
A Naruto Fan-Fic

Follow Ken, a man who was reborn to a new world thanks to a Black Ball. ... I don't own the cover. I found it on google.

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25 Chs

Natural Energy

The constant flow of the waterfall resonated with the sounds of nature. The birds' twit, the sound of the leaves being blown by the wind, the clear blue sky and the sun made every look perfect.

A little boy sat crosslegged on a huge flat rock. His eyes closed and his focus was obviously somewhere. This little boy is Ken, our MC.

Days have passed and he finally decided on meditating to try and absorb Natural Energy. Unknown to him, he had been sitting on that rock for nearly 3 hours.

For three hours, which Ken though was just 30 minutes, he had been trying to fully envision the Natural Energy around him. And for three hours, he had made huge progress.

Suddenly, Ken with his eyes closed raised the corner of his lips showing a rare smile.

'Finally! Come, Natural Energy!' The air stirred a 5-meter radius around Ken as the Natural Energy gathered around him. His 361 pressure points opened up and started taking in the Natural Energy.

He willed the Natural Energy through his Chakra Pathway system and sent them towards the empty Energy Pool located in his head. He avoided the Chakra Pool and made his way towards the Energy Pool.

He had found out a few days ago that although the Energy Pool on his head could store chakra, he was actually unable to have more chakra than what the Chakra Pool in his stomach could contain. He was also unable to use Chakra from that Pool unless he sent it back to his Chakra Pool located in his stomach.

The way Ken saw it, the Energy Pool was clearly meant for the Natural Energy.

As Ken basked in the glory of being able to absorb Natural Energy, he also started to notice that as he absorbed the Natural Energy, the thinner it gets.

When he extended his senses, he found that he was only able to absorb the Natural Energy 5 meters around him. The recovery of Natural Energy could not keep up with Ken's absorption speed.

The five-meter radius of Natural Energy only allowed him to fill half of his Energy Pool.

With no choice, Ken moved to a different spot and absorbed the Natural Energy until his Energy Pool was finally full.

"Hah!" After releasing a deep breath, Ken opened his eyes. He cracked his joints as it felt stiff after being in the same position for a long time.

Ken noticed that after absorbing Natural Energy, his senses towards his surroundings became clearer. He could sense the Natural Energy clearer, unfortunately, he was still unable to absorb them without meditating.

Ignoring everything else, Ken decided to test what Natural Energy can actually do.

Still not used to having a new type of energy, Ken focused on his inner vision to observe how Natural Energy worked.

And just like he theorized, he had an innate feeling that he could use the Natural Energy stored in the Pool. Furthermore, he could feel that even without Hand Seals, he could manipulate the Natural Energy to employ a technique similar to that of Shape Transformation Techniques.[1]

Ken drove his Natural Energy around his Chakra Pathway System while avoiding his Chakra Pool.

With a thought, he drove his Natural Energy out of all the tenketsu(pressure points) of his right arm and with a wave, a barrier made of blazing flame formed in front of him. Ken did not really know how tough the barrier is, but it should be good enough for it to block a not so powerful jutsu(Technique).

After that, Ken saw that the Energy Pool was reduced a little. If he spammed that jutsu, then he should be able to do it a little less than thirty times before his Energy Pool runs out.

He was most familiar with fire jutsus, so he tried several attack methods with fire using Natural Energy.

Turns out that he could pretty much do anything. He coated his arms with Natural Energy and ignited it giving him a blazing arm that never really burns him, even his clothes were fine. Of course, he could do it with his whole body.

Ken used kunai and also coated it with Natural energy, set it ablaze and threw it. Unfortunately, the flame was snuffed off after reaching 20 meters away from him. But Ken took notice of the fact that the Kunai flew faster.

He experimented for a whole hour before deciding to stop.

"Hooh~" Ken released a huge sigh before finding a clean spot to sit. He refilled what was consumed by that earlier fire barrier.

Ken had already forgotten about lunch and continued to sit cross-legged. He focused on his inner vision and saw his Chakra Pathway System.

A single thought was enough to command his newly absorbed Natural Energy to move, but this time, his purpose was to mix the two different energies together.

This was the second use of Natural Energy. He must balance it with his own Chakra by mixing them together to create a completely different kind of energy.

More concentrated, more powerful, and more buffed kind of energy.

But he had to find the right ratio, the right balance between the two energies. According to Glutton, people who did not find the right balance between the two energies had either became insane, exploded, turned to stone, consumed by rage and many more.

So right now, Ken had to approach the subject very carefully, otherwise, he would be a goner.

Slightly nervous, Ken stopped his chakra for a moment to release his nervous breath.

'Here goes nothing!'

Ken commanded a strand of his Natural Energy to enter the Energy Chakra Pool.

The moment the Chaka entered, it disappeared in the Pure White Chakra. It did nothing, not even a hint of green in that pure white Pool, after all, it was just a strand.

Slowly but surely, Ken controlled his Natural Energy as it slowly blended with his Chakra. But Ken was beginning to doubt Glutton's words. He had already combined half of his Natural Energy with his Chakra but there was no transformation at all.

Still, Ken did not stop being cautious as he still blended strand after strand of Natural Energy with his Chakra. But as time passed, Ken noticed that after blending 75 percent of Natural Energy with his Chakra, the color of his Chakra now had some orange-red hues to it. At this rate, if he added 100 percent of his Natural energy, then his chakra could probably turn to orange-red.

Time passed and Ken was already sitting there for straight 2 hours.

Unknown to Ken, as he added more and more of Natural Energy, the air that blew 5 meters around him kept moving in a bizarre way. Sometimes it would stop, get stronger, turn into a small whirlwind and many more in a weird way. This caused all the leaves, his hair, and his clothes flutter and scatter, making that 5-meter radius a huge mess.

If anyone saw this scene, they would be awed and terrified at the same time.

The moment the last strand of Natural Energy was blended with his Chakra, Ken opened his eyes only to feel an overwhelming power course throughout his body. As if he could break anything with a single punch.

He could also see the 5 meters domain-like radius around him. Stretching his hand, Ken made a fist and punched the empty air.

There was a short delay and a loud "Pak!" echoed and the thick tree, four meters from him shook like it was about to be uprooted. A fist-sized hole appeared out of nowhere on its trunk that went nearly 5 inches deep.

Ken raised his foot and stomped as hard as he can.

"Bang!" The ground quaked as his foot broke made a small crater. If this was done on a person, imagine what would it do?!

With a single thought, Ken willed the Natural Energy around him to seep in the earth and suddenly, like magic, two spikes made of earth suddenly burst out from the ground 5 meters away from him.

With a blink, his Sharingan was activated. As of now, Ken is on the Zone. A Zone that he had never entered before. In his eyes, everything slowed down, if before it was scary, then this time, it is terrifying.

Ken shivered at the thought of meeting an opponent that had these kinds of prowess.

Just then, he felt his legs go weak and he collapsed kneeling on the ground. Beads of sweat trickled down his face as he panted. But the excitement he felt did not die down.

'Haha! Shit! This is really crazy! I can only keep it up for three minutes before my chakra runs out. But it nearly sapped all of my strength!' Ken thought.

Three minutes might sound short, but three minutes of invincibility? Anyone would get fucked!

Ken rested and did not bother to recover his lost Chakra and Natural Energy. He just sat on the flat rock as he thought about how he suddenly reached such a powerful state.

He had only been training for a year, but he had completely surpassed his previous life's peak power. Be it strength, speed, power, agility, and in all aspects, he had far surpassed his previous life.

First, there was Glutton. Then he absorbed 15 percent of the Kyuubi's Chakra which allowed him to have a larger amount of Chakra than many higher-ranked shinobis out there.

Then he practiced for a year and found out about his overpowered eyes, the Sharingan.

Then he opened one of the Nine Restrictive Gates allowing him to have a new kind of power. Then after meditating for several hours, he awakened another more terrifying power allowing his already terrifying power to become even more terrifying.

Just how fucked up a year can be?!

"Gur, gurl~" That growl from his stomach instantly woke Ken up and dragged his exhausted body home.


[1]Shape Transformation Techniques are techniques that don't need Hand Seals to employ. For example, Rasengan and Chidori.

Game: Drink 1 cup of water every time you read Natural, Energy, and Chakra.

I know I am making him too OP for his age. So if you don't like OP characters, then leave.

And I finally get why the majority of authors don't write about OP, cold, not too much to say, emotionless MC's. Looks like I bit off more than I can chew haha.

Did I make him too OP? I also hope I did not. If I did, then say hello to Saitama Version 2 or Zhang Xuan V2? Who would be better? Hmm...

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