
A Multiverse at the Tip of my Fingers!

Being a Gamer means having a potential to be greater than all others. To get the girls, adventure and treasures. Endless possibilities. After all, we have a whole multiverse at the tip of our fingers. Inspired by DarkWolfShiro fics, ‘Game Must Go On’ ‘Dungeons and Devils’ and other similar fics. Warnings: -English is not my first language. Please point out my mistakes so that I can fix them -Grand Harem -Gamer System(Stats will be background though) -Power fantasy with plot -Multiverse -First world: DxD -Lemons later on -Morally ambiguous MC -MC that is ready to do some messed up shit if he sees a need to(not Demiurge level though) -Not friendly to most protagonists

EgyptianDio · Cómic
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28 Chs

Chapter 5

I was gonna murder Paul when I go back home. Honestly, couldn't he jus tell me the shit he does in MY house? Sure I was planning to have him make a Bounded Field around the house for protection but I was also gonna tell him to do something subtle? Something that wouldn't have gotten the attention of the young devils!

"Please answer the question, Cyrus-san. Why have you placed a barrier around your house without alerting me, the supervisor of this town?" Sona glared once again. Also, how did devils even get a town in Japan anyway? Ahh whatever bullshit time GO!

"I did not place a barrier around my house." I smiled as warmly as I could to her, and considering that I was practically a Sun powered human, it was pretty warm.

"Please do not lie."

"I'm not lying." I smiled again at the reddening face of Sona, guess this is why Serafall teases her. She is adorable.

"Are you saying that there isn't a barrier around your house?"

"Oh no, there is." I nodded my head at confirmation while Sona blinked in confusion. No way I could lie about that and get away with it.

"You said that you didn't put a barrier." Sona slowly said, as if she was talking to an idiot, how rude.

"I didn't." I could see the gears moving inside her head, trying to understand the situation while her peerage just looked clueless.

"There is a barrier but you didn't put it." Sona muttered slowly to herself before a light of understanding entered her eyes.

"Who put the barrier around your house?" Finally asking the right questions.

"That was Paul, my roommate. He just came to town last night." I said as I constructed a believable backstory for the genius alchemist I had summoned from multiverse.

"I see, I would like to meet him and also…" but before she could finish the door slammed open with the other devil heiress of the school walking in with her queen.

"Sona have you gotten the murderer?!" Rias Gremory asked with a glare. And murderer? Uh oh.

"I feel like my crime of having an idiot roommate just got a very big upgrade. Can somebody explain that please?" I said cause going from barrier to murder was a bit much, even if I did commit murder.

"You, the new student! Did you murder anyone last night." Rias asked me like it was the most normal thing while Sona face palmed and Akeno giggled from behind her.

"No I didn't." Cause what other answer could I give her.

"Are you sure?" She asked again but this time her voice held a bit of desperation and her eyes held disappointment.

"Yes, I'm very sure." Dear lord she looked like a little puppy that had been just scolded.

"If it would make you happy… I could go murder somebody?" The words left my mouth before my mind could properly analyze them.

"Please don't." Sona deadpanned from behind me as Akeno giggled from behind her hand and notifications came up.

{+5 Affection with Rias Gremory[0/100] for trying to cheer her up}

{+5 Affection with Himejima Akeno[0/100] for being funny}

"Ara ara, we have a truly funny kohai here with us don't we." Akeno placed a hand to her cheek as she said that to Rias who had a blush on her face due to her earlier actions, making her face look similar to her hair.

"I, I apologize. Just barging in and demanding answers like that…" she trailed off, not sure how to continue.

"Do not worry about it. I am a new supernatural in your territory that arrived without telling you two just before someone was murdered, from what I understand." I tried to comfort her while trying to get suspicion off of myself as much as I could with my words.

"Yes, can you please tell us why did you not inform us, Cyrus-san?" Sona asked as she pushed glasses up in a typical smart glasses anime character fashion.

"That is because me being in this town had nothing to do with supernatural. I came to this town for school." I lied as easily as I breathed. There was no way in seven circles of hell I would tell anyone exactly how and why I was in this town.

"I understand. It still would have been preferable if you had notified us but I guess you did not want to get attention from supernatural. Why is that though?" Sona asked with a tilt of her head. A question that gave me another chance to show my mastery of bullshit.

"I have been in the supernatural circles before Sona-san. I have been a part of many fights." Not exactly wrong since I had been a part of supernatural since I have come to this world and had fought a lot in dungeons. "And in that timeframe I realized something." I trailed off and let some excitement build up and succeeded as every individual was paying attention to me much like students would to their favorite teacher.

"I realized… that supernatural is SHIT!" I ended with a shout, making the devils jump a bit.

"Therefore I have decided to leave the supernatural circles and have been away from them for a while and with school last day I have realized something else." I continued with a more subdued tone as the devils composed themselves.

"And that normal life is also SHIT!" I yelled out again and devils jumped in fright once more.

"That is why I will join back to supernatural world. After all if both options are shit then I should just choose the option I am more suited towards, right?" I ended my bullshit reasoning with a nod towards the devils.

{+5 Affection with Himejima Akeno[5/100] for being hilarious}

{+3 Affection with Rias Gremory[3/100] for being amusing}

"He does have a point doesn't he, Sona?" Rias asked her friend As she giggled at me, guess girls DO love guys that can make them laugh.

"Yes, but I have to ask, Cyrus-san. What was your connection to supernatural, if you don't mind answering that?" Sona asked while trying to sound nonchalant but she could not hide the curiosity behind her eyes.

"No no, it is no problem. Honestly I never had been affiliated with any groups if that is what you are asking. I just trained and got into some small fights with Stray Devils to get some combat experience. Didn't want to be unprepared if someone came after me because of my ancestor." I threw them a hint to continue the conversation.

"Your ancestor, could he be Samson? The last judge of Israelites." Akeno asked with a tilt of her head while Rias turned to me with wide eyes and Sona simply raised one eyebrow.

"As expected of Akeno-san, you got it in one go." I clapped my hands with a easygoing smile.

"Samson of Israel, a man that is considered to be the Biblical version of great hero Heracles. His strength being great enough to slay lions with his bare hands." Sona said with a curious look at my way.

"Not to mention massacring an entire Philistine army with only the jawbone of a donkey." I happily informed them.

"Anyway, what is this about murderers? Who got murdered?" I asked a question that I already knew the answer of.

"We are not sure whether it's murder or not. Last night, Hyoudou Issei and Saji Genshirou both disappeared and their families suddenly decided to move away, showing signs of mind tampering." Sona explained.

"There is a small chance they were simply kidnapped but considering that their parents were sent away with their memories of them gone, it is unlikely." Rias continued from where her friend let off.

"Hyoudou Issei, isn't that the kid who spent the last day insulting and cursing me for being a 'fucking pretty boy'" I asked with my best clueless look.

"Yes, that is him." Sona admitted with a sigh, looking stressed.

"And you guys thought that I was a suspect since I came to this school just yesterday and now there is a barrier around my house without me informing you two that I am supernatural." I concluded with a nod which the heiresses responded in kind.

"Yes, that is why I had asked you to come but after this talk I don't honestly think that you are the culprit." Sona said.

"Well if there isn't anything else, then I'll be taking my leave. Gotta talk to my stupid roommate about not putting up magic barriers without talking to me first." I muttered under my breath, but probably not low enough since Akeno was giggling again.

"Please wait, there is one more thing I wanted to ask to you." Rias raised her hand and I stopped moving towards the door. Curious but also pretty sure what her question would be.

"Would you like to join my peerage?"