
A New Type of Miserable

A large strike on American soil changes the lives of all who survived. With all the survivors hiding in secret bunkers across the country, soldiers roam the land. No one wants to live in America. The toxins in the air, the debris left over, crumpled buildings, and low food supply, only the forced soldiers and the hidden can live there. Winter looks back on her life before this mysterious disaster while trying to look to her future with a stranger she encounters. The difference from who she was two years ago and who she is now is uncanny.

Olivia_Ware · Real
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3 Chs

Take it or Leave it

The buildings give off a rustic and eerie look as the soldiers march by. Most of the towers have fallen except a few that are only half standing. Dust still reigns the sky even after two years. No one really comes to America, only the soldiers forced to by their government. Rumors of the event that took out almost every American citizen are just that, rumors.

Winter takes a deep breath, but realizes her mistake as she holds back the cough in her throat from the debris. She stays hidden with her back to the wall of the alley as the soldiers march by. She can tell that these are British by the way they carry themselves. After two years of hiding, she picked up a thing or two. Winter sighs once the last soldier passes by her little alleyway, and she peeks around the corner.

Just as she about to stick her head out, a hand grabs onto her wrist. She starts to panic. Her breathing is out of control, and her heart thumps so loud that she can hear it through her chest. After a second, she closes her eyes to gain control of her body and turns around. She kicks her leg under his, and he falls on his stomach. She holds onto his wrist and twists it in a way to make sure he can't get up. Then, Winter puts her foot on his back.

"Who are you?" Winter demands.

"The person that just saved you," the cocky man replied.

"Sure," she doubts him and wonders why he thinks that, "I can take care of myself without your grubby hands on my wrist"

"I can see that," he remarks, "if I hadn't held you back then you would have blown our hiding space"

"Our? You mean MY alley" she hisses.

"Just cause you didn't see me, doesn't mean I wasn't there. There was a soldier who dropped something in the street a couple of feet away from us. If I wasn't here, he would have seen you leave."

Winter hates to admit she is wrong, so she huffs and releases his arm. He stands up and reaches out his hand for a handshake.

"I am William Louis Lynette. And who might you be?"

"That's for me to know and... you to wonder," she ignores his arm stretched out. Winter checks around the corner to find the street empty. She lets out a breath that she didn't know she held and slowly takes a step out and into the open.

"You sure do have the independent women fit to a t," he chuckles. Winter ignores his comment. She hadn't always been like this. She used to care about everything. She was a perfectionist. She always relied on everyone to help her. Two years with no friends does that to a person. She secretly wanted to be friends with this mysterious stranger, but she didn't need or want help. People only have gotten in her way and used her. She begins to walk across the road, "hey! Where are we going?"

"We? Nowhere," she snarks.

"Okay, but if you are looking for some food, I know a place"

"I am perfectly fine without your help"

"Really? Because to the looks of it, it doesn't seem like you have eaten in weeks?"

She glares at him offended. He smirks, "finally got your attention, huh?"

She shakes her head with anger, but unsuccessfully hides her smile, "fine. Where is it?"

She stops and puts a hand on her hip while impatiently waiting for him to answer.

"Oh. Now you want my help?" He crosses his arms. He patiently waits for her response. After a minute and she still couldn't bring herself to ask for his help, he starts to walk away.

"Where are you going!" She yells over to him. When she realizes that he won't stop until she gave up some of her pride, she finally sighs, "Okay. Yes."

He stops in his tracks, "Yes, what?"

She rolls her eyes, "that's the best you're going to get. Take it or leave it."