". she said happily and hugged her.

"Congratulations aunt, I am so happy". she sniffs quietly

Later on, they sat down eating in the dining room.

" Why will you pay that huge sacrifice, that man is dangerous". Ms.Lucy said sadly after Maya told her what happened.

"I have to, that man is willing to go to the extent of ruining our family". She said,

" But, will you be able to cope with him?".

"I will, the only thing that matters now is you got your job back and your apartment".

" But--"

"No, but Aunt, I will be fine ". she said, smiling forcedly at her and they continued eating.

It was Saturday morning and Maya was packing out things inside her luggage with the help of Mia.

" Do you really have to go?". Mia asked sadly and Ms.Lucy entered, staring at them.

"I have to, if I don't he is going to come after you guys". she said.

" But this is unfair, why is he so mean? What if he tries to hurt you?".Mia said.

"I will be fine, I will do everything possible to avoid him".

" Just call us anytime you need our help". Ms. Lucy said and she smiled at them.

An hour later the driver arrived, he came down to help her with her luggage inside the boot, she bid them goodbye and left with the driver with sadness and tears. Along the driveway, the driver was staring at her from the front mirror to see her sobbing quietly.

"Ma, are you ok?". he asked politely and Maya sniffed.

" Yes, I'm fine".she replied.

"But, you don't look like one, you know it is not good for a pretty lady like you to be crying on a day like this". he said trying to cheer her up.

" I will be fine". she cleans up her tears." Can you take me to your boss's office? I want to see him first before going to his apartment. Does he work on Saturday?"

"My boss works every day of his life in his office, he doesn't have a day off". he said and made a U-turn driving to Jayden's company. Soon, they arrived at the building, Maya was amazed by the skyscraper, so she went inside with the driver and was surprised to see a lot of workers occupied with their work and moving to and fro.

" What a heartless man, he even makes his staff work on a free day, so annoying". She scoffs and the driver interrupts her.

"This way ma". he said and they walked away.