
A Naruto Novel, Maybe

Hiro is a middle aged man. After cuckolded by his wife, he had a accident and died. Then he reborned to Naruto World. INO X OC NO HAREM BECAUSE I HATE IT.

TheVeteranReader · Cómic
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19 Chs

Chapter Six: Team Tsubasa and Suprise (EDITED)

Hiro sat in his usual spot in the classroom. This day was the day of graduation. He was graduating from the Ninja Academy.

He looked back 6 years. Furthermore, he entered the academy when he was six years old. Time passed, and he became a twelve-year-old young boi. He worked his ass off in the past six years. His taijutsu is already on the level of an inexperienced jonnin. His moves were textbook level. Although he sparred with Aki-nee and Yuta-nii, he didn't have life and death experience.

His chakra control is also jonnin level. He tested his chakra with chakra paper, so he could learn which elemental aptitude he has. Apparently, he has fire and lightning. He felt good. He had two heavy attack elements in his side.


He learned stronger and complicated ninjutsus than what he learned before. He learned two C level, not including Cannon Fire, and two B rank ninjutsus. Not only that, but he also learned an A level ninjutsu.

Their name was, in order:

C ranks:

Fire Release: Firegatling. It was a rain of flame bullets.

Lightning Release: Lightning Spear. It's purpose was penetrating. Like the name suggests, you must shape the lightning as a spear and send it to the enemy to penetrate the enemy's defenses.

B ranks:

Lightning Release: Web of Lightning. It was a crowd control attack. User's ten meters and more around can be covered by a lightning web.

Fire Release: Lesser Dragon Breath. A large pillar of fire will escape from the mouth of the user towards to enemy.

A rank:

Fire Release: Massive Fireball. As the name proposes. A massive fucking ball of fire.

(AN: All of them is my babies. Orginals... I feel like Frankenstein, It is alive!)

Every ninjutsu above was from the clan vault. He can say, they felt like designed for him specially.

His genjutsu... ughhh... Good? I mean, he could dispose genjutsu on him shortly after cast. As long as he has his massive chakra reserves, everything okay. Not including Itachi… Hehe.

Hire feels bored. Before he lost in his dream world, everyone was still coming to the classroom. He came a bit early. He regretted it immediately.

Likewise, he was preparing to lose himself again in his dreamworld, he felt someone poke him. When he turned towards to who poked him, he saw a smiling Choji.

"Man, you look like Shikamaru. Are you certain that you aren't from Nara clan? Here, take a few." He handed a bag of chips to him. Hiro smiled and took a few chips from the bag. "No, my man. I am not from the Nara clan. Haha. Thank you."

He sat up and went to sit beside Choji. He liked this big boi from the start. Furthermore, he was genuine in his actions. He was closer to him than Shikamaru. He looked sleeping Shikamaru. "Man, surely Naras sleep a lot. He is sleeping from the time he came to classroom."

Hiro strengthened his ties with Shikamaru and Choji with time. He was close friends with them. He was also close with Ino at a time, but then she became a duck butt haired, emo Uchiha kid's stalker. From that point, he stayed away from her. She became an annoying person with time. He turned colder and colder towards her, and now she is nothing but a stranger to him.

As for Naruto... Peh. He didn't want the attention of pedos.

He talked and joked with Choji for some time. After sometime, teacher Iruka came to the classroom on exact time. He smiled toward class sadly.

"Hi, class. This will be our last roll call. I hope, you will have a good future. Then let's proceed to our roll call. Yamanaka Ino…"

Iruka-sensei took roll call swiftly and then proceeded to explain how the exam will be. "Test has three parts. Written exam as first part, taijutsu exam as second part, basic ninjutsu as last part. Now, let's proceed to the written exam.

Please take a look to your papers. Don't forget to write your name and class number, good luck."

Hiro looked at the paper in front of him. He quickly answered all of it and gave it to Iruka. He made sure that he only answered %80.

Thereafter, taijutsu exams held. His opponent was Iruka-sensei. He held himself back and attacked Iruka-sensei. He made sure that he only had a decent performance.

In the ninjutsu exam, they only want him to demonstrate three academy ninjutsus. Transformation, replacement, clone ninjutsus. He made them successfully.

He looked Iruka who was giving him a Hidden Leaf headband. He could see pride in his eyes. He looked genuinely happy for him.

"Congratulations Hiro! You were a good student. I am happy for you."

Hiro smiled at him. He accepted the headband happily. "Thank you, teacher." Then he exited the classroom and started to go towards to orphanage. When he was on his way to the orphanage, he saw that Naruto was sitting on a swing unhappily.

Hiro paused and started to go towards him. ' Eh... Let's start to plant seeds of friendship. It will be fine if it is only pleasantries.'

When he arrived in front of him, he patted his shoulder. "My man, Naruto. Don't look this bad. This is not the end of world. You got this bro..."

Naruto looked confused for a moment, then he smiled. "Don't need to comfort me, Hiro. Goodbye, I am going home."

Hiro looked at him sadly. This village was going hardcore gang bang on this kid. "Goodbye, man."

Then he went back to his track. "Mmhm. Aki-nee was saying about celebration. I hope Yuta-nii took bitter chocolate cake for me."

*Time skip: Tomorrow*

Hiro looked Iruka. Iruka was announcing the teams for a while. "Team 10 Ino-Shikamaru-Choji and as last one Hiro, you are going an experienced gennin team which lost one of it's members." Hiro looked confused about this station. Surely, there will be extras like him. They will go to such teams.

'Oh. The plot still continues, huh. Naruto has the same team. Eh, good for me, then.'

Next, everyone started to go with their respective senseis to introduce themselves. After a while, a man with gray hair and yellow eyes came inside the classroom and started to talk towards Hiro.

"Hey, kid named Hiro, come with me." He had a smile on his lips. He looked abnormally cheerful.

Hiro sat up from his desk and went towards his new sensei. He looked at him carefully. His sensei had a good-looking face, a gray hair, a pair of yellow eyes. ' His appearance looks like a good combination of an artist. Ah, man, I envy these fuckers.'

"Hi teach! My name is Hiro. Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too, Hiro. My name is Hoshi Tsubasa, I am the teacher of Team Tsubasa. Now, come with me to meet your teammates."

Hiro followed behind of him to go to meet with his teammates. After a while, they arrived an empty training ground. There were two people waiting for them patiently. One of them is a tall, black dreadlocks haired, black-eyed boy and the other one is a blue-eyed, straight brown haired, petite girl. The boy looked like he dissatisfied and had a sullen face. The girl was just smiling like she wasn't concerned with the world around her.

Hiro looked the strange combination in front of him. ' Only normal personality is me, huh.'

He stepped forward, bowed his head to his senpais. "Hello, senpais! My name is Hiro. I am an orphan, I newly graduated from Ninja Academy. Nice to meet you all."

The girl smiled at him. The boy was just looking sullen. "Hi, Hiro. My name is Koda Kimi. I graduated only for two years. Nice to meet you too, Hiro. I hope that we can get along.

Now..." She looked the uncaring boy with amusement. "This big good boi is Mura Fumio. Mura... Hey, Mura. Fucking introduce yourself!" Kimi said her friend rudely. Suddenly, the boy, named Mura, snapped from his depth thoughts and looked at Hiro with a boring glance. "Hello, my name is... Uh... You know already. I graduated two years ago. I don't like to interact with people, I apologize for ignoring you. Furthermore, I hope that we can get along." He said with straightforward attidue.

At that moment, Tsubasa interrupted their bonding moment with his loud, cheerful voice. "Oh, what a touching moment! Ah, whatever... Now we should go to our little exam, right kids?"

' Ah, I know this. This exam meant to take bad apples from the basket. Hmmm. I wonder, how is my station, right now. I am with a gennin team who passed this little important exam before. Hmmm. It should be only meant for me.

It could be about of my teamwork ability with my new team. If I act as a team player, I can easily pass this! Let's go!' Hiro thought with determination. He was sure to pass this little exam right now, here!

"Our little exam is starting right now. Hiro, my dear student, don't become a burden for your senpais! It is best for you if you work alone. Listen to my advice and you will pass. It is a guarantee from me!" Tsubasa-sensei was looking death serious when he was saying this, but Hiro knew that he was bullshitting. He will certainly not pass him if he listen to his advice. Deception is the best weapon of a ninja!

'Crafty fox. You fucked up big boi...'

Senpais were looking focussed on their sensei. "Oh, you can start! Come and defeat me, Hiro. Your team's goal is defeating me!"

Hiro smirked towards Tsubasa-sensei. Then he looked at his senpais and shouted them. "Mura, Kimi senpais! Let's beat his ass. I am good at the taijutsu and ninjutsu. I will attack him first and tank his attacks. Ambush him when he was distracted!"

Mura said coldly. "I am good at genjutsu. I will stay behind."

Next, Kimi said with excitement in her voice. "I am good at ninjutsu. I can distract him with you."

Hiro didn't leave his eyes on his opponent. He looked every movement of his opponent. If he can distract him for a moment, then everyone can go all in. 'I need to attack him first. If he attacks me, I am over. Thank good, this is only a test, and otherwise we will be finished without planning. Sensei is giving us an advantage over him by not interrupting our plan making session.'

Hiro started to run towards his sensei. He can feel, his sensei was watching his every fucking move. He was also watching his other teammates with the corner of his eye. 'So, this is an experienced ninja's perception of analyze.' Hiro thought when he arrived in front of his teacher. He started to punch and kick his sensei carefully. He trained with Guy and Lee for more than 6 years.

He wasn't a genius in taijutsu, so hard worked every moment of these six years. His nearly inexperienced Jonnin level taijutsu was result of his hard fucking work.

His sensei was dodging his kicks and punches like a pro. Hiro understood he cannot wear him down a bit like he thought. 'Sensei is a taijutsu type.' He leaped backwards and started to do hand sings unimaginably fast.

"Fire Release: Firegatling!" Fire bullets escaped from Hiro's mouth and rained towards his sensei.

Tsubasa's eyes widened and then shrank. "Huh. I like where this is going."

He disappeared from in front of Hiro and appeared behind of Hiro. He did hand sings quickly and... "Serious Release: Serious Balls Quashed!" Flicked Hiro's balls!


Hiro felt his whole world was black and white. He could see the reaper in front of him, looking him such pity. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" He felt pain in his deep core.

He was about to give up and go to a hospital for a search, his teammates attacked

his teacher, who is in a fit of laughter. Mura did a C rank level Genjutsu: False Pain and retreated quickly, after him, Kimi went through hand seals and did a C rank level Fire Release: Fire Ball and engaged proceeded to engage taijutsu with her sensei. Mura was doing Genjutsu in the background.

Furthermore, after a while, Hiro recovered and sat up from the ground. "Oh boi. Fuck you, man!" Then he proceeded to punch the shit out of his sensei. He appeared behind of his teacher punched his back of head with force. He felt sick happiness following inside his veins.

Sensei was cornered by three of them. After a while, he leaped backwards and disappeared in front of them and when he appeared behind them, he shouted. "Lightning Release: Shock." Mura, Kimi and Hiro felt an electric shock to their core. Although It didn't harm them, they can't feel their bodies. They were numb.

"Alrighty team! You did a good job. You passed. Anyway, I am going to report Hokage-sama. You can rest, bye!"

"Oh, yeah, bye." Said three of them tiredly.

"Umm. Eat BBQ?" Hiro asked.

"Yeah, why not." Kimi said with a strained voice.

"I am hungry..." Mura said calmly.


*Character Past no Jutsu*

Hiro looked the eighteen-year-old man in front of him. He looked dejectedly towards Hiro. "Hello, step-brother. I came to say that your biological mother death. Her funeral will be held tomorro..."

Hiro looked calmly towards him and interrupted him. "I don't have a mother. I am an orphan currently, when she left me in the orphanage for her new family. My mother was death for me sixteen years."

Man named Kuro looked at him and said knowingly. "She was sad when she was about to die. She said that she regretted a lot fo..."

Hiro was starting to get angry. "I don't give a fuck about a stranger's regrets. Every choice has a consequence. She was ready to bear results. Now fuck off!"

Kuro frowned towards him. "She left a fortune for you. Her last wish was that her fortune must give to you by us."

Hiro sighed to calm himself. "Look boi, I don't care about her. Take her fortune and shove it to her ass. Now, FUCK OFF!"

"She is your biological mother. She made a mistake! Okay, I understand, you will never forgive her. But can you at least accept her last wish... Her apology?"

Hiro looked the naive young man with a mocking smile. "Hahahahahah! How unsightly! Now, I became a bad man, huh! Listen closely kid.

When she left me to the orphanage, she looked at me and said, I am a fucking failure! She said I came from a trash bin that called 'My father'. She even looked at me disgustingly. Now kid... Why should I accept her? She rejected me. She couldn't reject me because I rejected her first!

Do you know what I said to her face? I said that she is a bitch who following trail of money. She is just like a dog in heat. She will die like a failure, she can't be something in her life! I was right. She died like a sick dog, she couldn't be happy because of her illness, but look at me! I am in my fucking peak. I worked religiously and for material life. Now, I am living a fulfilling life. I am rich as fuck. Your bitch's money is not even exchange money fore me. Even now, I will buy your father's business.

Do you understand, kid? This is the life of a winner. Now fuck off!" Then turned his back to him, started to go his limousine.

When he entered inside, he sat down. He felt so happy. Like an elephant lifted from his rib cage.

'I was right. I am always right...'