
A New Start: Stronger with Seduction System

My first novel. I for got to edit the first 3 chapters but I will do it for the rest It’s a story of a boy getting stronger me using his system of seduction. In a world where he was useless he gets another chance. Get back at all the people who thought he is weak. ‘They think they can take advantage of me I’ll show them’

HiddenSunless · Fantasía
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20 Chs


Soon everyone arrived and were waiting for the examiner to arrive, while waiting I noticed only 3 people to look out for. it was Anna, the guy who was trying to talk to her, and another guy who what also famous for his mother being an S rank his name was Andrew.

An announcement ment rang through the room to walk into the training room, the examiner was a woman she was actually famous called the fire demoness. yes it was because she had the power of flames but not just any flames the flames she used were black flames she was a very strong mage and ranked as an SS rank.

S ranks were already powerful but even if 10 S rank went aganist SS rank they would have trouble just containg them let alone killing or capturing them. which made one wonder why it was her who was watching over our test usually it would be a noname someone who at most was A rank.

Alright everyone be quite and stand in front of the machine and punch as hard as you can, you get 3 hits and the best one will count, don't worry for those who are mages there will also be another test for you, but everyone must have their strength tested.

I got in front of the machine I planned on holding back a little, it would bring nothing but trouble if a nobody suddenly was found have power while yesterday he was a odinary human.

I pushed the machine and it was 95, I looked over and Andrew had 100, while Anna had 145, and the gym who was its Anna had 120 his name was Brian. Honestly I was surprised Andrew had such a low score. we all went 2 more times but it didn't change much.

Next we moved onto the magic test, and there wasn't much too it we placed our hands on a crystal ball and it would glow depending on how gifted you were. there wasn't and surprise Anna was first again but Andrew was second and I was fourth with Brian being third which pissed him off, Anna and Andrew were kids of strong and power awakners while I was a nobody who came forth, this was because there were others here who were kids of powerfull people.

I didn't want to standout but that didn't mean I wanted to place last, after all the government gaves benefits if you do well.

We were then made to do a bunch of other test like agility and endurance, but it was the final test which would be an interesting one that was the fight against the other students.

I was placed aganist Brian since he was placed 3rd and I was placed 4rd, while Anna and Andrew went aganist each other, "the only thing that matters in the dungeons is how well you can fight so who cares if you are stronger then the rest I will still beat you" Brian said while grinning, of course being the children of awakners had advantages, they all grew up haveing there own teacher who would teach them how to fight and survive inside the dungeon and he wasn't wrong what good is a number when you don't have skills to back it up.

I ignore him which really made him mad. 'arrogant prick I am gonna kill you, who do you think you are ignoring me'.

"alright all you will fight at the same time, don't worry there is a spell placed on the arena you won't die, but you can be injured so becarefull.

We got into the ring Brian's power was minor telekinesis it allowed him to control small objects within a certain distance, so his weapon of choice was a bow, with his strength and bow he was actually a little scary.

I used my crystal manipulation and fired small arrows of my own, some would land and destroy both the arrows and the crystal but I would miss the others because he would use use power to move them just a little and redirect them to me. I used my sword on the ones that would hit me and slice them in half.

it had been 5 minutes and he was down to his last arrow, then, there was no then after he was out of arrows I used my crystal arrows while getting closer to him ending the battle.

"don't get too happy if it were actual battle you won't even have time to see my arrows, in an actual battle the tank would keep you busy and i would have killed you. you just had an advantage on me I am a back line fighter while you have a advantage fighting close up".

I look at him like he was an idiot, if he had teammates in an actual battle wouldn't i also have teammates why would I go up against an entire team by myself, its not the same as fighting monsters who fight on instincts, I am not an stupid enough fight people by myself.

on the other arena Anna had won aganist Andrew they were the first to finish, the four of us rested while waiting for the others to finish finish their battles. Another 5 minutes after the next round started I was placed aganist Anna since she and I won aganist our matches.

As soon as the match started Anna covered the arena in ice and I couldn't move at my top speed while she got a movement speed advantage. She was an ice mage, one what could control ice freely, she moved the ice to my feet and froze them I used the sword with vibration and broke the ice freeing my self but she was behind be with her sword ready to cut me. I made a crystal and protected my back, and stopped it, I thought that would make her pause but she used the momentum and sliced my ankle.

"I surrender", there was no point i was already struggling with the ice restricting my movement, and with her slicing my ankle it only put in a worse posistion not to mention the cut was so could that it was burning and freezing at the same time. but I had to get this ice power for my self, I approach her with my hand out congratulating her. she hesitates but she's my hand. "Thank you you are not so bad yourself, I was planning to end it with the first strike but you blocked it.

I didn't expect her to respond i thought she would ignore me like she did with Brian, I guess manipulation and seductive touch work well together, with that I headed to the nurses office to heal my ankle.

looks like he also isn't bad i came looking forward to watching Anna, but his battle instincts aren't bad he won aganist Brian, making him use all his arrows and then finishing him off.