
A New Life In The Arrowverse

A man dies in our world and is reborn, with improvements, in the arrowverse. What will he do now? Mature content Mc will sleep around Harem? I do not own anything but my Mc and any OC's I created!!

Ezzy_E · TV
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26 Chs

The Time is Now!

As soon as that alert came in, Isaac was gone, teleporting straight to the street Ivo was photographed at.

"Claire, backtrack Ivo's movements through CCTV, I need whatever you can find."

"I'll have what you need in just a moment, Isaac." Not even one minute later Claire had gathered every movement Ivo made near security cameras and had an estimated idea of where he was hiding out. Isaac walked through numerous back alleys and stone inlaid roads, following Claire's direction towards where she believed Ivo was hiding out. When he was within a block of Claire's destination Isaac stopped, he wanted to be sure he was in the right spot before he went in.

"Videam Intus (Let me see inside)." Isaac closed his eyes and instead of seeing darkness he saw the inside of a warehouse, as clear as if he was inside it. Isaac's spell projected his mind into whatever space he wanted and allowed him to surveil it and if he wanted to, interact with it. Isaac looked around the warehouse as he moved about inside, looking for anything out of place when he practically tripped over a trap-door handle on the floor.

Isaac faded through the floor and saw what could only be described as a lab straight out of a scientist's wet dream, everything in there was top of the line. Sitting at one of the work desks with his shoulders hunched over working on a human looking android was Ivo. The moment he saw that, Isaac canceled his spell and got ready to storm the empty-looking warehouse. Right before he teleported in, Isaac changed into his armor, ran his magic through his ring and brought forth his new weapon.

(pic here)

Isaac reappeared in Ivo's lab in a blinding flash of light.

"AHHH!" Ivo yelled out as he fell to the ground. Just as Isaac was about to restrain him with magic his spidey-sense blared. Isaac dropped to the ground as an energy blast flew right over his head and blew apart part of the wall in front of him. Before Ivo could get back up Isaac waved a hand in his direction and whispered 'Somnum (sleep)', Ivo was asleep before he even realized what happened.

With Ivo knocked out Isaac turned to deal with whatever fired at him. Before Isaac was able to do anything, his senses went off again. He quickly rolled to the side, the blast missing him, and hopped up to his feet, ax in hand. His hand lit up with his black colored lightning and ran up his weapon. He dashed towards the direction the blast came from, his lightning covered ax trailing behind him, but before he got close his senses went off again.

"BAM!" A blast whizzed past him from behind and exploded against the wall he had just walked by shrapnel pelted his mask covered face. Isaac tossed a hand back, blindly, electricity blasted out like a wave and crashed into the android that ambushed him from behind.

"Ahh!" The android screeched out in what Isaac could only imagine was pain. 'Finally,' Isaac thought as he saw the android that first took a shot at him, he swung his ax, and a blast of electricity flew at it. Surprisingly, the blast didn't destroy or even hurt the android, in fact it seemed to power it up. The android stood up, its eyes glowing, and pointed its hand towards Isaac, his spidey-sense blared at him to move, and he did, just not fast enough. The blast ripped through the air at startling speed and clipped Isaac's shoulder, his armor ate the blast like it was nothing.

Isaac used that opportunity and struck back, he reared his ax back, ran wind magic through it and let it loose. The ax sliced through the air at breakneck speed, the air itself looked like it was being cut as the ax made its way to the android. The android tried to block the attack with its arms, but Isaac's ax would not be denied. It sliced through both of the robot's forearms like they weren't even there and took out a chunk of its chest.

"Error, catastrophic system failure. Ca-a-annooot cont-t-t-tinue p-p-prim-m-mary m-mission, a-a-act-tivate all b-backup s-statio-o-ons. P-possible A-Alpha level enemy. Eng-gage! Eng-gage! Eng-gage!'' Isaac ignored the android's broken ramblings and used his telekinetic connection with his ax to lift it from the ground. Isaac raised his ax until it was at the same height as the android's head and then summoned it into his open hand. The android collapsed to the ground, its head sliced clean in half by the ax on its way to Isaac, but he knew his fight was far from over.

Isaac heard the heavy footsteps of multiple enemies heading his way, it seemed like Ivo managed to build more than a few androids. More than a few was an understatement Isaac later found out as more than 20 androids attacked him. Where they all came from Isaac had no clue, he was more focused on slicing and blasting them to pieces, which he did. It took him several minutes, but eventually all that was left in the warehouse was android scraps and more than a bit of collateral damage to the building.

"Ivo, I wouldn't move if I were you, you might just trip and find yourself missing a limb." Isaac warned, his voice like the arctic. Ivo sat his ass right down after that, though Isaac knew better than to trust that viper. He walked with purpose towards the scientist, as he got close Isaac's hands glowed as he chanted, 'Me Intra Hanc Mentem (Let me inside this mind).' Isaac's mind was bombarded with information as all of Ivo's knowledge flashed through it. As he looked through it all, Isaac took the time and copied the more interesting bits into his mind. By the time he was finished, Isaac knew everything Ivo did, so he did the only thing that made sense.


"Thump." At least that was what Isaac expected to hear. Instead, when Isaac swung his ax, faster than what was possible for any normal human to do let alone see, Ivo somehow dodged it. Isaac's eyes widened, surprised at Ivo's speed, he was a normal human after all, at least that was what he had thought.

"Surprised?" Ivo asked, smugly. Isaac in fact was, he stared down Ivo warily, but the moment he blinked Isaac pounced. He sprung forward, twisted his hip and let loose a brutal side kick. Ivo moved,

 almost as fast as Isaac, and dodged, before he sprung an attack of his own. Ivo brought his arm up and fired a blast from it at incredible speeds. Isaac barely dodged, his spidey-sense warning him just in time, he got off the floor and looked back at Ivo. He saw the scientist's hand smoking, at first Isaac thought Ivo had turned himself into a cyborg, but he was wrong. Covering Ivo's hand was a sleek metallic glove with a glowing center. Isaac was certain that it had not been there before, apparently Ivo had a few tricks up his sleeve. Isaac took a guess at what it was."Nanotech?" He asked. Ivo's eyes widened a fraction.

"How did you know?" Ivo asked. Isaac rolled his eyes at the question.

"There are only so many things that allow someone to make something suddenly appear on their body." Isaac pointed out. Ivo nodded in understanding and looked at Isaac with a modicum of respect.

"I don't remember you being this intelligent Oliver, then again I was under the impression that you were more of a bow and arrow man." Ivo said smugly. Isaac just stared back, internally laughing at Ivo's poor assumption. Unfortunately, for Ivo, he took Isaac's silence for shock and started laughing.

"Come now Oliver don't act so surprised, of course I'd know it was you, who else would come after me so soon after I took a shot at your baby brother. Talk about a surprise, I had no idea you had such an accomplished sibling, I wonder why you and Sara never mentioned him before?" Ivo thought aloud.

"I couldn't care less who you think I am, my only real question is what did you do to enhance your abilities so much?" Isaac asked genuinely curious, although he had a sinking feeling that he already knew how Ivo upgraded himself. It turned out that Isaac was concerned for good reason when he heard Ivo's response.

"Oh that, that is my second greatest creation to date. You remember your dear friend Slade, don't you? Well, what made him so very special is now in my veins but even better. I call it Mirakuru 2.0, not only does the new version not make me crazy, the strength and speed increase are even greater than the original." Ivo added, his arms out as if basking in his own brilliance. While Ivo pontificated Isaac made his move.

"Producam Gehennam (Bring forth Hell)!" Isaac yelled out. The ground shook beneath Ivo as Isaac's spell took root, soon cracks started to appear and then something exploded from the ground. It was several skeletal hands, they reached out from the ground and grabbed Ivo's legs.

"H-hey w-what is this, some k-kind of t-trick?" Ivo demanded, his voice trembling from fear.

"It's no trick Ivo. This is a spell of my own creation; it burns you with the severity of your sins. Any normal person would probably just feel a little uncomfortable, maybe a little singed, but for you Ivo, this is gonna to hurt." Isaac said cheerfully. Suddenly, fire erupted from beneath the open ground and covered both the skeletal arms and Ivo, but only Ivo was screaming. Isaac stayed and watched as the enhanced scientist was burned alive, the area smelt of cooked meat and burnt hair, it was gross.

The fire roared for several minutes before finally dying out. All that was left of Ivo was a charred skeleton and even that was slowly, bit by bit, being carried away by the nighttime breeze. After Ivo's remains were nothing but ashes in the wind, Isaac quickly copied all of Ivo's notes on his various experiments. He even cleared out Ivo's hidden workspace. When he was done, Isaac put all the destroyed androids into his inventory space and then blew up what was left of the warehouse.

Before anyone came and investigated the burning wreckage, Isaac teleported out of there and spent the rest of the night enjoying the beautiful Tibetan sights. After Ivo was dealt with, and Isaac had returned home, things really picked up, before he had even noticed, over a month had gone by. Isaac and Oliver dealt with a number of issues leading into August's arrival. For example, the two brothers, together, helped Helena Bertinelli deal with her thirst for revenge, she even started dating Oliver. Isaac was also responsible for capturing a nutjob from the Glades that had been running around kidnapping people, including Roy, Thea's new 'friend'.

Besides dealing with whatever random crises popped up, Isaac also spent his time training his brother. Isaac focused on more than just Oliver's fighting skills this time, he wanted to improve his technical ones as well. Isaac remembered from his past life that in the beginning of the show Oliver was shown to be quite handy with a computer. Unfortunately, as time passed by Oliver allowed his skills to get rusty until eventually Felicity just took over that responsibility. Isaac wanted to make sure that this time Oliver would be self-sufficient.

Isaac had also been keeping Laurel as a semi-regular booty call, she was completely hooked on him, or rather a certain part of him. Apart from his sex life, the plan to take down Malcolm had been progressing smoothly, on both the legal front and Isaac's. Not only had Quentin managed to get an immunity agreement for Moira but Isaac also snuck into Queen Consolidated's newly bought Unidac industries. He managed to get to both earthquake machines and magically, and physically, sabotage them. Isaac's work was so subtle that Malcolm never knew it even happened.

Isaac saw how relieved Moira was when he told her that Malcolm's plans were never happening. She had been carrying around so much guilt about being a part of it, even if she was forced, that Isaac's news was like a weight being lifted off her.

"Isaac!" Thea yelled, shaking him free from his memories. Isaac turned towards his sister, his face showing his annoyance at the sudden interruption.

"What is it, Thea?" Isaac asked, his annoyance leaking into his voice.

"You promised to take me to Ariana's party tonight!" Thea complained. Isaac vaguely remembered making that promise and Isaac knew Thea was not going to let him wiggle his way out of it.

"Ok Thea, just give me a few minutes to get ready."

Afterwards, Isaac drove them to Ariana's Starling City home for her party. They

pulled up in front of the same house they visited years ago, for Ariana's birthday, the music hit them long before they even made it inside. As they walked into the large house, they saw that the party was in full swing, people were enjoying their drinks and dancing closely.

"Thea, you can have fun but be responsible or this will not happen again. You understand?" Isaac asked. Thea nodded her head and ran off in search of her childhood friend/role model whilst Isaac poured himself a stiff drink and wandered around a bit. There were a wide variety of people at Ariana's party, but they really separated into three camps. The first were people who knew Ariana before she was famous, and the second were those who knew her as the celebrity. The last group was filled with those who heard about the party and crashed it, no one even realized they weren't invited.

"ISSAAAC!!" A voice screeched. Isaac's head turned as he was snapped from his observations only to be struck in the chest by a human shaped missile. The figure's arms wrapped around him and squeezed for all they were worth.

"I can't believe you're here; it's been so long! Why didn't you tell me you were coming, you asshole?" The voice mumbled into his chest. Isaac looked down to a pair of bright brown eyes looking back up at him, it was Ariana Grande. They talked for a while, catching up as they sipped their alcoholic drinks. Isaac noticed the looks Ariana kept sending him and how she kept playing with her hair and licking her lips. It appeared that Ariana had a little crush on him. They spent the whole night talking, drinking, and dancing, sometimes doing all three at the same time.

By the time the party winded down Ariana's tongue was down Isaac's throat with her legs wrapped around his waist. Isaac carried Ariana up to her room and spent the rest of the night and some of the morning engraving the memory of his dick into her body, and mind. He dragged so many orgasms out of Ariana that her eyes rolled up and she passed out, with her tongue out, and Isaac's cum covering her face.

Isaac left her a quick note and then headed home with a groggy Thea in hand. As he drove them home Isaac thought about the Undertaking and how it was only weeks away. While Isaac took Malcolm's earthquake machines off the board, he was well aware of how dangerous Malcolm could be, especially when backed into a corner. He and Oliver had several backup plans they believed kept the city protected from whatever Merlyn lashed out with. All of Isaac's planning, regarding Malcolm, was for the sake of creating a better Starling City than the one he watched in his past life. A part of that plan had been to ensure Isaac got a hold of one of Malcolm's invisible ink books, the ones that had the list of criminals in it. Which Isaac had managed to take care of when he stole one from one of Malcolm's cohorts.

When Isaac handed the book over to both Oliver and Dig, he warned them both about its importance. Privately, he told Oliver not to stop crossing off names from the book until they were all done, no matter what, they were the city's cancer and had to be dealt with. After Isaac dropped Thea off at the house, he took a quick power nap and then went about his day, most of which was spent at Queen Consolidated. He had been working on several new inventions with a little help from the intelligent and sexy Felicity.

"Isaac, I need your help with the medical interface, it's still too buggy." Felicity said. Isaac leaned over her shoulder, his lips a breath away from her ear as he spoke.

"You almost had it, all you need to do is tweak this line and remove line 30 and replace it with this line of code." Isaac pointed out. He draped his arms over Felicity's shoulders as he typed out the line of code while her eyes stayed glued to him the whole time. When Isaac finished, he gently, seemingly by accident, brushed his fingers against her bare shoulders, Felicity's body shivered in response.

They spent all day working together on one of Isaac's projects, something he knew would propel the medical industry even further than he already had. Isaac also spent a good part of that time driving Felicity crazy with his randomly placed moments of flirtation, not that she didn't love it as well. The rest of the week passed by in a similar manner. Isaac, with some help from Felicity, continued working on his project, whilst still making some time for flirting.

As Isaac lazed on the couch Saturday morning, channel surfing, he thought over all of the things he needed to get done before the Undertaking. While Isaac had dealt with Malcolm's earthquake machines he was waiting for the big day before finally confronting him. From his past life, Isaac knew that the Undertaking episode aired on May 15th, but he also noticed, since being reborn here, that dates for canon events did not match his world. Luckily, Isaac finally managed to put a date to it almost 2 weeks ago and found out it was planned for August 15th, which was less than a week away. Isaac was flipping to the next channel when his watch went off, it was Claire.


"Yes Claire?" Isaac asked.

"Isaac, we have a problem. I'm seeing a hack of the city's news station in progress, coming from Merlyn Global. Should I intervene?" Isaac thought it over, but he needed more information.

"Claire, I need you to slow them down, and hack into whatever computer they're using. Find out everything you can, quickly, and if there is any CCTV where they are, get me their faces."

"Understood!" Claire said, signing off. She had only been gone for a few minutes before Isaac heard a familiar beep coming from his watch.

"Yes Claire?" Isaac asked.

"So, apparently Malcolm is trying to deliver a speech to the entire city as his alter-ego, that's all the hack is supposed to do. That's the good news. The bad news is that it appears that Malcolm knows we're on to him. He doesn't know the specifics, but I hardly think that matters now, he's moved up his Undertaking. I believe his speech is meant to not only sway public support to his side, but to also throw suspicion off of him as the ringleader. What would you like me to do?" Isaac cursed in his head; he knew this was a possibility the moment he let Quentin tell someone outside their circle. Isaac took a deep breath before responding.

"Claire, can you create an overlay of Malcolm's face as he does the speech? I want the whole city to see exactly who is hiding behind that mask." Isaac added, as a cruel smile made its way onto his face.

"Yes sir. I'll have it done in just a moment." Claire added. It took her less than 5 seconds to get it done, and once it was, she let the hack through. Isaac sent a quick text to Tommy, the Lances, and his own family to turn on their TVs for some surprising news. After texting everyone, Isaac changed the channel on his own tv to the news station and waited for Malcolm Merlyn to hang himself.

Isaac had barely even started watching the news when the hack took over their station and Malcolm's face appeared on it. He was dressed in the Dark Archer's garb, with only his face visible. He started spewing his rhetoric, in third person, about the Glade being unworthy of being saved and having to be cleansed entirely. Malcolm had no idea that his identity was being exposed to the public and since it was a pre-recorded speech, it could not be stopped.

'At least not with Claire controlling their computers,' Isaac thought, chuckling to himself.

"Isaac, we have a bit of a situation. Malcolm saw the news and is beyond furious. He's gathering his loyalists from the League of Shadows, he apparently smuggled them into the city weeks ago, and is planning to attack city hall." Claire informed him. Isaac quickly called Oliver and filled him in; they both agreed to meet in front of the building to confront Merlyn and his group. He was out of the apartment in minutes, already changed into his armor, with his ax out, and teleported straight to City Hall.

"Halt! Stay right where you are!" A guard shouted; his gun pointed right at Isaac.

"I am not the intruder you are looking for." Isaac said while casting a quick confusion spell, it had the guards thinking I was meant to be there. Once they started ignoring his presence, Isaac put up an intent field and a protective shield around the building. The spells would not only alert Isaac whenever someone with ill intent arrived, it also kept anyone from entering the building. It wasn't long after Isaac put his spells up that Oliver and Dig arrived, in uniform, ready for a fight.

"Have they shown up yet?" Oliver asked.

"Not yet, but I have a spell up that will alert us when they do. As far as I'm able to gather Malcolm has 15 men with him, all former League members so expect some serious resistance." Isaac replied.

"Understood." Oliver responded. Isaac took the lead and gathered the team in front of the building, Oliver found the high ground and was overwatch for them, Dig stayed with Isaac. 15 minutes later Malcolm and his gang of assassins had arrived.

"Malcolm Merlyn, you have failed this city!" Oliver shouted. Isaac smirked at hearing his brother's iconic line in person. Dig had his gun trained on one of the assassins, ready if any of them made a move.

"Well, if it isn't the Starling City Vigilante, how nice to see you again Oliver. I hope you're not too sore over how our last fight went." Malcolm said, smugly. Oliver was knocked back, he looked as if he'd been slapped.

"What, you didn't think anyone would notice that the Arrow appeared as soon as you got back? You must have gone through one hell of a crucible to have transformed so much; my son could have learned so much from you. Unfortunately, I have to kill you now, I truly did not want it to come to this. I mean it was hard enough having to kill Robert, I had hoped not to cause your mother that kind of pain again. You should have stayed out of my way." Malcolm added as he drew his sword. Isaac stepped out from behind his illusionary warriors, ax in hand, and spoke to the man responsible for his father's death.

"Merlyn, I suggest that you leave, if you don't want to die that is." Isaac warned. Malcolm just laughed, boisterous.

"Hahaha. And who exactly are you?" Merlyn asked.

"A friend, and someone who can destroy you, easily." Isaac added. Malcolm just stared Isaac down and pointed his sword at him, his assassins got the message and charged.