
A New Galactic War

Humanity was isolated in the cold vacuum of space. Mankind had lost and was torn apart, all communications silent, their species on the brink of extinction. However, people say when humans are pushed to the brink of collapse they tend to do the unthinkable, some even say humans are akin to cockroaches, no matter how hard you try to squish it, it will still live even when you cut off its head. And so when the state of the art human warships failed against siren monsters they decided to make monsters of their own, and they were Kansens. The embodiment of past modern ww2 ships that were upgraded to their space versions. With their return humanity was able to fight back and gather under one banner to push back the threat of sirens. Now, after a few years of little inactivity people think with the decrease in they would be gone forever. if only they knew, 'WAR NEVER CHANGES' as it is just the calm before the storm. If you want to engage in discussions about this book and others my discord is open https://discord.gg/SatCuGayXp

dragon_monarch · Cómic
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18 Chs

: Seconds before Doomsday

wow. It's been some few months ago when this story was just at chapter 1 with less than 1k views now I have more than 18k views how time flies.

Sorry for the delay I've recently hit a writer's block where, even though I already had the chapter outlined but my mind absolutely didn't want to put it into words so yeah, again sorry for the delay.

But for that I cranked up the music and this is a very, very long chapter. Get your snacks as we dive into the universe of Azur Lane. plus if you see any grammar please let me know, so that I fix it.

Also this chapter contains mild swearing and depictions of violence so please be advised.

United Nations Space force [Earth]

It had been one week, one week ever since that prophecy was told and in that span of time, the leaders of every nation were brought to speed with this revelation and an emergency session was put in order in the United Nations Space Force.

In the session we see all the world leaders and their delegates sitting at their respective areas as they looked at each other with grim faces.

The contents of the prophecy were already spread to the leaders but not to the public as they don't want an early riot before the leaders can decide on the defence plan.

Currently the leaders were waiting for a certain individual to arrive before the actual session could be started so that plans can be formulated and that individual had just arrived with the doors opening before he and Enterprise herself entered.

Yes, the person who entered was the admiral himself and by his side was Enterprise herself which surprised everyone in the court as they did not expect this one ship girl to appear.

The court entered into a hushed murmur as this duo walked to the front before the speaker introduced them and begun the session as he gave the admiral the podium and Enterprise was standing of to the side.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming so quickly to this emergency meeting" the admiral said as he eyed the people in front of him before clicking a button, making a large screen drop from the ceiling, "I'm sure all of you have already heard it but I'll replay it for all of you to know the situation"

Shinano was standing still at the centre of the cafeteria, multiple cameras and other things were recording this moment as it may as well decide the future.

" Listen well to what I will say" Shinano said as her eyes moved around the crowd, "For over 200 hundred years humanity has reached into the stars and spread its control over may star systems. Many advancements were made, however, even with all of this war never changes. Humanities root will be destroyed, a tree big and mighty will be burnt to a crisp as all around it its branches will fall one by one until nothing will be left. But in times of destruction a saviour will come who's not from this world. She will bring forth power never before seen and lay her enemies to waste for she is the strongest battleship there is."

Once the video finished the screen went black as it receded back into the ceiling leaving everyone in silence.

"As all of you have just heard, the Earth and humanity as a whole is facing a battle in the near future. These words were said by the dream walker Shinano who has never been wrong whenever she has given a prophecy, so we should all take this very seriously." the admiral paused as his eye's looked down before looking back up and facing the leaders.

"As such we need serious plans, that is why I request for all major leaders to lend most of your capable ships."

This request was meet with some negative comments.

"Admiral if I may" an Eagle Union delegate started, " if we were to give you our ships then what would we use to defend our own planets and stars if ever the enemy attacking the Earth, was a lie."

The delegate's fear was reasonable as most major leaders agreed to it.

The admiral himself could only stare at the leaders before exhaling then inhaling as he spoke up.

"Is this how far humanities leaders have gone, being cowards"

When the word 'coward' reached the delegates ears, a ticked off look appeared on their faces as they could only stare at the admiral as he continued his statements.

"When has the dream walker ever been wrong? Yet here you guys are prioritizing the defence of your countries tucking your tails between your leg. This is our birth planet, the planet where we evolved and waged wars, the planet that gave us the reason to expand to the stars. If we lose our birth planet what will the citizens of each of your countries think. They would be devastated and ask, "Why didn't we defend the earth appropriately". I'm not asking for all of your ships; I'm asking for the best ships you have. It can be battleships, carriers or even destroyers and cruisers. The defence of earth requires Quality rather quantity in some areas."

The admiral paused to allow the other leaders to mull over this request with some talking and disagreements until they all reached a conclusion.

"If that is all..., we the representatives of Sakura Empire will support the defence of earth in whatever way possible" the delegate of the Empire said even though his country was going through a massive interstellar wide search for a stolen wisdom cube.

"Same, The Eagle Union will support the earth with our military support and industrial might"

When the two biggest super powers agreed everybody else folded and offered their support to the defence of earth thus the session ended with an overwhelming majority deciding to defend earth, leading to an overall success in the admiral's book.

Speaking of the admiral, we see him quietly leave the court with Enterprise in tow.

An air of silence was around them as the only sound was nothing but the click of their heels before the admiral suddenly stopped and let out a sigh.

"Admiral?" Enterprise asked slightly confused.

"Everything's okay Enterprise" he said while looking back at her, "we've managed to get the world leaders on board with the defence plan, now all that's left will be the independent people."

Enterprise seemed further confused as she questioned the admiral again.

"Admiral, if I'm not mistaken aren't these independent people, against helping the government?"

"Yes, your right Enterprise, however, it's not all of them that I want only a select few like the Argo who's believed to be Sakuran in origin but there's no proof but now I only wish she comes back faster from her break" with that short comment the admiral was immediately walking off into the hallway, "come on Enterprise we don't want to be late"

The admirals' words cut off enterprises thoughts as she quickly speed walked to the admiral before falling in step with him.

"Admiral, if I may ask what's so special about the captain of the Argo. Sure, yes I know that her ship had appeared on screen a lot of time with people comparing her Iowa, but I just don't get what's so special about her." Enterprise asked genuinely as it was questioning at the amount he talked about this person as if he's a detective trying to find a clue about her and how she just suddenly appeared with no trace before that. It was all just weird when she thought how much attention he gave this elusive captain.

The admiral slowed his pace to a crawl before ultimately stopping still, his cap blocking any light from reaching his eyes giving him an air of mysteriousness, classic Okita style.

"To be honest Enterprise, I myself I don't know" he finally lifted his head allowing his eyes to meet Enterprise's --- eyes., "It seems I got caught up on a radical idea, that somehow just somehow. She would be the long-lost flagship of Fleet zero."

When Enterprise, heard the designation of the fleet, she couldn't help but be shocked, "You can't mean her!?"

"Yes, I mean what I mean Enterprise, the mighty Yamato", the admiral sighed as he recalled some memories.

"When I first met her, her ship was totalled beyond repair because she had an unlucky encounter with the Arbiter, a siren whose given us headaches more than we can count, yet she managed to survive a battle with her. This was the first suspicion, the next was the destruction of a space time barrier that would take out an unknown amount of energy was blown up by her as the energy signature of her ship matched that of the explosion. Moreover, I always see Shinano looking at her, be it from the docks, in a sperate room through the glass, she would have this look of sadness and longing look almost as if she found her long lost sister. Lastly was the disappearance of Kii's wisdom cube and the departure of Argo to a place we weren't told. If these events don't add up, I don't know what does as these all point to her being a Yamato class if not Yamato herself." the admiral paused as he took in a sharp breath.

"If we can have her help in this battle, I'm positive she can play a major role in this battle, even if she's Yamato or not her ship has capabilities that far exceed our own."

Enterprise was slightly ticked at this last comment as though her strength was weak compared to hers.

"Don't worry Enterprise you and Shinano are by far humanities saviour, as carriers are still needed in this era same as battleships and every other class of ships." the admiral stepped forward as he gently patted Enterprises soft hair before walking away leaving behind an embarrassed Enterprise.

Enterprise herself was caught off guard by the admirals' actions but her thoughts were elsewhere or better yet they were towards a specific fox, "Yamato, just where are you."

Siren stronghold, location ???

In the middle of an unknown dimension, we can see an impossibly large number of siren fleets ranging from carrier strike groups, battleship fleets and so on.

In the centre of the dimension, we can see what looks like a ring like structure but its colour scheme was a mix of black with other colours red, yellow and blue. Flying into the ring and through multiple useless hallways we find ourselves in the main chamber where we meet a meeting with every high official member of the sirens, this naturally included Purifier, Observer and their Empress the IV just to name a few.

These all sat on a very long round table that represented each empress and their closest subordinates. The first empress stood up as the hushed murmurs stopped the instant she stood up, only the sound of her heels touching the floor could be heard as she walked to raised podium.

On the podium she was handed a microphone as her blazing blue eyes eyed most of the sirens around.

"Ahh, Testing, testing! Good," her smooth and slightly lower tone of voice sounded throughout the table, "I need not remind us for what we are about to undertake but for those who have just revived I'll give you a brief information. 4 weeks from now we will launch a massive attack on the planet Earth, whose scale has never before been seen in the history of this war, this plan wouldn't have been achieved if it wasn't for a friend to emerge from a war that ravaged an entire Universe" The empress paused a bit as she looks at one of the main doors before pointing her finger, "May all welcome the one person whose been able to give us the power to meet our needs, may I introduce Ark of Destruction class, Void!"

The door she pointed at opened to reveal a tall person almost, 6 feet, they had pitch black hair that reached past their shoulders, a pair of golden eyes that stared right at most sirens almost as if they were searching for something.

This was the first time we've seen Void in broad light as she made her way to the front where the first empress was waiting for her. Her figure could be said to be eye-catching if get what I mean, certainly making Yamato jealous *cough*.

Once she made it to the podium the empress continued with her speech as multiple screens were lowered showing an image of earth in its current.

"The humans have already received a prophecy of this battle and have begun preparations to defend their precious Earth, However, no matter how they prepare our goal will be won even if we lose or win this fight"

Burst of cheering sounded from some sirens as she finished her speech first. Soon after that the meeting was dissolved as each group went to their respective areas, Void herself was alone as she didn't any teammates of her own other than a bunch of cloned useless grunts.

Void sighed as she continued walking along the empty corridor, she couldn't help but think of the humans of this world were just so,

'Weak. If I had gone to conquer earth myself it would fall faster than the earth in my previous universe, who could actually put up a fight'

Thinking about the past made her to think of Yamato who was the only other being, to her knowledge, that was from her universe but...

'She's also weak, weaker than that final fight we had'

Yamato had gotten weaker in her view during their brief fight in that alternate space but she found that Yamato was too easy to break under her attacks, thus she had just critically wounded and forced her out of that space.

For Void she was in a constant boredom without any being who could really give her a run for her money she decided not to take an active role in this battle but she'd just stay behind and watch how humanity would fall to an utterly weak enemy.

Void continued on not noticing that she was being looked at by a smiling siren who just happened to be Purifier. Once Void had exited the station, she stopped following her and quickly made her way back to her empress's chamber where there was a secret meeting going on.

Purifier happily made her way into the room as she declared her presence rather loudly.

"I'm back! And the Ark has left the building"

Tester had a mild annoyed look on her face due to Purifier being so loud but after a millennium of living with her you somewhat get to ignore it.

Observer looked at Purifier with a smile before she turned back to face the others.

"Empress, I have a plan on how to lure out Yamato from wherever she's hiding."

The empress looked at Observer with a surprised look before a smile formed on her face.

Location change, higher dimension

In the giant floating city of the so called 'Heaven' we see that everything is going normal as we could different female and male 'angels' alike taking off and landing on the floating city, however, there seemed to be a commotion in one of the officer rooms.

"So let me understand this, Allena" the officer whom we've been following these past few chapters could be seen holding his hands together as his face was very serious.

"When Yamato was in this other system taken by Chaos, you witnessed another dimensional break" He asked as his tone was very serious.

Allena, for her part, was slightly nervous as her officer was recounting the events of these past few months.

"Yes, I can visually confirm that there was a dimensional break as another battleship similar to Yamato's came out and if I remember correctly her name was Ginga. Though, I'm sure it was the space time barrier that muffled the break, which is why the sensors didn't pick it up".

"Okay, let's go with that. After that event Yamato went back to the humans and you returned here for a quick break but when you returned you couldn't sense her energy, correct" her superior put emphasis on that last word.

Now Allena, seeing that her superior get emotional, slightly fidgeted as her wings behind her open and closed slightly as she answered.

"Yes, I searched for energy signature but the clues I found suggested that she went past the galactic rim and from there I couldn't follow her as we mid-tier angels are strictly forbidden from going past the galactic rim"

Her officer couldn't help but clench his hands more as he took in what she said.

"Then 1 month after, we get sent into alarm as another dimensional break happened in the Large Magellanic Cloud.. However, there was no-one stationed in that system yet, catching us completely off gourd and making us superior officers go through an earful of harsh comments from the council. *sigh*

If you ever make contact with her again do not come and ask for permission from me, go and follow and do not disengage from her, do I make myself clear!"

Allena visible shuddered at her superior's outburst before giving a quick salute and replying, "Sir, yes sir!"

After that brief discussion Allena quickly excused herself before walking out and closing the door behind her. She sighed as her 4 wings drooped behind her almost touching the floor with their tips.

Ever since she lost contact with Yamato, she's been repeatedly chewed out by her superior and this made sort of sad that she failed at her mission.

With nothing else to do she went to her sleeping quarters that was a short walk from where she was.

Stepping out of the office building, her eyes were momentarily blinded by the constant golden hue of this realm. Allena looked around and saw other fellow 'angels' go about their work in pairs and this seemed to sting her.

The work she did required her to be constantly out of the city which made it difficult for her to make a friend which she could pair with. This fact sent her mood lower as she began her walk to her quarters.

While walking she couldn't help but remember the events she witnessed while she was gathering information. In a sense she saw how Yamato was also lonely during those days and she could sort of catch a glimpse at her anger and a bit of her sadness.

From the little information she had from both her superior and Yamato she knew that her universe had been destroyed and she found out that Yamato was actually the last of humanities ships when the universe was destroyed.

She couldn't help but sympathize with her a bit and right now she only had a slight clue that she was the one who caused another break but without evidence she couldn't properly prove it.

Before she knew it, she was facing the door to her room. With a sigh she opened the door only to be greeted with a messy room. This was the product of rarely being in your room and always been in a rush constantly.

Her long golden hair was swept back by the sudden gust of wind from the open window as she bent down to pick up the trash leaving her with a single thought.

"If only we had those trash robots' life would be so much easier"

She had seen firsthand humanities technology which seemed to improve as the days go by.

Location Human realm: Secret test site in???

When faced with a massive challenge humanity has showed time and time again that it could overcome these challenges through its technological advancements.

Now with a major war on the horizon each country knew that there was lacking in strength and raw power even with the revolutionary neutron reactors they couldn't even hold a candle to the Wave motion engine that's in a different realm entirely than their reactors.

But even if they can't reach the level of a wave motion core, they can improve their own immensely.

"Starting reactor activation, all green across the board"

In a strange site found in a secretly hidden place we see a testing site for a new experimental reactor.

Currently it was placed in a sealed off chamber that was impossibly thick and the human observers were in an observation sight placed high above the reactor but they still had a good vantage to see it come to life and among the observers was a familiar face.

"Initiating forced induction, closing emergency valves"

The reactor was awake with a mix a loud piercing whine that reached even the observers.

"Reactor pressure rising steadily, 20%."

The reactor could be seen to visibly pulse with a dark blue glow as the ground trembled with every pulse made.

"Reactor pressure at 40% and rising sharply, beginning energy redirection to Lancer"

The pulses occurred faster and faster as the energy within was supply into lancer, a single barrelled 16-inch canon.

"Initiating Lancer compressor, engine pressure at 60%"

The previously silent turret was awoken from its slumber as a previously black lines were filled with a Dark blue glow giving the turret a very futuristic look as more energy was supplied into it.

"Engine pressure at 80%, requesting permission to fire at target 001"

The target swivelled around as an electric hum sounded throughout the chamber before the turret locked into place, its barrel pointing at a captured siren cruiser which was like a shell of its former self but the side armour was still brand new and thick.

One of the observers took a radio before speaking into it, "Permission granted, fire at will!"

"Command received, turret shows green across all sensors no abnormalities found, engine pressure at 100%. Capacitors fully charged, Lancer Firing now!"

A bright white-blue light drowned the chamber and the observation post in its brightness, blinding those who forgot to wear their anti-flare googles.

The turret let a whine as a dark blue beam shoot out from it. The beam pierced the air close to the speed of light making the air ripple just from being close to it.

In less than a second the beam collided with the side of the cruiser and like a hot knife through butter it sliced through it and straight through the internals before emerging out the landing other end and impacting the dense wall.

Luckily a shield disrupted its destruction as it quickly dissipated.

"Firing complete, radiators 1-5 melted, capacitors slightly burnt but other than that mission success!"

When this was sounded throughout the radio the observers couldn't help but shout in happiness, finally after 2 months of round the clock work, they had managed to produce a successor to the neutron engine in 2 months no less where the other engine took 2 years just to develop.

The person who was in charge of the mission walked to the person whom, every person there without a doubt can say, he carried the entire project on his own as without him the guys would still be scratching their heads at what to do.

This young engineer was the one who opened their eyes and provided a breakthrough that was so radical that it actually worked.

"Carl!" the chief couldn't help but embrace the young lad into a tight hug, after weeks of not sleeping they had actually done the impossible, "If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't even be here, thank you very much"

Yes, this was the same Carl whom we saw back on the Azur Lane system doing a job there now he was working in an experimental division that managed to defy every expectation that was thrown at them and it was through his efforts that they were able to do it.

"It wasn't just me who helped Newt, it was all of you" Carl raised his voice so that everyone in the observation post can hear, "I only gave you guys an idea but that was enough to make all of you chip in and produce this new reactor. Even I didn't know what I was doing most of the time until of you taught me patiently. I can't express how much I appreciate all of your efforts and in all I thank all of you in this project for not only helping me but also humanity"

By the end of his short speech, every person in the post was smiling at the appreciation they received from Carl. A short silence followed before one of them spoke up.

"But still the design was yours so it should be you who names the reactor!"

Carl was at this point surprised and before he could deny the entire group was just chanting "Name It!" repeatedly and Carl soon gave in to the pressure.

"Okay, Okay. Let me think, *pauses* okay. This reactor will be called the Pulsar reactor"

A brief silence followed before they all shouted, "Perfect!"

This startled him a bit but he soon laughed as the group ganged up on him before taking him out for a celebratory feast.

That day or night, whatever time it was he didn't know as it's been a long time since he last saw the sun.

He didn't, care about other matters that time was a time for parting and it was the first he took a large amount of alcohol as other times he just took a small amount.

By the end of the party, he somehow still managed to retain a bit of sanity in his drunk state as he wobbly made his way to his room which was extremely difficult as he kept on hitting a wall or falling face first onto the floor but he continued on pushing his body as he slowly but surely made his way to his room.

By the time he was at the door, he was already breathing heavily and a sweaty mess but somehow, he managed to use his last bit of strength and open the door as it sensed his fingerprints on the handle thus opened before cleansing the handle.

Since he was already pushing forward, he stumbled into his messy room and with a thud he hit the ground though this time he was able to cushion himself as he held his arms in front of him. A slight thump sounded behind him as the door closed shut behind him.

Carl was left a sweaty panting mess as he struggled to get up onto the bed. His brown hair that was a tad bit long clung onto his scalp. After a few tries of getting up he decided to lay there on the cold floor while he saves his energy.

His eyes wonder across the floor of his messy room until they land on a thick book that was bound by rings. It took a while for his mind to connect the dots before a tiny burst of energy surged through his body.

Though it was small it was enough to get his body moving as he managed to sit upright with his back against the hard wall of the facility and in his hands was that bound book.

Carl stared at the book before he looked at the front cover, there it was written in bold Japanese letters the name of the book.

"Wave motion engine Technical Manual"

Yes, this was a manual on how the wave motion engine works, how he got it, remember that time Yamato allowed carl to restart the engine when she was handling a serious matter, he found the manual there and it showed him how to activate it as well what parts make it up and what happens within the engine.

This naturally made him curious, thus he 'borrowed it without permission' and took it home where he read the book but stumbled onto a serious problem.

No matter where he searched, he could not find anything related to this to the engine on the entire internet which was shocking as he went back to the book which clearly said it was made in 2199 that was in the past but any event recorded in said year did not bring up this wave motion engine.

As of this point, he was stumped and it was around here he met up with Haruka again, though he did see her injured and covered with bandages. For Carl, he felt worried that even with Haruka's mighty battleship it couldn't last long against a swarm of sirens [These were his thought as in real sense if Yamato were just facing siren ships, she would gut them apart]

This led to him trying to find a way to improve the power of current human ships as he knew that Haruka's ship had a power on a league on its own. This led to him finding ways to improve the neutron reactor and with the help of the technical manual he managed to find a solution and made a simple diagram illustrating this.

Then he also ran into his second problem, he didn't have a way to materialize this new reactor into reality which is why he looked for a friend of his who just so happened to working in this secret project thus he had the knowledge to understand whatever Carl spewed from his mouth.

Thus, when Carl showed him the diagram and explained how the reactor would work, it took a while for him to comprehend what Carl was trying to put across and when he did, he felt like his eyes were open as a solution to their project was right in front of him.

That same day, he called his superiors who invited Carl to join their project in less than a heartbeat. For that, they bore the fruits of their success as a complete working Pulsar reactor was ready to be pumped out like no tomorrow as the industrial giant was getting prepared to flex its industrial might on these sirens.

As for Carl he will be rewarded handsomely for his great contribution to the project, but as of now he didn't care about the rewards, he cared about one-person who seemed to be on a vacation or so he was told.

"Haruka," he mumbled as he griped the book tightly, "I really do miss you"

Location change: Iscandar

The Iscandar system had seen a lot of changes in just a few months, from being a quiet space having no movement to being a noisy place as many things were moving about within it.

If we start out at the farthest reaches of the system we see a giant field of rocks and asteroids, this place is known as the Kuiper belt, borrowing from its earth name.

This a region of space that surrounds the star like a bubble but full of asteroids that are rich in ice and minerals. Currently we can see numerous mining bots sawing away at these rocks before taking the cut-out blocks to a refining station where the rocks are sorted into their different parts then put into a container and shipped towards the system as resource hungry plants await.

The system only consists of 3 rocky planets, 1 of which orbits very close to the sun the other two are just our binary planets, Iscandar and Gamilas, where most assembly and processing plants are. Lastly, is the sole gas giant of the system, this planet has processing plants that handle the toxic things as well as having other construction plants for ships and deference platforms.

Speaking of defence platforms, Yamato with her team of AI have managed to completely cover the entire system in a robust defence grid that acts like a meat grinder for any enemy trying to attack.

Plus, there was another breakthrough as blueprints for the first defence ships would be put in place but if you compare these to the earth defence fleet of 2202 ships from star blazers, they are a direct copy and paste.

The defence ships would comprise of battleships, that resemble an Iowa class as there is no Andromeda class planned to be built, carriers which is like slapping a rocket on a modern-day carrier like Nimitz class carrier of the US and calling it a day. Cruisers and destroyers, were also part of the construction such that a fully operational fleet can be built.

The only reason why Yamato decided against going to other systems to plunder their resources is that they don't have a fully functional mobile defence fleet thus they can't really defend well if they are attacked from multiple angles.

Moving on to the binary planets we see that the most eye caching thing are the numerous stations dotted in orbit of the binary systems. These stations served different purposes as we could see a lot traffic coming in and coming out of the binary planets.

This will go down in the history books as one of the fastest system subjugations in the whole of mankind and the 4 well make it 3 foxes who pioneered these things could be seen on Gamilas first city called Nova city.

The city served as a basic coastal city for kansens to live in as for humans, they would temporarily live here as the metropolitan city further inland had yet to begin construction much less the materials needed for it were being gobbled up by the defence ships and other yet to be constructed ships.

From the coastline the first structure we see are multiple docking bays that were upwards of 30, clearly meant to house a small sized nation though at the moment 4 bays were currently occupied. From there on if go straight and look to our right we see a hexagonal Administration block that's still in the process of being built.

If we look to our left, we see some 2, 3 story apartments that looked like one of those luxurious apartments with a spacious inside, all made for comfort. We continue straight forward and to our left is a 2-story cafeteria that's oval shaped.

Why 2 stories, well it never hurts someone to be prepared if there's a max influx of people. Shortly after another short walk forward we reach the Apartment complex that has not 1 but 6-4 story apartments that still had the expensive look to them.

With the housing tour finished we turn directly to our left where some few walks away is a Training complex. Yes training, you expect a kansen to get skill just by shooting asteroids. This building tests a kansens experience in weapons be it a blade or a gun next was the training for their riggings as they are small and nimble thus a battle can easily be simulated if some major problems were figured out at first.

In here we find our foxy group in the weapons area where Yamato and Kitakami were about to duke it as they both pointed their swords upwards while waiting for the duel to begin but before we get to that duel right next to the training area if we still continue left we would see a pretty large hill that looked pretty normal but deep within it, mining bot were clawing out the hill making it hollow for the task of making it a docking and repair space as 30 bays may not be enough.

Lastly if we climbed to the top of the hill and look at the opposite side, we are meet with the sight of multiple repair bays that were numbered at about 20 though only 5 were completed, these would serve as a place where ships can come and get patched up before being sent again.

Now with the small tour complete let's head back to the duel that's about to commence.

Location Nova city, Gamilas -Training Area

In one corner we have the ruthless empress of Sakura empire, Yamato, while on the other side we have a smaller but energetic Kitakami, now the rules are, there are no rules- Fight!

Yamato looked at the younger fox as they begun to slowly inch with their blades forward with their muscles tensed as you'd never expect when the enemy will attack.

Yamato carefully eyed up her opponent before quickly stepping forward as her blade slashed diagonally but the little cruiser was already prepared and countered giving her a bit of space to breathe.

For one thing Kitakami knew that if she just tried to hold her ground when defending she would ultimately lose as Yamato is the strongest kansen in the room, thus she decided to use her advantage of being a cruiser, speed and agility.

The cruiser instantly jumped forward as she thrust her sword aiming to strike her abdomen but Yamato immediately countered with another slash aiming to cut her hand or at least take out her sword but this was where Kitakami's cards came into play.

Kitakami immediately sidestepped to the left quickly as Yamato's blade came down like a razor snipping away some few locks of hair but it was expected as she quickly brought her blade upwards aiming for a sneak attack until she surprised.

She was stuck as if her sword had hit concrete and it was stuck but upon looking at her sword, she couldn't help but see the sight of Yamato grabbing the blade of her sword and only stopping it with the palm of her hands, though she did see some drops of blood on the floor which meant that Yamato took the risk and it paid off.

Kitakami gave up as soon as soon as she saw the sword ever so close to her neck, giving Yamato the W.

With a sigh Kitakami plodded down onto the floor as she gave out a whine, "That's unfair, I thought we were supposed to use our blades only."

Yamato looked down at Kitakami as she patched up her hand with a kind of confused expression.

"In a war do you think the enemy will only use swords? Listen to me very carefully Kitakami. I have seen enemies sacrifice so much for a single blow that could be very devastating or very stupid, so don't limit your thought and actions to what was set, use all the cards at your disposal and you can win"

Yamato then took that moment to leave so that she can properly treat the wound but she was yet again stopped by Kitakami as she seemed to be angry.

"I'm trying to! but they don't work cause I'm too weak. Yamato, why can't you just refit use with a wave motion engine? What's so special about this stupid core, that makes you treasure it for yourself!?"

Yamato stopped in her tracks as she looked back at Kitakami who getting visibly angry.

"Kitakami, I told you before, me and my crew strictly swore not to give out this technology to any other race and I'm certainly not going to give it to anyone from this universe, just practice some more, if you can master your abilities you--"

Yamato was cut off as Kitakami went into an outburst.

"Practice this, practise that bullshit! I've been doing that for the past 3 weeks and there's no fucking change, every time I try to come up with a new move, a new way on how to use my abilities but they don't work. You shouldn't have been built with this core anyway."

Yamato was surprised by Kitakami cursing, so much so she fully turned to face her but that comment brought a look of annoyance onto her face.

"You fucking heard me right. You shouldn't have been giving the core to begin with as your hull should still be rusting in the Antarctic with your fellow sisters. Protector of humanity my ass, the only thing I've seen you protect is nothing but your pride and a useless core that can't even bring back Musashi!"

As of this point Yamato was getting very pissed at how Kitakami was yelling to the point that her emotions surged when she heard her talk about her sisters, leading to her eyes to change to the feral black with a red iris.

"Kitakami" her tone entirely changed to be point of surprising the angry cruiser, "You don't know a thing about me. You don't know how many hardships I been through, how many comrades I've lost and how many Fucking times I've been stuck remembering how I couldn't save my home planet yet I had the power to. I had to watch as my sister was destroyed right in front me before I escaped. Watch your tongue otherwise it can land you in trouble."

With that hot Reply Yamato stormed off leaving Kitakami alone with her thoughts as she went directly to her apartment that was a short walk away.

While walking Yamato calmed down to the point of that her eyes returned to normal but she wasn't entirely cooled as she shut the door to the apartment with a bang, startling Ginga who had just finished putting her clothes on.

Ginga worryingly looked at Yamato who silently went to her part of the room and closed the behind her with a slight bang.

Ginga couldn't help but wonder what happened as her golden eyes looked at Yamato's door briefly before she stood up to confront her sister.

She slowly walked to her door that was painted white and softly knocked on it, "Sister, can I come in"

Ginga patiently waited for a response but she received nothing but silence. This made her even more worried as she quietly opened the door.

"Pardon the intrusion" Ginga said as she walked in before closing the door behind her.

In front of her sitting on her bed, we could see Yamato facing the sunset through the transparent wall.

Ginga was going to ask her a question before her sharp eyes saw her sister's body visibly quake as if she was crying.

This of course sent Ginga into full comfort mode as she quickly brought her sister into a hug, her head resting on her shoulder. Ginga closed her eyes as she slowly patted her sisters trying to bring her comfort as she could feel her shoulder get slightly wet.

"Yamato, if you want you can tell me what's troubling you" she said out of comfort as she's never seen her sister cry.

Ginga patiently waited for Yamato to calm down as she slowly replied to her question.

"The past. No matter where I go, I'm reminded of all the mistakes I did" Yamato said in a slow voice that was full of sadness and a hint of anger.

To Ginga, she hasn't fully grasped the mistakes of her past as even though she's her sister, Yamato never really opened up about it but the only problem she ever knew was a recent one.

"Did you get into a fight with Kitakami again but this time she went a bit too far" Ginga made a guess as they did have a short argument but she and Oicchi were there to dissolve it.

Yamato herself was surprised to the point she let go of the embrace and directly looked at Ginga with surprised even though her eyes still had tears in them.

"How did you ... Oh yeah you help dissolve one a few weeks ago. Yeah, we had an argument but I guess Kitakami had a lot of pent-up stress so she went a bit too far, even me, I might have let my emotions get over me." Yamato said with some regret towards the end.

Ginga listened to all of this and instantly knew what it was about.

"Then why don't you give them a refit with the wave motion engine as all this arguing is leading us to nowhere other than creating a rift"

Yamato had wiped her tears and looked at her sister with a serious look.

"Ginga, you should know that I can't give out the wave motion core to anyone. I promised that wouldn't and I won't give up one it now."

Ginga looked at her sister with a certain look before she gave out another idea.

"Then if you can't give them the wave motion core, what if you modify the core then. If it gets energy from a higher dimension, you can make that this core gets energy from a lower dimension that's less powerful than wave motion energy but it's still better than this universes power, by a gap."

When Ginga put across the idea, the idea naturally took root in Yamato's mind and slowly grew to the point where it would actually be feasible, combined with the fact that she actually has the blue prints of the wave motion core modifying it would actually be easy. The only thing she needed were some AIs to do the calculations.

Ginga naturally saw the thoughtful look in her sisters' eyes and smiled before leaving Yamato to her thoughts.

Just before she closed the door, she could here Yamato talk on the other side.

"Analyser, I need you to run a few tests for me. Thank you, dear sister, for the idea"

Ginga smiled once more before replying "You're welcome", before leaving her room.

Time skip- this was needed. Not even there to the actions yet

Some 1 week later and we could see the entire group assembled on Iscandar right next to a construction yard for ships and large structures.

Currently we could see both Ginga and Oicchi standing off one structures side while Kitakami and Yamato both faced each other.

The first person to make a move was Kitakami as she bowed in front of Yamato as her tails dropped by a bit.

"Yamato, I'm sorry for yelling at you and for saying those words that were way out of line. I only hope that you can forgive me from the bottom of your heart." Those short the words she said were genuine and she was truly sorry.

Yamato looked at her for a while before she said, "Lift your head"

Kitakami did as told as her eyes looked into Yamato's red eyes.

"I can agree that what you said was out of line but I've already forgiven you as even I let my emotions get the best of me. However, what I brought you to do today was for a far greater plan. Kitakami Oicchi come closer"

Both cruisers walked forward as they were both wondering what was about to happen.

"You both have showed great support towards me and Ginga and this whole plan, however, I need to really know, will you be one my side even if I order to kill some humans?"

This question startled both the cruisers as it was out of the blue and as such, they took time to reply. Why, kansens were built for the sole purpose of defending humanity thus they find killing a human a direct opposite to why they were made. But both the cruisers have seen firsthand how humans can kill fellow friends and family so easily that it shocked them back when they were stuck on that planet.

Thus, answer was easy when they thought about it.

"If you tell us to kill some humans we will gladly, do it."

This answer didn't surprise Yamato a lot but to hear them admit it verbally was still something.

"In that case, Kitakami, Oicchi. I hereby declare that the 2 of you will officially join me as my most trusted ships and for that I will give you 2 the power to stand as one of my subordinates."

Yamato showed the two of them 2 oval shaped spheres that glowed with a dark blue colour.

"These 2 are modified wave motion cores that would give you an energy that's less destructive than wave motion energy but it's still more destructive compared to your neutron reactors. I'll give you 2 the rights to name it but that's if you agree to accept these cores and the limitations that come with it."

Both cruisers were shocked to see 2 modified cores just for them in front of their eyes, it felt like a dream come true and it actually happened.

Thus, both them said in unison, "Yes, were prepared for the consequences"

Yamato smiled when she heard their enthusiasm, "Then prepare your ships for a major overhaul as your current designs aren't compatible with your new cores. The refit would most likely take some time to complete so are you two prepared for it."

"Yes, we are" the two answered immediately as they both summoned their ships from wherever they were as a massive cloud of cubes rained down on the site before a massive energy release occured as the 2 cruiser hulls appeared before the group.

Yamato easily guided them to 2 free construction lines, where an army of robots waited patiently for the target to enter.

With the cores put in with the needed materials both cruisers decided to sleep in their captain's room as the retrofit occurred around them. Both felt nervous but, in the end, they lay on their beds with their hands beside them as they controlled their reactors before shutting them down sending the 2 into a coma as they were linked to the ships.

With a loud groan the 2 cruisers were pulled into their separate lines as the robots within activated and begun the long process of over hauling the cruisers.

Both Yamato and Ginga looked at this before a question brook the silence.

"Yamato, how about your ship, when will it finish its remodel"

Remodel? You ask, somehow when she had summoned Ginga as a reward Keter gave her blue prints to her 2202 war arc model, that gave her more AA guns as there would be some mounted in front of her first turret. Better turrets that were directly licensed from Ginga's and a better electronic system.

Finally, there would be an addition of an extra 2 catapults behind her but this didn't really have much use.

"It will finish by next week, that's the report analyser had given me."

In that moment with most ships getting a major over haul Yamato couldn't help but think about earth and humanity in general, wondering how things were going.

I need rest


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

dragon_monarchcreators' thoughts