
A New Sun (Highschool DxD Shinto Demigod SI-OC)

"I woke up. Sick, with no memories, barely even able to stand up. But hey? At least the view was good!" Welcome, WebNovel-goers, to my Fanfic "A New Sun"! Check out "A New Sun" on Questionable Questing or Fanfiction.net, the original sites this work was posted on. Specifically QQ if you wanna see extra stuff like the pic used as the cover. Also, I've got early chapters up on my Patreon (3 early chapters, in fact). Check that out here; https://patreon.com/Karmatic Updates regularly every Thursday.

Karmic_Wizard · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
72 Chs

Chapter 6

The ending of last night kind of sucked, not going to lie.

Which is why I prefer this morning, so much more.

"UGHH!" My crumbled body slams into the top of my new dojo, and sticks there for a second, before slowly falling back down and hitting the ground with an echoing thump.

Even if it involves me being trashed in a fight with the cat girl I just fucked silly yesterday.

"Nyaaa~..." Kuroka yawned and stretched, before walking over to poke my prone form, "Eh? Nori-kun~? You still alive? It's only been a few minutes! I thought you said you wanted to test your new sword, nya?"

I slowly look up at her.

"I lied," I revealed, unsurprisingly, she didn't seem phased by that, "I just wanted to get beat up because last night after sex sucked."

"Ho?" she plops down right in front of me, "I knew that first bit, although…not the why," she pauses for a beat, "What happened, nya?"

I roll onto my back, and groan, "Just…stuff about my dad." I grumble out, and at Kuroka's head tilt, I continue, "He died before I was born, of course, I just found out why. A bunch of Devils and Fallen ambushed him, it made my mom forbid Uzume from ever talking about him, for some reason? Grief, maybe."

I huff, holding the charcoal-black Odachi up in front of me.

"This sword was his, Uzume gave it to me last night. And I just…" I trailed off.

"Don't know where to start?" Kuroka offered, and I turned my eyes back to her. "About the Fallen and Devils? I mean, they did kill your dad…"

"That's the thing, though?" I chuckle, softly. "I don't particularly feel anything regarding them. Not anger, not sadness."

I shake my head, "Mom already killed his killers, and I'm not gonna go blame an entire race for the actions of a few." I reach up, and pat her head in reassurance a few times, getting happy mewls from her as I do.

Who the hell am I? Akeno? Snnnrrk! Right.

"It's like," I huff, sitting up and turning to face her, "I never knew my dad. Never met him. Never held any attachment to him. I always knew he was dead, so when I heard how he died…" I pat my chest, and sigh, "Nothing. Not even a damn tear."

Kuroka's eyes widened, slightly, "Really, nya? That's…"

I snort. "I know right? A tad heartless?"

Kuroka shook her head, "No no! I doubt you're heartless, you feel bad about not feeling bad, right?"

I nod, "Well, yeah?"

Kuroka nods right back, looking far too pleased with herself, "Then you aren't heartless, nya~!

I stare at her, blankly.

Cats. Almost forgot.

"I'm fairly certain it's more nuanced than that, though?" I replied unsurely.

It can't be that simple, right? Am I overthinking things because I've got too much shit to do right now?

Kuroka seems to think so, seeing as she's nodding rapidly.

"You know what I think, Nori-kun~?" she jumps on me, all of a sudden, wrapping me up in a nice big hug. "You saw Uzume-san crying, heard about how your mother reacted to his death, and feel like you should have some sort of reaction, but you don't, because you're right, you know?"

She puts her forehead right against my forehead, "You didn't know him. Why would you act like you did, feel like you did, otherwise?"

I blink at that.

That…actually makes some sense? Holy shit.

"Where the hell is the bimbo kitty I fucked into the mattress last night?" I mutter in shock.

"Nya~!?" she yelps, nearly jumping back, but I hold her close. "Why do you say that, nya~!?"

I chuckle, mirthfully, "No particular reason~..." and then I go up, and kiss her, straight on the lips.

The way she froze before slowly melting into it was precious.

It's funny. We fucked like wild animals last night, but haven't actually kissed until right now.

That was intentional, on my part.

I wanted to save the kisses for intimate moments, like this one!

I place my sword gently on the ground before my hands slowly go around to and down her lower back, and at about the point I reach her waistline, she perks up and pulls back slightly.

"Maah~..." she breathes out hotly, "Careful, nya~! You better watch those hands~! I'm still sore!"

I deadpanned at her, hard.

"Sore. Yet you still kicked my ass with ease."

"Well! You are pretty weak, nya~!" She says matter of factly.

Okay. Ouch. Damn Gojo, where's your blindfold? And rest of your fucking clothes while you're at it!?

"Then why the hell are you wearing that!?" I exclaim, waving to her lack of clothes.

Could you even call a frilly lilac top that barely covers the top of her tits and a damn thing clothes?

Seriously, she might actually look less sexy naked now. I didn't even know she had underwear? When did she get those!?

The fucking cat smiled, "Fashion! Nya~!" she said wistfully with a wink.

You little shit.

"Fine…" I grumble, "you can fashion, you little~" I cut myself off, by capturing her lips with my own once again, drawing a cute surprised giggle from her before I eventually pull back, and huff.

A beat passes in blissful silence.

And then I ruin it.

"I still feel bad." I suddenly said.

Kuroka looks at me, sighs, and playful smacks my chest, "Stubborn. Man." twice, one for each word.

I chuckle weakly, "I know, my bad, I can't help it?" I try rapidly firing off.

Kuroka looks unamused.

I sigh, "Look. I know, I'll get over it eventually, okay?" I huff. "I just have a lot of shit to process and deal with, recently…" I trail off.

Kuroka just stares me in the eyes, before giving me one last pat on the chest, slightly harder than before.

I wince, "Ow! And there's another!" I exclaim dramatically.

"Oh hush you! Nya~!" she wraps her arms around my neck and practically hangs onto me. "So! You mentioned stuff to do? Anything you plan on doing today?"

I nod, wrapping my arms around the catgirl to hold her as I start explaining. "Yeah. I got school supplies to pick up for my Third Year at a new school."

Kuroka blinks at that, "School? Out here? Where, nya?"

I watch her carefully as I say this next part, "Hmm? We're right next to Kuoh Town, I'll be heading to Kuoh Academy to start my final high school year in about a…week?" I ponder out loud.

The 'break' – fucking hell, I hate Japanese School Trimesters – between the 3rd Quarter and 1st Quarter is two bloody weeks.

I spent half that time out and about, as it were, enrollment starts in a week.

But none of that's all that important.

It's the way that Kuroka stilled and paled the moment I mentioned Kuoh.

So…she knows already, huh?

"Kuroka?" I ask, slowly, and even that makes her snap her attention towards me. "You okay?"

Kuroka blinked, "I'm…fine, nya~? Perfectly fine! Nyah hah hah~!" she laughed, so rigid and forced.

Damn, kitty. You're an awful fucking liar, you know that?

Great actor. Shit liar. How does that even work?

I sigh, internally, I mean.

You know, I hate being vulnerable, like earlier, but amongst the multitude of shit on my plate now is Kuroka's issues with her sister.

I have a plan in my mind for dealing with it. The problem? I can't start it, because I'm not even supposed to know about her and Shirone yet!

She needs to tell me first. I hoped that being vulnerable, and opening up first, would encourage her to do the same, but, well.

It'll probably take more time, won't it?


I reach up, placing a hand on her cheek, causing her to rapidly blink in confusion, "N-Nori-kun…? Nya!?"

I kiss her on the forehead, and whilst rubbing her cheek, whisper to her ear, "Whenever you're ready, you can tell me, alright?"

I chuckled as she gaped at me for that.

"Now!" I start standing, pulling her up with me gently, "Speaking of, I have to go into town soon. Besides the school stuff I gotta grab, someone," I stare down at her, "ate all the damn food in the fridge…"

Kuroka, at least, had the decency to look sheepishly down at that.

Seriously. It's not like there was much in there in the first place, and admittedly some stuff was expired because I was gone for so long, but one break last night, and it's gone?

Fucking freeloading cat.

Then again, I wasn't expecting anything less.

Didn't she do something similar in the Light Novels? Ate all of Issei and co's food, laid around all the time playing games and shit.

I also distinctly remember that she offered him sex to pay for it, and he folded.

Didn't get any sex in the end, why would he, it's an ecchi not a hentai world for him.

Fortunately, I don't live constrained by genres.

So. I wonder what Kuroka will offer me?

"Well, Nori-kun~! I can help pay you back, nya~...?" she says hotly, slowly slipping her frankly non-existent top up further.

…Was there ever any doubt?

I flick her on the nose.

"NYA!?" she quickly moved to cover her clearly very hurt nose, "Nori-kun~! Wwwhhyy!?" she whines out.

I slowly put a finger under her chin, and looked her right in the eyes, "Because I'd get your body anyway, pet." I mutter huskily. "I already own you, remember?"

I grin, watching her shiver and nod slowly in place, before deciding to turn down the horny - for my poor kitty's sake - and speak much more softly.

"Horny aside," I begin, "I wasn't actually about to ask you for anything." at her eyes quickly widening, I continue, "Recall, I invited you here, after what happened with your shack-"

"House!" she piped up.

I stare at her, dully, for a second before continuing.

"House. After what happened to your house," she nods, "I'm not gonna make you pay me anything, alright? Hell," I chuckle, "this is supposed to be my way of paying you back, remember?"

Kuroka blinks for a second, then she realizes and suddenly she's chuckling to herself, "Oh yeah! Nya ha ha~!"

Ah, that's a much more real laugh than before.

"But!" I suddenly interject, causing her to pause, "If you truly do wish to pay me back? Well." I pat her on the head, "You do remember that time we talked about your training, right?" I wave around to the dojo, "Might be a good time to look into that, no?"

Kuroka stared up at me, dumbfounded. "I'll…looking into it, nya?" she said slowly.

I nodded at her and gave a light chuckle.

That's good enough for now, I think. Trying to force her into anything wouldn't work.

If she's going to make any progress, she needs to be the one to push for it, herself.

"Good girl~!" I suddenly start scratching behind her ears, my light chuckle turning into a hearty laugh as she bats at my hand and mewls in protest.

"Ghaa!? Nori-kun! Stop it! What's this even for, nya!?'

I shrug, "Because I felt like it, your ears are soft, and I know you like it?"

Kuroka pouted, looked away, and refused to answer.

With a smile, I pick up my sword and point it in the direction of the exit.

"Well, come along kitty! I owe you an explanation, and I gotta go soon. Let's get that all over with, yeah?"

Kuroka, still pouting, harrumphs as she heads out, prompting me to chuckle as I watch her go.

Before I follow, I take one last look around the dojo, finding the now picture-less sword stand.

I thought it would be kind of weird to have a picture of my dad watching me do stuff, and all…that…with Kuroka, I knew was going to happen here.

So, I moved it inside. Gave him a proper household shrine before I started my routine last night.

I wonder if Uzume found it yet? She passed out on me last night as well.

Hmm. Well, if she has, I'm sure she liked it, at least!

~ A New Sun ~

With a low hum, and a slight smile on my lips, I grace the streets of Kuoh Town by blazing down them on a motorcycle.

Yup. I'm pulling a Kirito, and am gonna hit up Kuoh Academy via motorcycle.

Only way this could piss off Sona more is if I wore my yukata as well.

Sadge I can't though, damn things are hella comfy. Nice and thin, yet soft, easy to breathe in the works.

I love my hoodie and shorts, don't get me wrong, but I'd much rather live my likely very long life henceforth in the most comfortable way possible.

Only problem is that yukata are technically, well, traditionally, bathroom robes. So I can't wear them everywhere.

Omega sadge.

At least I can still wear them at festivals and such without getting weird looks.

With a content sigh, I take pleasure in the wind whipping through my hair, completely ignoring some strange looks I get from people walking about or in other cars.

Turns out, motorcycles were pretty popular with gangs and such back in the day. Who'd have thought?

Not like I care though. This feels good.

Just gonna ignore everything else I got going on.

Like, what am I supposed to do with my life now? How do I deal with all the shit at Kuoh? Should I even?

Also, my Dad may or may not be related to the fucking Japanese Imperial House, if his name and context clues from Uzume are anything go by.

Do I even wanna think about shit like that right now? Should I even? Is any of this possibly important to me specifically!?

Suddenly I find myself slamming on the brakes as the light before me turns red, and I come to a sudden stop that nearly flips me off my vehicle.

With an annoyed grunt, I slam my head down onto the steering handles.

This isn't like you, Nori. Chill.

Let's just take one thing at a time.

The light turns green, and I drive off, much slower than before.

The breeze whipping through my hair now isn't nearly as intense, but it gives me time to think.

Kuoh. Why would I go there? Obviously, it's because the plot happens there, all of the main characters are there.

Do I care about the plot or characters?

…Not really, no.

I like Rias, she's a dweeb, I'd love to make friends with her!

And no. Not to fuck her or add her to a harem or anything.

Which, let's be real here me, it's gonna happen eventually, the harem thing.

It's inevitable in this world. Suck it up. Prepare for it.

But as for Rias, adding her to a harem is a terrible fucking idea. I remember how she acted with Issei on that.

Despite knowing about his dream, and seemingly supporting it, she still got extremely petty and jealous with him about it.

Not touching that with a thirty-foot pole, no thank you.

Speaking of Issei. What do I think about him?

Eh. Unless he starts perving on any of my girls, I couldn't care less about him.

I won't go out of my way to kill him, yoink his Sacred Gear - like I'd know how without that ritual Raynare used on Asia - or other such nonsense with him.

Mostly because I don't think killing a kid is a valid solution to anything.

Also, the easiest way to remove Issei from the board is to just kill the Fallen before they kill him.

Assuming you're not in some sort of evil manipulative Rias world or some shit.

Which, side note, I need to do that. And Diodora.

Although, I would rather not take Asia in myself.

She'd latch onto me like a lost puppy, and likely form romantic interest out of nowhere because, well, Asia.

And I just wouldn't be able to reciprocate those feelings, I think.

Still, no one deserves that fate. And Diodora deserves to be burned alive.

Koneko is a given, I have to care about her for Kuroka. It helps that I do like her, she was a savage in the English dubs of the anime.

Gasper? Eh. Fem boy Dio.

Yuuto? Eh. Edgy sword bro? Maybe. Unlikely though.

Akeno? Cringe. Her Fallen hate boner makes no sense, she's got some fucked S/M tendencies, and if I recall correctly? She's got a thing for cucking men away from their wives.

Won't be touching that with a sixty-foot pole.

As for Sona? I don't hate her or anything, but her extreme strictness puts me off a good bit.

I don't even remember anything about her Peerage, sans Genshiro, who I don't care about.

Huh. And as for the plot, I'd rather not Kokabiel blow up the town and start a second Great War in my backyard, but besides that?

Rias and her marriage to Riser won't happen early if she doesn't get Issei and Asia in her Peerage.

Killing the Fallen annuls the entire plot before that, and shit like the Young Devils Gathering isn't my business.

Cough. Sai should have won that. Cough.

Ugh. Sorry about that. Had to clear my mental throat.

But, huh? So that's it, then?

The only real reason I would go to Kuoh is for Rias and Koneko. That's…not much, is it?

And actually, now that I think about it? If part of my plan works, I won't even need to go to Kuoh for Koneko.

Just Rias.

Is just Rias worth it though?


I could send a clone. Like, Shadow Clone, to school for me.

Although I'd have to rush chakra control training, could I advance enough to make a single shadow clone in a week?

Yeah. Yeah I think I could.

Hold up.

Doesn't that make, like, my entire stressing over this situation pointless?


With that sobering thought, I finally pulled up to Kuoh Academy, a dead look in my eyes.

There isn't a place to park, I just kind of haphazardly park next to the bike rack outside the walls and chain it up there.

Then, I slam my head against said wall and groan in frustration.

"What did I say, Nori!?" I scolded, well, myself. "You just need to chill a bit! Think, Nori, think!"

I blink in confusion as an 'ahem' sound comes not too far to my right.

Slowly standing up straight, I turn to look at the source.

Ah. Joy. Already at the gates waiting for me, huh?

"Shitori-san," I give a small bow, and a tired smile, "I'm sorry you had to see that."

Sona Shitori, well, Sitri. Kind of expected she'd be wearing something that isn't the school uniform, since schools technically on break right now, but I guess not.

"Kusanagi-san," the bespeckled girl replied in kind, nodding back to me stiffly, "I see you finally decided to come on time, hmm?"

Ah, that's a tad cold don't you think?

"I had to call ahead of time for this," I raise my head back up and level an easy smile at her, "of course I wouldn't be late. Especially not with this bad boy!" I pat the motorcycle like I would a pet. Or Kuroka.

Sona's eyes drift to it, and I withhold smirking at the slight tightening of her brow.

"I can see that." she states dryly, though impressively her neutral expression doesn't shift at all.

With a single arm, she opens the gate slightly - making a show of putting some effort into it despite her likely being able to do it with ease - and waves me on in.

"Come along, Kusanagi-san," she huffs, "can't keep putting this off forever."

I nod sheepishly, "Right, right," and enter, helping her close the gate behind us, "I respectfully apologize for my lateness in following up on my assigned pick-up dates, it won't happen again." I softly apologize.

She gives a slight nod in thanks, and looks at me sternly, "See that it doesn't happen during school hours proper, yes Kusanagi-san?"

"Hai, Shitori-san." I acknowledge. After another nod, she starts walking off, with me following close behind her.

You know. I didn't like that. Speaking softly, meekly, bowing to another authority.

From my memories, that's how I was before the mountain. Before the Stray Devil, and Kuroka.

So, correction, I hated that. I have pride now, damn it!

But I don't want to intentionally antagonize Sona.

Okay. Maybe I wanna bully her a bit, but not make an enemy out of her.

Hnggghh. I wonder how long all of this is going to take?

~ A New Sun ~

"Nyah hah hah~..." the lazy cat girl lay sprawled out on the couch, playing games on an emulator, humming jollily to herself.

Kuroka has been having a great time so far.

Granted, it's only been about a day, but getting pounded into a mattress for the first first, and laying around after that is, at least by Kuroka's definition?

A really good time.

Disregarding the small windows of time she had to do anything else, of course.

Like beat Nori up earlier, and put a spell on him to mask his scent for a bit.

None of that counted, though.

Neither did the fact that she was right next to Kuoh Town.

Where her sister is.

Where Shirone is.

Nope! None of that mattered! Nor does the lying, the fact that Nori knows she's lying and doesn't seem to mind.

Nah! Nope! Everything's peachy!

Kuroka stopped humming a tune and stopped playing games.

Whenever you're ready, you can tell me, alright?

Kuroka let out a small little whine, flipped onto her stomach, and dug her face into the couch.

Years. She's spent years as a criminal terrorist. She's spent even longer letting her sister believe she went insane on power and killed her King for shits and giggles!

Why? Oh, why did she think that was a good fucking idea!? It wouldn't have been hard to just tell Shirone the bastard was going to experiment on her too!

Ah. That's right. She did it because she heard about his plans, had a knee-jerk reaction without thinking, and ran with the whole mentally insane angle.

But…at least Shirone is safe. That's what matters.

And with that thought, Kuroka's mind can rest at ease.

"So. When are you gonna tell him?"


"NYA!?" Kuroka squealed and fell off the couch, flailing wildly. Looking up, behind the couch, she finds the source of the intruding voice.

A smug purple-haired woman in a maid outfit? Ah, this must be the Uzume that Nori was talking about!

"You know!" Kuroka huffed, and crawled back onto the couch, "For a glorified party Goddess turned maid, you look far too smug right now, nya!" Kuroka pointed at her.

Uzume grimaced, her admittedly very smug look dropping.

"Don't remind me," she huffed, "but hey? At least I'm not a glorified sex doll."

Kuroka narrowed her eyes, "At least I'm getting sex."

For a good, long moment, the two stared each other down.

Uzume sighed through gritted teeth, "Touche. Cat. Touche."

"Nyahaha~!" Kuroka threw up her arms and chortles in victory.

Uzume's eyebrow twitched, watching the cat, before she suddenly spoke up, causing her to sit still once more.

"You still haven't answered me, SS-Class Devil Kuroka," something glimmered in Uzume's eyes, that made every single hair on the back of Kuroka's neck stand on end, "well? I'm waiting."

Kuroka stifled the intense urge her flight or fight response was sending her to flee, and sighed, "I was just thinking about that, you know?" Kuroka gave a dry chuckle, "Generally speaking, telling someone you're a criminal after sex isn't a good idea, nya!"

"Really?" Uzume raised an eyebrow, "Seems like just the type of thing you usually would do?"

Kuroka levels a dry glare at her. "You've thrown too many parties, nya."

Uzume levels a challenging stare right back. "And you haven't been to enough parties, kitty."

Kuroka waves her off, "Regardless, it isn't that simple-"

Uzume snorts at that, "No no. It is," she interrupts her, "you're just scared about how he'll react, right?"

At Kuroka's scathing glare, Uzume took that as affirmation and continued.

"Trust me when I say, kitty, he won't care. Hell," Uzume sits down next to her, leaning against a broom she's holding. "I don't particularly care either. Well, now at least."

Kuroka blinked. "Nya?"

"Yup!" Uzume nodded, "You may not know this, but generally speaking, the Underworld and Devils? Not well-liked. Not by me, not by the other Kami, and I'm sure Nori will think the same way once he gets a detailed explanation."

She waves towards Kuroka, "As for you, specifically, kitty? Well. We heard you killed your King, but that you went insane beforehand. But from what I see?" she looks her up and down, "Yeeaahh…I think that's a load of bullshit."

A beat passes, with Uzume looking towards the fridge.

"Actually. I take that back. Insane for food." Uzume corrects with a snort.

"Nyah!? I already said I was sorry!" Kuroka whines out.

Uzume chuckles lightly. "Yeah. You aren't insane on power or some other bullshit. I'll be honest, any enemies of the Devils?" she reaches into her cleavage, and pulls out two full-on cups of sake, "Are friends of mine!" she hands one to Kuroka, who just stares at it befuddled.

"How did you…?" Kuroka begins, but Uzume just waves her off.

"God domain stuff. Mostly. Anyways!" she holds out the cup, "Here's what I'm thinking! You tell me what's up with you, huh! Consider it as…practice! For telling Nori!"

Kuroka blinks, "That's rather, Uzume-san…"

"Just Uzume is fine, kitty." Uzume interjects.

Kuroka nods, "I guess I'll just ask then…why?" she looks at her, "Why do this for me, nya?"

Uzume hums, "Because if we're going to live under the same roof for Heaven knows how long, I'd rather not deal with stupid YA drama?"

Kuroka blinks. "Ah."

"Right? See, you're getting it!" Uzume nods, "But, ah, also…like I said before, about friends, and such? I wasn't kidding about that either."

"Friends, huh?" Kuroka said wistfully, "A bit much to call someone you just met that, yeah?"

"It's a bit much to get dicked down by a guy and ask him for kittens barely two weeks into knowing him, yeah?" Uzume replies in kind, with a small smirk.

Kuroka stared at her, for a long moment.

"Fair, nya, fair…" Kuroka eventually conceded.

"Besides," Uzume suddenly added, "if it'll make you feel better, I fully plan on getting black-out drunk while I still can. Especially while Nori's gone!"

Kuroka tilted her head at that. "Don't you have a job to do?"

Uzume chuckled mirthfully, "Oh, I'm already finished! All that I had to do recently was a whole bunch of dusting, and Nori isn't easy, but you?" she points to said cat, "Ehhhh…its been a day, and I already crave death." Uzume shrugs and says nonchalantly.

Kuroka looks mildly concerned, "Are you…I'm sorry?"

Uzume waves it off almost casually, "Eh. It happens. So!" she downs a whole cup in one gulp, "Woo! Tell me your story, girl!"

You know. Kuroka didn't think this would be how her first interaction with the woman, this Kami, would go.

But she'd say it worked out pretty well.

With a slight smile and sad chuckle, Kuroka draws a deep breath and unveils her story.

~ A New Sun ~

"And this is the Gymnasium." Sona waved to the, admittedly rather large and impressive, gym.

"Ah, I see, I see…" I trail off, nodding stiffly in understanding.

Okay. So, I have to keep checking my internal clock to make sure this isn't taking the hours upon hours this feels like it is.

No shot. All this was supposed to be is me getting my uniform, books, and a quick tour.

That's it.

And the funny thing? That's all it has been so far! But it's all so…I don't know how to exactly describe it?

Painful would be one word I'd use.

I tried to do some small talk, but anything I got back from her was what I'd describe as professional, and to the point.

Like, watch!

"So, Shitori-san?" I begin as we walk away from the Gym, "I've been meaning to ask, but what is the Student Council Vice President doing giving a lone student so much attention?"

A legitimate question for a mundane person, although based on meta knowledge, I know it is likely related to her desire to open up her own school.


"It's part of my job, is all, Kusanagi-san." she replies simply.

"I…alright, Shitori-san." I acknowledge awkwardly.

See what I mean? She isn't being cold, or just a bitch, just professional and distant!

Or she's socially inept, but I doubt that considering she's a, you know, Devil.

Is she lowkey trying to make me awkward? Because it's working.

"Kusanagi-san," Sona begins slowly, looking over her shoulder slightly towards me, her eyes going specifically to the bag on my back, "do you practice Kendo?"

Ah? Finally asking me a question, huh? Fair enough assumption though, I am carrying around my sword in a kendo shinai bag.

"I suppose I do," I nod, "just recently started though. Going to hit up the Dojo after this."

Sona gives a curt nod, "I will inform you now, then. Although Kuoh does have a Kendo Club, they opted to remain an All Girls Club after our switch to co-ed," she continues, moving her head back to facing forwards, "if you wish to join such a club here, you'll have to start one yourself."

"Ah? What about a Dance Club?" I follow up, in a futile effort to keep the conversation going.

Sona doesn't even look at me, "Same as the Kendo Club." she states succinctly and says no more.


You know what? I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut now.

Just ride out the pain Nori, you got this!

Luckily, I did indeed have this.

Since I was attending as a Third Year, we didn't have to go all the way over and check out the college campus, nor any of the primary school buildings, just the ones I'd use as a Third Year.

Thank. Fuck.

On the way to our last destination, the Student Council office, I waved and said hello to a few of the staff.

Nice people. Felt like I could hold a conversation with them if I wished!

Interestingly enough, I didn't see any of Sona's Peerage around. Hmm?

At the office, I was presented with a nicely folded-up boys' uniform, and my schedule for the year.

"That marks the end of your tour, Kusanagi-san," Sona bows to me, "I hope you enjoy your Third Year at Kuoh Academy."

"Ah," I now back, deeper of course, "thank you for showing me around, Shitori-san. I will be in your and the Student Council's care."

The whole thing with bowing tradition in Japan is one hell of a thing to parse through and seems like something Sona would be a stickler over.

"Please, raise your head Kusanagi-san." I do so, seeing her giving a small smile my way, a knowing small smile, "Please try not to be late during the actual school year, and I believe you will excel."

Oh. Oh, you little shit.

You're getting hella bullied.

"Hmm, hmm!" I pretend to preen at the praise, "Thank you, Shitori-san!" I say, and smile at her right back, "I'll be sure to give due warning and reason next time something happens, alright?"

And by that, I mean I'm gonna intentionally 'miss' a bunch of school, and give her the most bullshit and asinine reasons.

What is she gonna do? Call my parents? Snnrrkk!

And Japanese Schools don't kick people out unless under extreme circumstances, and missing school isn't a big enough reason! At least in Japan!

Of course, I actually will be there…well, my clone, which will just confuse her more.

Seemingly picking up my petty energy, Sona's smile tenses slightly, "...see that you do, Kusanagi-san." she replies curtly.

I chuckle and pick up my things, "You have a good rest of the break, Shitori-san! See you during the Enrollment Ceremony!"

And with an easy wave, I walk off and out of there.

Honestly? I felt a lot better leaving than going in, which isn't the greatest start to my time here, but, eh.

At least I got another thing to do here fueled by petty spite. Always a plus in my book.

Now then! Let's see, I've got some shopping to do! Need to fill the fridge for three people, for one!

Well, two. I don't need to eat anymore.

Eh, actually? Does Uzume need to eat? I mean, she can get drunk, so I assume she can eat, but does she need to?

Eh. I'll get enough for four. Three for one in Kuroka, one for the maid.

Also need to get cellphones for the two, which would help in communicating with them over long distances.

After that, drop off the stuff, and head out into the forests and long plains around my place at night.

I did bring my sword out with me for a reason.

What with me being a monster beacon, I don't even really need to hunt them, just let them come to me!

And voila!

Easy mob farming.