
A Muggleborn Serpent. [Rewriting]

The title may give you the hint, Read and enjoy. This story will start from 1963 (5 years before the Marauders enters Hogwarts)

Darkcrow8 · Derivados de obras
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83 Chs


After that day, the attacks of the death eaters lessened quite a bit. But the fear among the normal population has risen tenfold. Voldemort established his power in the best way possible, killing the enemy leader in front of everyone. If even the leaders were not safe then what about them. He was now slowly taking over the Ministry placing his spies in the already compromised Ministry. Only one thing was needed, a puppet ministry of magic.

But there was hope because even though the Ministry was compromised with death eater spies and corruption, There were still individuals who were fighting openly against Death Eaters like Dumbledore, Bartemius Crouch Senior and many other influential pureblood families in the British wizarding world.

30 January 1977, Hogsmeade.

Blair was calmly walking through the empty snow-covered street of Hogsmeade. The street which used to bustle with students and people was now deserted, Nowadays there was rarely anyone roaming these streets. The whole Hogsmeade was placed under apparition ward to prevent any Death Eater attacks. There were few other wards placed by Dumbledore.

After 1 minute of walking, Blair finally reached his destination. Hog's Head. There was a closed sign on the door but Blair ignored it and directly entered the pub.

"Ok everyone has arrived, Let's start with the meeting," Dumbledore said while standing from his chair.

Blair sat on a table with Madeye, James Potter and Sirius Black.

" So the goblins has refused to take part in this war, The Centaur and the giants has also decided to stay neutral in this war" Dumbledore said in a serious tone.

" Goblins?, Those little buggers probably want to take advantage of this war" Sirius whispered to James. Blair ignored their humorous conversation and continued to listen to Dumbledore.

" Nearly half of the werewolves have joined Voldemort, mainly because of the Ministry's mistreatment to them. Voldemort promised them freedom and equality. By looking at this situation, the Ministry decided to reverse their status, back to being dangerous beasts and it's an only matter of time before more werewolves will join him.

" It's like the Ministry is helping Voldemort to recruits his follower" one of the Prewett twins said.

Dumbledore nodded before continuing his discussion.

"The werewolves refused to join our side" Dumbledore's roaming eyes stopped at Remus for a second " right now we are on our own"

The discussion continued with Dumbledore talking about various issues, After half an hour.

"Ok the meeting is now concluded, please enjoy your drinks"

After that Blair got up and was about to leave the pub.

" hay Blair wanna have a drink with us" Sirius said, sitting with James, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Prewett twins and Alastor Moody. Blair shook his head.

"Oh come one, don't be like that. The drinks are on the twin's tab. Tomorrow they are going get married" Sirius explained.

Blair hesitated for a second before quietly sitting beside Madeye.

1 hour later.

"....That old hag removed me from the family tree after I left the house. I didn't want to be the part of that lunatic family anyway, I had my brother to have my back." Sirius said drunkenly while putting his right hand on James's shoulder. "Anyway Blair tell us your story"

Blair was also a little drunk. He looked at the half-filled glass of whiskey in his hand, as if thinking about something.

"My life is not so rebellious like you, I was just an orphan who got sorted into a house, where I didn't belong...." Blair didn't say anything else, instead, he emptied the glass in one go.

"Exactly! And no one deserves to be in the same as house as Snivellus anyway" Sirius mumbled.

"That's right you don't belong in that House, You were supposed to be in Gryffindor" James said" I mean you are probably the bravest person I have ever meet"

"I am not brave" Blair said while blankly staring at his empty glass.

"I am just selfish" No one heard him whispering that.

After that day life went by without any major incidents, Blair would drink liquor or practise duelling all day long, He was also searching for accomplished potion masters who were proficient in Dark arts. It was really hard to find them, Due to the current climate, most of the wizards have gone to hiding, they would leave their house only when it's necessary.

After months of searching, he finally found a man named Severus Snape.

Spinner's End.

Blair was standing in front of a small house with 'Snape' written on its front door. He blew up the front door with a 'Bombarda' after setting up an anti-apparation ward around the house. There was dead silence in the house, pieces of wood and bricks spread all over the wooden floor. He went further inside.

Blair was wondering if anyone was even home. After going through the kitchen and hall he entered the library. The library was small with a chair and a table in front of the bookshelf filled with books and a fireplace opposite to it. There was a small photo placed on the upper edge of the fireplace with a medium sized mirror on top of it.

There were 3 people standing in the photo. A middle aged woman, a sturdy middle-aged man and a familiar greasy-haired kid. Blair recognised him.

He suddenly saw a moment in the mirror above the photo.

He sent a silent stunner backwards while he was turning around. The black robbed figure barely blocked it before sending his own unknown spells. Blair easily blocked it and sent a continues chain of stunners, banishers and disarming spells. he didn't want to kill the teenager in front of him, because even though there were rumours about him being a death eater, The shop keeper in the Borgin and Burkes said that he was a brilliant potion master. After a few exchanges, the greasy-haired teenager was disarmed. Blair then made direct eye contact with him and sent a Legilimency attack, Surprisingly it was blocked easily. Blair's eyes widen a bit as the Occlumency defence of the youth was on par with Slughorn or Dumbledore (He has a habit of using Legilimency on literally anyone). So it was nearly impossible for him to put the youth under an Imperius Curse and he had learned his lesson with Owle Bullock anyway.

"I want you to make a potion for me" Blair said calmly

Snape sneered at him.

"I don't take orders from a Mudblood"

"Avada Kedavra"

Greenlight burst out of Blair's wand heading right towards Snape. The youth hastily jumped towards his right as the green spell passed by his side by an inch. it was close, very close, if Snape hadn't jumped in time his lifeless body would be laying there on the floor right now.

" brew a potion for me or die" Blair said in a cold voice, devoid of any emotions.

Snape was breathing heavily with fear written all over his face. He hastily nodded towards him.

" Wh...wh... What do I have to make"

"Create a body for me"


"As I said create a body for me and I will let you live, I will also pay a great price if you are able to successfully create a human body"


"Yes I just want you to make a human body using this ritual" Blair handed him a paper written by Owle, He found it in his house in Splinter's Street after escaping Voldemort.

Snape looked at it carefully.

"Ok I will do it"

"Swear to it"