
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
41 Chs

Walpurgis Begins

Inside the Venue:

In a space separate from that of the cardinal world. There were 8 people sitting at a roundtable.

Those nine people were some of the strongest beings in this world.

A Dragonoid

A Fairy

A Giant

A Vampire

A Fallen Angel

A Harpy

A Demonoid

And a Deathman

As it stands there are two members missing from this meeting. The presumed dead demon lord Carrion and the strongest member of the Ten Great Demon Lords.

Demon Lord Guy Crimson

And it was his presence who they were waiting on for this meeting to begin.

"Ugh! What is taking Guy so long." Said the giant named Dagruel as he was growing impatient.

"I don't mind. As long as I get my sleep, he can take as long as he wants. *yawn*" Said a sleepy grey haired man. This was the fallen angel known as Dino.

"Of course you would be glad about this, lazy man." Said a very small individual known as Ramiris.

"Why are you so happy? Aren't you in the dark about this same as us?" Asked the busty Harpy queen known as Frey.

"Of cou- I mean n-no not at a-all." Ramiris panicked as she responded to Freys question.

Everyone became curious as to what Ramiris was gonna say, well everyone except Dino who was already on the verge of being unconscious.

'Hmph! Today I will cement my place in the demon lords as well as getting rid of that nuisance. That will be a simple matter.' Thought the scummy man known as Clayman

Just a Dagruel was about to prod Ramiris further, the gate opened, signifying someone was about to enter.

A few seconds later three figures came into view. As they were getting closer, they could fully see the both of them.

Two beings who reigned even stronger than most if not all of the demon lords. Two beings who possessed more power than most True Dragons. Alongside another one who reigned at the top.

They were Guy Crimson and Rimuru Tempest.

Along with the Storm Dragon Veldora.

As everyone was wondering what took Guy so long. Another thought plagued their minds.

'Who are they?'

Everyone was curious as to who these two individuals were. They tried to analyze the blue haired man and found out one thing.

He was weak.

The amount of Haki he was releasing was far inferior to them. From that they could expect he was just as strong if not a bit stronger than a Demon Lord Seed.

But from the fact that he entered with their strongest member must mean that they are in the dark about something more.

And so Guy took his seat in between Milim and Ramiris. While Rimuru took his seat that was open for him. They paid no mind to the tan skinned man because he was already on a couch reading something.

Clayman noticed that the fool he was trying to kill was attending and as such gotten further irritated. But his smile never left his face. That is because Rimuru walked straight into the lions den. Completely certain he would not leave this place alive. Clayman then stood up to begin the meeting.

"Firstly, I would like to thank everyone for attending this Walpurgis. Then without further a-"

"Wait! Some people have yet to arrive." Guy Crimson interrupted.

Everyone other than Dino who paid it no mind, looked around to figure out who wasn't here. Who exactly were they waiting for.

After a few minutes, the door opened up once more. They could see a multitude of people entering.

Four to be exact.

As they got closer, they noticed that all of them were women. Two adult women and two children who were eating cookies. The Demon Lords tried to analyze them. But it was blocked. This phenomena could mean only two things.

These individuals were just as strong as them or stronger than them. The mere presence of the two women made some of their hairs stand on end.

Meanwhile a servant to the Vampire Demon Lord, Roy Valentine, had noticed a similarity from the tan man that entered earlier. It was a similarly that she hated. She now knew that this was that damned storm dragon. That feeling was similar in both white haired, blue eyed women who has just entered.

But the one with a ponytail rather than twin-tails particularly caught her interest.

'Hoh, such a beautiful existence. I might have to make her mine.' Such thoughts came to the female vampires mind. A very lustful person indeed, that was confirmed as she licked her lips to such thoughts.

As she kept observing her, she noticed the woman along with the children head over to the unknown blue haired man. The white haired beauty whispered something in his ear before dropping a kiss onto his cheek.

The little girls followed after the woman and did the same to the man.

The Vampire was now a bit mad as she noticed the one she planned to take for herself was interested in this person.

'Guess he will have to begone in order for me to take her for myself. He is weak anyways, it would be easy.'

The woman spawned a couch out of nowhere for the four if them to sit on. With that taken care of, Guy motioned for Clayman to resume.

"I will begin by introducing the parties involved." Said Rain.

"Demon, The Lord of Darkness: Guy Crimson-sama

Pixie, The Labyrinth: Ramiris-sama

Dragonoid, The Destroyer: Milim Nava-sama

Giant, The Earthquake: Dagruel-sama

Vampire, The Bloody Lord: Roy Valentine-sama

Fallen, The Sleeping Ruler: Dino-sama

Harpy, The Sky Queen: Frey-sama

Deathman, The Marionette Master: Clayman-sama

Demonoid, The Platinum Saber: Leon Cromwell-sama

Lastly our guest

Slime, Ruler of the Jura-Tempest Federation Rimuru Tempest-sama.

This concludes the participants."

That last name intrigued the members of the demon lords. They remember hearing from the voice of the world that someone named Rimuru had evolved into a demon lord. And they could not be more disappointed.

This is the newest awakened demon lord before them and he is as weak as a demon lord seed.

"Well then without further ado, I would like to begin this Walpurgis."

Rimuru POV:

Upon walking into Walpurgis, I noticed that all eyes were on me. It was easy to tell that they were trying to analyze me. So I released my only a bit of my Haki so they can work with that and remain curious as to why I am here.

A few minutes after taking my seat, Velzard and my girls walked in. Ciel approached me and whispered.

"Make him regret what he has done." She whispered. But for some reason she proceeded to give me a kiss on my cheek before Shinsha and Shalsha did the same. Then they walked away, Ciel on the other hand had one hell of a blush. They lastly took their seats on a couch Ciel spawned.

I surely noticed one thing. She is getting more and more bold I guess. Although I shouldn't say that since we are husband and wife.

With them taking their seats the meeting finally began.

"Well then without further ado, I would like to begin this Walpurgis."

Guy said he gave Clayman control of Walpurgis, meaning this bastard has got to be Clayman.

20 minutes later:

The meeting has been going on for about twenty minutes and he is still spewing nonsense.

Mostly about how demon lord carrion and I planned to make me a demon lord but since the spots were filled we plotted to kill him so I can take his place.

"Such self serving behavior violates the pact between demon lords." He continued spewing as he looked in my direction. I simply grinned at his antics. I'm glad I did because it seemed to irritate him.

Then he said the reason Carrion was not here was because Milim killed him. Because once she heard about this plan, she became enraged and killed Carrion for this plot.

Adding on to that. I supposedly killed his subordinate Myulan. But I guess that isn't far off, I mean you could say I did kill her but that was to save her.

"And that is why I believe it is necessary for us to purge him. He is a mockery of what we demon lords stand for. This concludes my proof and reasoning to destroy him." Clayman said as he took his seat while looking at me in disgust.

"Now we will he-" Rain was about to give way to the next speaker but out of nowhere Guy stopped her.

"First thing first, Rimuru. Do you mind releasing your aura?" Ugh! This demon always asks so much.

"Sure thing." I stood up and began to release the aura of what I was presenting to these demon lords.

"Thats not what I said." Guy looked directly into my eyes.

"All of it." He want me to do that. I guess I have no choice but to oblige. Wouldn't want these people thinking i'm weak for that long.

So I released it all.

No restraint on it whatsoever. The only thing keeping them even conscious is Guy and Ciel. They both put barriers around everyone that could not handle it. Even then some people were about to fall unconscious. May as well add on before ending this.

"Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am the Fifth True Dragon of this world. I shall go by the Void Dragon Rimuru."


Luminous Valentine

"I cannot believe he was hiding this much power! He is even stronger than that lizard over there! Damnit" Thought the Vampiric maid.


"What the hell is this power?! Aside from Veldanava, this is the strongest unrestrained aura, I have ever felt! Just where the hell did this guy come from?!"


"Hahaha! This guy is amazing! It will be fun to fight him after another spar with Veldora over there. He is a True Dragon as well, his birth surely is interesting."


"Just where the hell did this monster come from?! This aura is strong enough to put me on my knees at worst make me pass out! I almost pity clayman for going against this beast."


Milim said he was strong and now I understand why! Who would have thought he was hiding this much strength? Sorry Clayman, but this is your end.


What is this power?! I can barely move! This pressure is suffocating and unbearable! He is just a measly slime, how is he a True Dragon?! No matter, I still have Milim she can combat this power.


Rimuru?! How did he get this much stronger?! It's interesting, very interesting! I'm glad I pretended to be controlled by him, now I can fight this much stronger Rimuru! He said he was a True Dragon now, so does that mean he's my uncle now?"

Reactions over:

"Yeah! Papas the strongest!"

"No one can beat papa as he is!"

I heard some comments of excitement and praise coming from behind me. Of course they came from Shinsha and Shalsha.

'Hm, both of you should praise your amazing father more.' I thought with a smug smile across my face. I almost forgot my Haki is still in effect, time to shut that down.

"As you can see, he is not the weakling you picked him out to be. The other topic we are here for is I nominated for Rimuru here to join us. I was also backed for this idea by Milim and Ramiris." Guy stood up and spoke to my defense.

"I believe the power he has showed off proves he is worthy to join us. But it appears Clayman is still against it. So, Rimuru if you can beat Clayman, I will permit you to join the Demon Lords."

"Sounds simple enough. I had no reason to defend myself here. I already know of all your schemes and I was merely here to kill you and destroy your army. So come on and face me Clayman." I antagonized him further and it seemed to work.

"Well then, it seems all my schemes truly have led to my downfall. But I still have a few cards up my sleeve. Your up Milim."

All of the demon lords looked to Milim as she raised from her seat. Seemingly obeying the bastards orders.

"Your having Milim fight for you? You truly are a weakling."

"You bite your tongue! I will be fighting as well. You have no idea you wont be leaving this place."

"Your saying that to the wrong person. Ciel you mind assisting me by taking care of him." I called out to her.

"Of course darling. Shinsha, Shalsha be good with aunt Velzard ok?"

""Ok mama!""

Ciel is now by my side. I could handle Clayman and Milim along with whatever else he threw at me on my own. But Ciel wanted to work out some of her own anger towards Clayman.

Next thing I knew Clayman had three magic beasts by his side along with a golem.

{Darling, It appears that the fox beast is being controlled as well.}

'Please break it.'

Ciel snapped her fingers and two of magic beasts disappeared, forming back into the foxes tails. The curse on her was broken.

"Give her to Ranga."

"Okay, darling." Shes really giddy for some reason. I'll figure that out later.

"You bastard! Milim kill that impudent slime!"

As soon as the battle looked like it was about to take off, Guy formed a barrier around us to keep it contained.

'I'll practice my own analyzation abilities on my own this time.' As I was thinking this, Milim charged at me at a speed I'm sure the others could not see.

She threw a punch at my face, it was easy to dodge but the punch itself created a shockwave so powerful it cracked Guys barrier.

I activated [Demon King Physique] and retaliated by punching her in the stomach, sending her into the barrier causing another crack. I then opened a [Thought Communication] with her.

R:(Milim, I know your faking.)

M:(You knew!)

R:(Of course, don't underestimate your bestie.)

M:(Hmfp! Answer me this, how did you become a True Dragon?!)

R:(Ill explain later. For now can we end this fight?)

M:(No! Lets keep fighting. I haven't been able to fight this new you.)

R:(Ugh! Fine. Your lucky I have been wanting to fight someone.)

I cut the communication with her and continued the fight.

Milim flew back at me now in her combat form but without her sword. She enhanced herself with that unknown energy Ciel told me about. Enhancing her strength, speed everything.

Luckily for me I have my [Demon King Physique]. Along with that [Turn Null] energy I have.

{Rimuru, Milim has started using the skill to generate that source of energy. I will begin analyzing it to implement it to yourself.}

'Thank you.'

"Lets begin this Milim."

"Of course bestie!" She responded, not even hiding the fact that she was supposed to be controlled.

And so we began our glorious fight.

Both of us constantly being enhanced by our respective energy sources powered both of us up beyond belief. Punch after punch created shockwaves resulting in more cracks in the barrier.


A massive beam of this condensed energy was headed for me, so I decided to match it.

"[Void Nova]!"

A beam of pink and blue light clashed with a beam of purple and black. The destruction would have been massive if Ciel wasn't helping with the barrier. She even cut off our fight from hers so nothing happened to Clayman.

Even with Ciels help, cracks were still appearing in the barrier due to the massive pressure.

Our beams kept going against one another. With our power continuously rising they constantly fought for supremacy over the other. There was no ground being made, I couldn't push her back and vice-versa.

Even though on the inside, I could here such ridiculous comments.

"Is this how a fight between demon lords suppose to look?!" Said the vampire maid

"You got this papa!" Shinsha

"Beat him up mama!" Shalsha

"Win this bout brother and I shall fight you!" Veldora

"This damage is absurd! Just where did he come from?!" Dino

Those were only a few.

As I wasn't paying attention, I forgot about the beams and it was about to come into contact with me.

"[Null Barrier]" This barrier was created by me with the Turn Null energy. Since that energy is basically the primordial energy of destruction, I made an absolute barrier out of it that destroys all attacks on contact. At least I believe all attacks.

As I somewhat celebrated this, Milim sped off in my direction and threw a punch headed for my face. On contact I remembered this was the same skill she used to win our last match.

"That won't work on the new me, Milim!" I said while simultaneously kicking her to the ground. I followed up with a kick on the way down. But she countered with a kick of her own.

The result was devastating.

The entire barrier shattered. Including Ciels which separated the fights. The demon lords aside from Guy were blown out of their seats. Veldora, Velzard, Shinsha and Shalsha were all safe due to their Veldora and Velzards barriers.

The shockwaves left multiple people unconscious. Even that supposed demon lord Roy. But his maid was still conscious. I think that says a lot about their real roles.

"Hahahaha! This is the best fight I've had in years! Thank you bestie!" Milim shouted in pure excitement and happiness.

"No problem. Your making this very difficult." I responded.

The barrier went back up again thanks to Ciel.

"Lets resume, shall we."

"I would love to bestie."

Our exciting fight resumed. This time with our swords in hand. She is a ancient demon lord after all, so I expect her sword to be the highest grade... 'mythical'. Due to my overwhelming Haki that is always suppressed into my [Imaginary Space] where my sword is stored it too has raised to the mythical class.

Milim Nava Ep: 121,265,403 and rising

Rimuru Tempest Ep: 168,543,853

Our magic count is consistently rising. Hers shows no short of stopping I on the other hand cant keep using this [Turn Null] as it is limited, so time to stop using it.

I enhanced my sword using my ultimate skill [Anos] while Milim used her energy.

'Time to see which is stronger.'

We sped off towards each other, with swords that could take the spot for strongest weapons in this world. In only a few seconds our strikes clashed thousands no... millions of times. The average demon lord could not perceive our battle at this speed.

Once we stopped and separated my clothes had multiple slashes and tears in them. While Milim had a few injuries on her skin. But she didn't mind them.

"Alright Milim, I think it's time we end this."

"Aww! I wish we could fight more, but I guess your right."

Our next strike will end this once and for all.

I made the decision to charge up with some more Null energy. And Milim did the same as I. Both coating our fists with our energy.

""Here I come!"" We said simultaneously as we rushed at the other.

"[Spirit Breaker]!" Milim

"[Soul Punisher]!" Rimuru

(A/N:Heh, see what I did there. Different function though.)

Our fists collided causing a wave of energy to escape the clash. Ciel kept the barrier intact but even she was having trouble. If this wave escaped almost everyone would die due to the nature of each energy source.

These waves would not stop until someone won the clash so I put more power into it. Sending Milim into the barrier with greater injuries as well as ending this fight. From the impact the barrier shattered, and Milim hit the outer wall which Ciel was also reinforcing.

As the dust cleared I saw Milim in the midst of it all. She was unable to continue this fight. I saw she was barely able to move so I moved next to her and began to heal her.

I took a look around the room to gauge everyones reactions. The looks on their faces were priceless. Nearly everyone had their jaws dropped, surprised at our display of power.

As I was healing Milim, Shinsha and Shalsha ran up to me to give me a big hug. Of course I hugged them back.

"Daddy did amazing!" Shalsha

"Will Daddy teach us how to fight like you?" Shinsha asked me with such big expectation in her eyes. I just cannot say no in the face of such cuteness.

"Of course I will teach the both of you." I said causing them to smile even wider. I might go blind from such bright smiles. Ciel then approached us, with a severely beat up Clayman. The weirdest part was he was in a different form. It looked like he had six arms but those were missing.

I looked towards my wife and she had a bright smile with her eyes closed.

'Just what did she do to him? But whatever it is Clayman after all. I bet he deserved it. But there is one thing I forgot to do before all of this started.'

"Yo Carrion! You don't need to hide anymore." I called out to a lion beastman or harpy behind Demon Lord Frey. I am surprised he was still standing to be honest. But I guess Ciel really was helping keep most of them conscious.

"You knew I was here? Well with that much power I guess you saw me the moment you entered." Carrion responded while taking off the mask.

"Were you entertained?" I asked Carrion.

"Your kidding me? Entertaining? That was almost terrifying! I could not even follow your movements! I could not even fight Milim in that state!"

"Well my strength mostly came from my wife to be honest." I said

"Aww! How sweet!" Ciel said as she came up and hugged me as well as giving me another kiss on the cheek. Seriously, is something wrong with her today?

"Your wife? Does getting married truly do that to people?" Carrion asked.

"I don't know. Probably." I responded having no clue if the power of love truly exists. But my power is here because of her. That part is the truth.

"What an entertaining fight that was. Thanks for providing me with entertainment. Perhaps we can spar later Rimuru." Guy said as he walked over to me while applauding.

"Well thats my brother for ya! Kuhahaha!" Veldora came from nowhere and slapped my back repeatedly.

"Ara, does my first brother need more of his education?" A chilly voice rang out. It was Velzard of course. Veldora instantly back back up to his couch and resumed reading his manga like he didn't hear anything.

"Wahahaha! Thank you for such an amazing fight Rimuru!" And like that Milim was back on her feet. As if nothing had just transpired.

"Hey Milim. I have a question for you." Carrion asked

"Sure thing! Ask away!"

"You were not being controlled by Clayman. So that means you almost killed me yourself." Milim seemed to catch on instantly. I give her that, she knows how to sense danger.

"W-Well y-you see-"

"No no thats fine, it just means I'm weak. But that also mean you destroyed Eurazania of your own free will." Carrion was on the verge of busting a vessel.

"Hmm. Well it was all just passionate acting! The one you should really be blaming for this is Clayman not me!"

"I can't deny that. But still it was such a beautiful capital." Carrion now looked to be on the verge of tears.

"Now now, don't worry about that. While my people were out fighting his forces, I ordered them to take those who surrendered as a work force. We also ended up taking all his valuables." I said all while wearing a devious smile.

"Rimuru no Rimuru-sama, I swear that we the animal kingdom will assist you as a permanent ally!" While raising his hand for a handshake. Of course I reciprocated it.

"Wahahaha! You should thank me for this Carrion!" Milim butted in.

"You really should think about what you've done."

"I will not fall just yet!" Another voice rang out. It was Clayman. He looked dead so I just took him for such.

"Get back." I said. Everyone backed away to a safe distance. Not like most of them couldn't handle him as he is now.

His arms reappeared with a purple glow. It seems he somewhat evolved into a awakened demon lord. Still not enough.

"You all shall face my retribution!" He seems to think very highly of his newly acquired power. Time to break that confidence. I slowly walked towards him, ready to humiliate him once more.

"Oi, Clayman. I want to give you one last chance to tell me who gave you orders."

"Your insolence knows no end!" Well I warned him.

{The analysis of Milims skill had completed earlier. I already have the information to replicate it through [Harvest Lord Shub-Niggurath]}

(A/N:I believe I forgot to inform Rimuru about it in the previous chapter. So I will go back later to add it. So lets just say he knows about it here.)

'Well lets replicate it later.'

He fired a big energy ball at me but it got completely destroyed via [Eyes of Destruction].


"Don't say I didn't warn you." I snapped my fingers ensnaring both of us in a barrier.

"I'll admit you truly are powerful. But taste my ultimate attack. [Demon Blaster]!" What is this guy an idiot? Did he not see the fight between Milim and I. He's fucking delusional.

Well anyways, a giant dragon formed from his energy and began to attack me. Once again futile in front of [Eyes of Destruction].

He dropped back down to my level. For some reason surprised that his attack was canceled.

"How did you stop my supreme attack?!"

"I told you Clayman, I gave you another chance your death will not be so painless."

"Hahaha! You think you can kill me?! No matter how many times you try I will always come back! You will live in constant fea-"

One punch was all it took to shit him up for now. So that he would not die from this one punch, I put up a barrier to protect him from physical attacks but in a weaker state. [Thought Acceleration] helped punish him to. With how it is now he went through years of unimaginable pain.

To make it worse for him, I slowly tore his legs from his body. The pain he went through was definitely far worse than that of my punches. He let out screams of pain and horror as I performed this process.

"Clayman tell me who gave you orders."

"I-I will never betray t-them." Still so damn persistent. So what do I do? I healed his legs again. And repeated the process multiple times. Again and again he went through the process of having legs torn from his body. I even went as far to heal his arms and do the same.

"Ready to tell me Clayman?"

"Alright, I-I'll tell you. M-My master i-is G-Grandmaster Y-Yukki Kagurazaka."

"Thats more like it. But after all I already know about Yukki, Tear, Laplace and what was that fat one? Oh, Footman." This information broke Clayman. He sold out the people he consider his family. All for what? Nothing thats what. He could only despair at what he has done. The people he cares for the most will be on Rimurus hit list.

"Well then, goodbye Clayman." I raised my hand in front of his broken, tearful face before uttering a single word.


In a instant, Clayman was ensnared in a vortex of inescapable darkness. In his last moments, all he could do was pray for the safety of his family.

And as such, Clayman has died.

I shut down the barrier. And exited towards my girls. I wonder if they will look at me differently after seeing what I did. But that was washed away quickly as soon as they rushed me once more with hugs.

'Ciel, did you do anything?'

{I cast an Illusion via a spell that is on par with Ultimate Skills. I did it so the girls would not see what truly happened but rather something different. Only those with Ultimate Skills could see past it. Guy Crimson tried to copy your skill, but I prevented him from doing such.}

'Always doing things so perfectly.'

{Of course, darling.}

"Splendid show Rimuru. Now I am sure that nobody has any objections to Rimuru joining." Both of us observed everyone else's reactions but they seemed to be neutral. Indifferent about my joining.

'I guess the meeting will have to officially come to a close soon.'