
A mystery in the ghats

As Shastri is going to his hometown he encounters a mystery... whether he solves or chooses to ignore. Check it out...!!!

Okadmee · Real
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27 Chs


Praveen was still angry at shastri. As they were going loud cursings could be heard. The surrounding vehicles were very confused as they thought someone was swearing at them but could not find the who it was. A rumor spread in Varthur circle that evening that, there was a ghost which was specialist in cursing.

As they reached the police station shastri got down and went somewhere. Praveen was still angry, so he did not pay much attention to what Shastri was saying.

After Shastri went he called Viraj," This is the last time I am working with Shastri. Don't suggest his name again in any case, alright?"

"Why, what happened?" Viraj asked worried.

Then Praveen told him the events of the day.Hearing him Viraj was also shocked. But he still had faith in Shastri.

So he consoled Praveen," I told you. He is a bit cranky. But you just check the results."

"Yeah, I am waiting for the results. And in my opinion, this case will go to dead end because of him."

"What are you saying, Praveen? Are you doubting him just because of one case? Don't you remember the legends regarding him?"

"Yes, but the legends may be sometime a lie." Praveen argued.

"Oh, so you are saying I am also a simple fool who believes anything, right? See, I have worked with him and have seen how quickly he solved the case. Doubting in shastri means you are doubting my credibility also. "

"No, don't take it that way", Praveen tried to explain.

"Then what way I have to take it man? From the very first day you are badmouthing him. I thought you will understand his methods as the time goes by, but….. Forget it. I will make a bet with you now. If he fails to solve the case then I will make the payment of your consultation fee. I will even reimburse the expenses done for him. I will even ask sorry with you. But if he manages to solve the case, you should apologize to him and me and make the payment of my consultation fees and yours together"

"I did not understand. What do you mean by making the payment of mine and your consultation fees?" Praveen asked confused.

"I have not made the payment of consultation fees for my previous case yet. As you doubt his abilities so much, you can make the payment on my behalf if he solves the case. If he can't solve it, there is no monetary loss as I will make the payment on your behalf. So, ready for a bet?"

"I can't say anything, if you want to lose money so much. Well I am also ready to bet against you. Is it a deal then?" Praveen asked.

"I don't go back once I have promised. But the same can't be said about someone" Viraj said mockingly.

"I am also someone who will uphold my promises." Said Praveen flustered.

At that time there were sound of footsteps. Praveen disconnected the call and turned back.

Shastri was walking towards him with a sleepy look on his face. Seeing Praveen he stopped and asked," Haven't you gone inside the police station yet?"

"I was busy attending an important call. It was from the superior of mine. He has given the time limit of two days. Can you solve the case within that time?" Praveen lied.

There was reason for lying like that. He wanted to pressurize shastri into giving up the case. Because of the time limit, shastri would be suffering from the anxiety and he was bound to make some mistakes.

As Praveen was formulating the plan he was surprised to see Shastri nodding," Then I will solve the case within two days. But I need some help from you"

"What?" Praveen asked curious. He would play some tricks, but he would not despicable enough to jeopardize investigation because of a bet.

"Well at first I want the communication data from Mr.Vardhan. Second, I want to detain Nikhita's brother Mr.Niriksh."

"What? Why are you doubting Niriksh? On what grounds he is to be arrested sir? And what explaination can we give to his father?"

"On the basis of this" shastri opened his mobile phone and showed it to Praveen.

In the mobile, there was a photo of a person driving the car. When he zoomed the photo he saw that it was Niriksh.

"So what, everyone drives the car. What sin has he committed in this photo that he has to go to jail?"

"Well, everyone drives the car. But did you see someone drive the car when actually they had given the statement that they were at Pune?"

"Wait! So this is the case. Sorry, but where did you find this photo?"

"What is the source of evidence is not important. The main point here is that the evidence exists. So I want to detain him."

"But we have also check the reliability of the evidence. What if Mr.Vardhan lodges a complaint tomorrow saying that we have detained his son on the basis of faulty evidence? You will not be responsible. You are only a consultant here. But we have to bear the brunt of your actions. You know that?" Praveen said indignantly.

"You don't need to worry about Mr.Vardhan's response. I have already called and explained it to him and he has told us to do our procedures. He will not hinder the investigation,it seems."

"That means he also doubts his son?" Praveen asked, shocked.

"Well, he has his reasons to doubt him. The task in front of us is to detain him as soon as possible. Don't waste time on unnecessary questions. One team will analyse the photo and wait for a warrant while you go to Mr.Vardhan's house to detain Niriksh. As soon as you reach there you confiscate his mobile. Understood?" shastri said.

"Why?" Praveen asked curiously.

"Well, we don't know what all connections he might have. So his mobile phone should be confiscated. Atleast, today night he should not have any contact with anyone, other than police and the constables"

Praveen felt his head spinning. There were too much twists in one day. But he followed Shastri's instructions. He wanted to see what the end result might be.

And he did not have to wait for long. Because next day morning, two girls were waiting in front of the police station.