
Leaving Mystic Falls

"Welcome back father"

Giuseppe was sad when he saw the monsters his children have become, they became the thing he has been protecting them from the moment he found out about their existence.

"I have failed you, I have failed your mother, I should have been more stricter than this, if I had raised you with an iron hand, you would have listened to whatever I tell you" he said crying out.

Damon snickered when he heard that "you haven't been a loving father either, so don't you ever think you were one" said Damon as he walked away from there not wanting to see his father anymore after he found out that he was the one who shot them causing Katherine to be captured and dragged to the church to be burned.

"Now is not the time for father son bonding time, here, drink this to complete your transition into a vampire" Stefan said as he handed Giuseppe his own blood which he gathered using blood control into a bottle.

On a normal day, Giuseppe should have refused and would have preferred to die instead rather than become a bloodsucking demon, but when Stefan threw the blood at him and told him what to do, he felt this desire to do exactly what he said as if it was an order from a god.

Without wasting anymore time, Giuseppe immediately grabbed the bottle and opened it and drank every drop of blood from it down to the very last, thus completing his transformation into a vampire.

Stefan watched him and nodded "and here I thought it will not work since you would be drinking your own blood to complete the transition but I guess I was wrong and I got to see the sire bond in work" said Stefan as he smiled before walking away to look for Emily to make a daylight ring for Giuseppe not without telling him to wait for him there.

When he got to where he should have found Emily, he saw her with Damon who looks as if he has found a new hope in life from what Emily might have told him "looks like she has told him about Katherine not being dead and just buried in the tomb which is also a lie but he does not need to know that. But maybe I can help him forget about Katherine as she did not even love him and just used him because it was fun for her but I doubt he would listen, he would say all the stupid crap like 'I was not the one being compelled' and all that crap, I should let things play out just the way it did for him in the flashbacks in the show leading to the first episode of the show" Stefan said before coming out in the open for them to see him.

He walked up to the duo "hey, can you make a daylight ring for Giuseppe, I just turned him into a vampire and I don't want him to die so early from the townsmen if they find out that he is a vampire" he said.

A frown appeared on Emily's face when she heard that, it hasn't even been a day since he became a vampire and he has gone turning people into one, then what would happen if he lives as long as Katherine lived till this day, would he turn the whole human population into vampires???

"Hey, can you hear me?" Stefan said and got no reply from Emily, then he turned to Damon and continued "can she hear me?"

"I guess she is just surprised at how fast you operate. Even I am surprised but I have something even more important to tell you, it's about ..." Said Damon who was cut shut by Emily.

Stefan saw this and knew that Emily did not what him to know about what she told Damon as she fears he is going to force her to break the spell so that he might be able to reunite with Katherine since he has already taken her as his own personal witch in just a day.

What she did not know was that Stefan was going to reunite with Katherine without her help as he knew she would be coming to spy on him from time to time as the years goes by and he could just meet her in one of those visits, it's not too difficult for him.

"Yes, I will do it for you but I am going to need a couple more days" said Emily as she looked into the eyes of Damon.

Damon did not understand why Emily did not want him to tell Stefan but he kept quiet as she is the only way for him to save his beloved Katherine.

"Good, now for the next course of action, a killing spree on the founders, they were the one who caused all of these in the first place" said Stefan with more conviction making the duo believe that he was really angry for being separated from Katherine especially Damon.

Emily on the other hand is regretting why she didn't kill them when they were vulnerable since she is weakened from casting a very powerful spell the day before today and can't do anything to them right now.

Stefan turned around and left the duo who went back to what they were talking about before he arrived.

That night was a bloody night as Stefan together with Giuseppe attacked every founder and killed them and even sent his father personally to kill Jonathan knowing the bastard was going to cheat death and come back and document this night in his journal for his few generations to read.

He could have just kill Jonathan after removing the Gilbert's ring but then, Elena would not be born in the Gilbert's family and it will be a pain to find her around the world until he gets to her.

So he just let Jonathan survive so that John would be born and fall in love with Isobel who would bore a child for him and the child would grow one day to become Elena Gilbert, simple and short, no stress.

After that night, the townsmen went into another investigation together with Jonathan who went to the Salvatore's house but did not find Giuseppe but the townsmen found out something in the house of a certain woman, Emily Bennett rounding her up and called her a demon and blamed her for the death last night, they tied her up and burned her alive.

Damon, Stefan and Giuseppe were watching these from afar with an angry Damon as Emily could not be able to save Katherine anymore "it is all your fault, if you haven't been so hell bent on taking revenge, then Emily would have still been alive and she would have been able to save Katherine, but you just couldn't control yourself and now nothing can be done" said Damon who almost punched Stefan but Giuseppe stopped him "let go of me you bastard"

"You should calm down, you don't want to draw attention to us, do you?" Giuseppe said as he let go of Damon.

Damon looked at Stefan "you wanted a brother by your side, right? Then I'm sorry to tell you this, you have lost me" with that, Damon left Stefan and Giuseppe and leaving Mystic Falls entirely.

Stefan didn't bother about Damon as he knew that he was just talking in rage "at least he didn't vows to give me an eternity of misery" he said while watching Damon walk away then turned to Giuseppe "we capture Jonathan and compel him about saying anything to the townsmen so that you can stay in Mystic Falls"

Stefan give Giuseppe his last order before leaving also as he has to meet up with Lexi very soon.