
A New Leaf: Rebirth in the Shinobi World

When an Anime fan, unexpectedly passes away in a tragic accident, he wakes up to find himself in the body of none other than Boruto Uzumaki. With the knowledge of the original series and a deep understanding of the characters, he decides to rewrite his destiny and the fate of the Shinobi world. Now, as Boruto, he has the chance to live the adventures he's always dreamed of. But it's not all fun and games. He must navigate through the complex relationships, political intrigue, and epic battles that come with being a ninja. With the memories of Boruto and his own, he struggles to find a balance between his two identities. As he delves deeper into the ninja world, he realizes that changing the future isn't as easy as he thought. Every decision he makes ripples through the world, affecting everyone around him. Will he be able to prevent the tragedies he knows are coming, or will he cause new ones? Join him on his journey as he tries to reshape the world, armed with the power of friendship, determination, and a unique perspective. Will he succeed in creating a better future for the Shinobi world, or will he lose himself in the process? This is a story of second chances, of friendship, and of a fan's love for a world that is now his reality. (The picture is not mine if the creator want me to not use it. I understand)

Taidanotsumi · Cómic
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77 Chs

Chapter 5: Training Begin!

For those who are wondering why I suddenly stopped updating as I don't have time but now I have. So wait for the next chapter tomorrow

See you guys and enjoy the chapter


Boruto found himself reclining on a park bench, his gaze fixed on the vast expanse of the sky above. The serene atmosphere enveloped him, and he felt a wave of tranquility wash over him. He slowly closed his eyes, surrendering to the peacefulness of the moment.

Internally, however, he was wrestling with a looming dread. 'The world will soon be thrust into chaos because of the Otsutsuki clan. I really despise this,' he mused, his mind heavy with the burden of the impending crisis.

Choosing to momentarily escape his worries, Boruto allowed himself to drift into a light slumber. The gentle rustling of the leaves and the distant chirping of birds provided a soothing lullaby.

After about twenty minutes, he stirred from his nap, blinking against the bright sunlight.

He squinted at the sun's position in the sky, trying to gauge the time. "What time is it?" he muttered to himself, feeling a pang of frustration. "I really need to get a watch." His words echoed in the quiet afternoon, a reminder of the pressing responsibilities that awaited him.

Rising from the bench, Boruto decided to find out the time. He strolled along the sidewalk, his eyes scanning the area for a clock. His search led him to a nearby electronics shop, where a simple wall clock was displayed prominently in the window.

"Hmm, 4:20 pm," he read aloud, a sense of relief washing over him. He had more time than he had initially thought. "I still have time," he muttered to himself, his words barely audible amidst the hum of the city.

As Boruto stood there, contemplating the time he had left, a sudden touch on his shoulder jolted him out of his thoughts. His reflexes kicked in, and in an instant, he activated his Body Flicker technique, swiftly evading the person's grip and maneuvering behind them. With a firm hold, he placed the person in a headlock, ready to defend himself.

"Who are you?" Boruto demanded, his voice laced with caution. However, as he took a closer look, recognition dawned upon him, and he quickly released his grip.

"Shikadai?" Boruto exclaimed, surprise evident in his tone.

Shikadai, slightly flustered from the sudden turn of events, tapped Boruto's arms and replied, "Yes, it's me. Mind letting me go now?"

Realizing his mistake, Boruto immediately released his friend, a sheepish expression crossing his face. "Sorry, Shikadai. I thought someone was trying to harm me," he explained, his voice laced with genuine remorse.

Observing Boruto's tense demeanor, Shikadai couldn't help but inquire, "You're usually not this tense. What's going on?"

Boruto dismissed it with a casual response. "Nothing, really," he replied, attempting to brush off any concerns.

Unconvinced, Shikadai studied Boruto's face, knowing all too well when his friend was hiding something. "Are you sure about that?" he probed, his eyes locked onto Boruto's expression.

Boruto shifted uncomfortably, feeling the weight of Shikadai's gaze. "Yeah, I'm sure," he insisted.

Not one to easily let things slide, Shikadai maintained his scrutiny for a few more seconds before relenting. "Alright, Boruto. By the way, there's a new game coming out. Let's go together," he suggested, changing the subject.

Curiosity piqued, Boruto inquired, "What time?"

"Around 10 am," Shikadai replied, his tone filled with anticipation.

"Sure, I'm free. I'll wait for you at your home then," Boruto agreed.

"Great. Aren't you heading home now?" Shikadai asked, curious about Boruto's lingering presence.

"Not yet. I still have something to take care of," Boruto explained.

"Alright, see you tomorrow," Shikadai said, casually waving goodbye to Boruto before turning around to walk away. However, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about his friend. As he walked away, he kept glancing back, watching Boruto from afar.

Observing Boruto's movements, Shikadai noticed that his speed had increased significantly in just a matter of seconds, making it difficult for him to keep up. "Something is not adding up," he muttered to himself, his curiosity piqued. "I wonder what he's keeping a secret."

Perched on the roof of a nearby building, Shikadai continued to watch Boruto as he made his way to Tenten's shop. Once inside, Tenten greeted him with a smile, but her energy quickly dissipated when she realized that he wasn't a customer. "What are you doing here? It's still a little early," she asked.

"I've got nothing to do, so I thought I should just wait here with you, Tenten-sensei," Boruto replied.

Tenten sighed, but offered him a seat next to her. As they sat in silence, Shikadai couldn't help but wonder what was going on with his friend.

Shikadai's confusion deepened as he watched Boruto enter the shop. "Huh? What is he doing here?" he muttered to himself, trying to make sense of the situation.

Suddenly, someone behind him spoke up, "He's meeting his new teacher," causing Shikadai to tense up. He turned around to see Kakashi standing there, with his eyes closed and a smile on his face beneath his mask.

"Rokudaime? Eh, what are you doing here?" Shikadai asked, surprised to see the former Hokage.

"Isn't that what I should be asking you? Are you stalking Boruto?" Kakashi replied, teasingly.

"No, I wouldn't call it stalking. It's more like observing," Shikadai defended himself.

"Smart ass," Kakashi commented, amused by Shikadai's response.

"But how does Rokudaime know that Boruto is meeting a new teacher?" Shikadai asked, still trying to piece everything together.

"I'm a ninja, of course I would know," Kakashi replied. "But he's been searching for me for quite some time now. I just wanted to see what he was up to."

"Why is he searching for you, Rokudaime?" Shikadai asked, his curiosity piqued.

"From the looks of it, he wants me to teach him," Kakashi revealed.

"Ehh?" Shikadai was surprised to hear this, but he quickly began to make conclusions in his mind. "So, Boruto is working hard on becoming a shinobi. No wonder he was that tense," he thought to himself.

Shikadai nodded, silently acknowledging the dedication that Boruto had towards his goals.

During this time, Boruto couldn't help but ask Tenten a few personal questions. "Tenten-sensei, how much money do you make from selling weapons?" he inquired.

"Not much, unfortunately. The profits aren't enough for me to sustain myself, so I've had to take on a few missions to make ends meet," Tenten replied, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Boruto's curiosity didn't end there. "Another question: are you still single?" he asked, aware of the sensitivity of the topic.

Tenten hesitated for a moment before answering, "Yes, unfortunately, I am." The question stung a little, as she was well aware of her age and the societal expectations surrounding marriage.

Boruto's next question only added to the tension. "Are you not bored?" he asked, innocently.

Tenten's veins began to pop out from her forehead as she replied in an aggressive tone, "Yes, I am. Why are you asking me this?"

Boruto, realizing that he may have overstepped a boundary, quickly tried to backtrack. "Don't be mad, Tenten-sensei. If you still don't have a boyfriend, I can be your boyfriend," he said, trying to make light of the situation.

In his mind, Boruto thought, 'You are one of my waifu. I won't let you suffer like Kishimoto did to you.'

Tenten looked at him with a mixture of amusement and disbelief before flicking his forehead. "You're too young," she said, a small smile playing on her lips.

Boruto winced at the flick but persisted, "If I got older, would you consider it?"

Tenten just smiled and replied, "I'll think about it."

After that, the clock hit 6.00 pm. Tenten closes the shop and the two of them walked to the empty training ground and also two other people are spying on Tenten and Boruto. They are Kakashi and Shikadai.

As they arrived at the empty training ground, Tenten pulled out a scroll from her pouch and spread it out on the ground. Boruto's eyes widened as he saw the intricate seals inscribed on the parchment. Tenten placed her hand on one of the seals, and a puff of smoke appeared, summoning two wooden swords.

Boruto couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Still awesome." He couldn't help but think of how cool it would be if he could create his own seals in his palm to summon weapons instantly.

Tenten caught wind of Boruto's muttering and smiled. She picked up two of the wooden swords and threw one at Boruto, who caught it with ease.

"I'll be teaching you a few basic sword attacks today. If you're able to refine them, I can teach you some more advanced techniques," Tenten said, her voice firm and authoritative

Boruto inspected the wooden sword in his hand and shook his head. "It's good, but I don't want this kind of sword. It doesn't have a cross guard," he said, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Tenten perked up at his words. "Oh, you want to use that weapon?" she asked, intrigued. "Not many people know about that kind of sword. Have you studied weapons before?"

"A little bit," Boruto replied, trying to hide his excitement. In his mind, he thought, 'I watch too many weapon videos. I'm basically an encyclopedia of weapons because they're so interesting.'

Tenten was excited to hear that Boruto had some knowledge about weapons. "Which type do you want?" she asked eagerly.

Boruto rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "Hmm, which type do I want?" he muttered to himself. 'A longsword, arming sword, rapier, or kreigmesser would be great, but I need something not too long that can be easily wielded. Ah, an arming sword is the best bet. A katana is just not good because it doesn't have a crossguard. Sorry for the anime weebs, but I am a sword geek. I know what's best,' he thought to himself.

Boruto looked at Tenten with excitement in his eyes. "An arming sword, do you have that?" he asked, hoping that Tenten would have one.

Tenten raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Arming sword? Do you know the other name for it?" she asked, curious to see how much Boruto knew about swords.

"It's called...Knightly Sword," Boruto replied confidently.

Tenten nodded in agreement. "Ah, that sword. The sword from a ruined kingdom," she said, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Why did the kingdom get ruined?" Boruto asked, intrigued by the history of the sword.

"Based on my knowledge, they were too stubborn to use chakra and got obliterated by a nearby kingdom. Something like that," Tenten explained.

Boruto chuckled to himself. "Haha, this must be the knight's pride," he said, amused by the thought.

Tenten nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that was one of the reasons. But I guess I can teach you how to use the Arming sword. I kind of like that name better than Knightly Sword," she said, a smile on her face.

Boruto grinned in excitement, eager to learn from his sensei.

Tenten began teaching Boruto a few of the basic sword slashes, starting with the downward slash and the diagonal slash. Boruto listened intently, absorbing every piece of information that Tenten was giving him. He practiced each slash with precision, trying to perfect his technique.

During one of the practices with overhead slashes, however, the pommel of the sword accidentally hit Boruto's head. He gritted his teeth in pain, but he didn't let it discourage him. Instead, he shook it off and continued practicing, determined to improve his skills.

Tenten smiled at Boruto's resilience, impressed by his determination to learn. As the pair continued to teach and learn, Kakashi and Shikadai watched from a nearby tree, observing their progress.

"I'm surprised to see Boruto this patient," Shikadai commented, watching as Boruto continued to practice his swordsmanship.

Kakashi observed Boruto with a keen eye, analyzing his every move. 'Boruto is preparing for something. I wonder what it is. He looks very focused despite the smile on his face,' he thought to himself, intrigued by Boruto's dedication.

As Boruto swung his sword, Tenten couldn't help but ask him a question that had been on her mind. "I'm curious, why did you ask me to teach you? Your mother and father could easily teach you," she said, intrigued by his choice.

Boruto paused for a moment to think. "Well, my mother and father don't have any experience with weapons. They both have a small arsenal. My mom is only good with Gentle Fist, which I already know the basics of, but it's not really useful for someone who doesn't have the Byakugan. My dad has Shadow Clone, Rasengan, and many weak jutsu, which I could learn from him, but they just don't have the kind of arsenal that I need to become a strong shinobi. That's why I chose you. I'm trying to get stronger as fast as I can, and you're my only choice to do that," he explained casually.

Tenten was a bit surprised by Boruto's answer, but she couldn't help but feel happy that he had chosen her to be his teacher. She smiled at him and nodded. "I understand. I'll do my best to help you become a strong shinobi," she said, determined to help Boruto reach his goals.

'Got it' Kakashi, who had been watching from a distance, now understood why Boruto had been searching for him.

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Now chapter is at Chapter 7

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