
A New World Comes With A New Life~ As A Guy

After being killed by a grenade, Logan finds herself in another persons body that so happens to be the other sex and has to deal with his problem of getting a women pregnant. Wanting to raise the children right, Logan goes to the forbidden forest to creat his/her own land.

someone22 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

I Only Want My Kids -3

He stared at me with unblinking eyes, and I stared right back. He waved his hand- dismissing the meeting and leaned back in his chair. We stay in silence for an hour before he opened his mouth, "What is there to talk about? Get rid of her, she only wants power."

"I never planned on keeping her near my children, I only want my unborn kids, not the girl." We star at each other in silence again.


"Because their my blood and I want to keep them because their mine. I don't have any feelings for the mother what- so- ever."

"and how would you plan on keeping her away from the child- and why do you keep saying kids? How do you know there'll be more than one?"

"A feeling. I was thinking that it wouldn't be so bad if she died at child birth from loss of blood or perhaps if she lost her memory some time after giving birth and brest feeds them." I would not care for a women who might have my children power craving individuals. If they were raised to be like that, then they might kill each other in the future for something. I would not let that happen. If she happens to be a good person and vicious or evil, then I'll think about her raising the kids with me. they'll need a mother and not just a father.

"And you thought of what might happen if this backfires." I nod my head yes , while he strokes his beard, a thoughtful look in his eyes."You have quite a vicious plan. How do you plan on raising them?"

"A way." I'll spoil them rotten and scar them till they piss their pants if their bad- well depending on how bad they are of course, and I'll teach them to look out for each other. Have them make friend with others, perhaps even teach them how to make them a few modern day dresses and make them cake on their birthday, "my way."

"Fine. I will not kill her or... your children- so long as I get to be their grate grandfather." 'Even though you wanted to kill them? Sure I'll let you be their grandfather- when they can kick your ass.'

"Deal." I shake his hand as he calls a servant in to find the maid and my children. The next month, A carriage was brought to my small palace and out walked a girl with a noticeably belly bump despite only being pregnant for a month and a couple weeks. I walked to her and held her hand and help her out of the carriage. "There is a doctor inside, follow me."

"I-is it alright for me to be here? When I heard you might be dead I-" She started to weep clutching my shirt. I patted her back and led her to her room where the doctor was waiting. My head was already starting to hurt as her mouth tested my patience. 'Just cool it down... Use her to temper yourself... She's a women from old times, they always faint when they see blood even if it's ironic.'

"Just lay down on the bed and let the doctor check on your health." She nods her head and watches the doctor. I was interested in seeing what he would do since it's a magic based world. His hand started to glow a soft green light and hovered above her stomach. Surprise flashed across his eyes for a second before he moved his hand above the rest of her body.

"Her health is perfect for a maid and the children are fine. Do you want to know how many there are?" I nod my head and almost faint with the amount, not to mention her, Lisa was face was bleached white and she looked at her stomach in fear. I would to if I were her, she would have to deliver five babies in a row. Feeling glad I was not in her shoes a with bright smile on my face. 'Perhaps I won't have to punish her after all, five in one go... that's gonna hurt.'

"Thank you," I hand him a five dozen silver coins and turn to Lisa, "You'll be staying here from now on, do you have any family?" She shakes her head no with almost empty, lonely eyes, reminding me of my siblings- but I'm not sad I can never see them again, I know that they'll be fine so long as their allowed to grow, while she must've lost hers.

"Alright, I have to go do something, call the maids whenever you need something. They can keep you company." She smiles and a few maids flock around her as I left. I made hand motions to one of my guard to keep an eye on Lisa and call a carriage. "Take me to my grandfather." The horse whip cracks and the carriage surges forward.


"You want land?" My grandfather asked setting down his tea cup with furrowed brows, "for free?"

"Yes , that is what I had said. Unless you didn't understand, I could repeat it for you." This old man was annoying me . He wants to meet Lisa , but I don't want him where he can harm my children. I would be busy for a while , trying to recreate my technology here. If I can do that then I'll be able to gain power and even make a little town of my own like from my world.

"Well... there is the forbidden forest ten kilometers West from here. You could acquire the territory in the forest through the old means- taking it by force and building your own residence there." That is perfect. I thought it would've been someone else's and if I just started to build something there, they would or could try to claim it as their own. It's a good thing I'll have children soon. they could learn how to mange it for me, that way it would be less work for me.

"And no one owns it?"


"Good. Also, once I'm done with everything I'll take you to see Lisa." He smiled and said nothing as I left to go check on Lisa. It has been a few hours and I have to make sure my children are going to be fine. I sigh thinking that this is almost like a rich person buying someone to carry their children- only Logan did the deed before I came here.

"Miss Lisa, please. You need to eat it. It's good for you and the babies."

"No! You eat that garbage! Good for me and my kids my ass!" I silently walked into the dinning room where Lisa and a few of the maids were trying to make her eat some food. I stood by the side and watched what would happen quietly.

"Come on Lisa, don't act all high and mighty in front of us just because your caring Master Logan's children. I bet they'll be ugly just like you. Poor master, he has to take care of you and almost died doing so, now just take the food and eat it before I force you to!" A maid with short raven black hair glared at Lisa who was sitting in the chair with her arms crossed like a child. Little Tina used to do that when she was younger. Every time I fed her greens, I had to bribe her.

"You eat it first!" The short haired maid stared at Lisa for a moment before turning to the others.

"Master should be back in a few minutes. Greta, slap me. We can make the master think it was her because of the trick she did to bed him." The one named Greta slapped her hard, obviously this wasn't the first time she's done something like this.

"Your going to far! you know I only gave him the medicine you said would stop his headache. Your just mad your plans got foiled because I was with him when the pills started to take effect!" The new turn of events made my eyebrow quirk. 'Who knew it was only a mistake, it's almost identical to the books where a woman becomes a mistress of a top family. I guess I won't kill her, I'll just think of something else. I walk back out the room, then in like I just got back.

"What is going on in here?" My hands were behind my back as I stared at the women. If I wasn't there to watch the whole thing, I might've believed the wrong person.

"M-master! She wont eat the food prepared for her. she says it's not good enough for it and she doesn't care about your children that shes caring." I take back what I said earlier, her acting is totally out of wack. It would've been just fine if she had just kept her head down and acted timid and afraid. Who in their right mind would believe this acting. She wouldn't even make it to an F-rank actor.

I sigh and look at the food that looked like green shit and almost barfed. Not even a parasite would eat that. I grab the maids hand and pull out a chair for her to sit in. "what is your name?" A blush covered her face as she looked away shyly, but it did nothing to hide the scorn as she looked at Lisa.

"Alisha... My name is Alisha." I give her my most dazzling smile and tell her to close her eyes and open her. She does so with slightly parted lips. My smile is still charming, but the other maids subconsciously back away. I pick up the green shit soup and grab her chin and make her chug it all. "Mpgh!?"

"Drink it all down. It's very good for you, perhaps it can teach you some manners." Her big brown eyes watered like she was wronged. "If you think those acting skills could fool me , you'er dead wrong. I also heard everything you said. This isn't even a warm up. Lock her up in the red room." I yell to a guard. It was embarrassing to say red room since the previous Logan was a little... Uh... outgoing? I motion for Lisa to follow me and we walk to the kitchen. I list a number of ingredients for the kitchen staff to get me and start making food.

I place the food in front of her and sit down watching her. She kept squirming and peeking at me then at the food and back to me. I sigh and motion for her to eat. I needed to build a new town that's like my modern day home, but there's a limit to maker magic. Although you can basically make anything you want, you'll need the materials to combine them. The more you use your powers, the stronger they get. So if I spend most of my time creating the simple things I would be able to build bigger things without collecting the materials first.

Though there's the monsters and beasts that reside in there so I would have to build a wall until there's enough people to help protect it. It would do me good to find a leveled field, that way I wouldn't have to bother about it. Lisa finished her food fast so I gave her another serving while thinking of what I should do when an ideal hit me. A smile made it's way onto my face just thinking about it.