
A Monsters Mercy

Standing there looking at the extra soul took I feel cold sweat running down my back it was a huge mistake on my part I only intended to get the dying soul not the other that was with it who was the reason for the soul leaving its mortal shell, looking at the person with a completely blank expression I shudder normally a soul is extremely animated this one however is almost a void it just stands there like a statue not moving and having no hint of anything I turn to my husband with a fearful expression on my face I have been in this role for eons and this is my first mistake. “I think you need to speak to her” he says but continues after a breath “this is your first and I can see its not a good soul but in the same line you can’t send it to the underworld because you took its chance to reform itself into something good”.

Kellsia_Ing · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs


Kitty's P.O.V

The monster attacked and everyone when crazy my master more so he took me and Bun Bun and had us grab all of his valuables and bags and told us to follow him to the gates, he didn't even give us chance to get dressed properly so we are running tough the streets in our night clothes, the screams and the sounds of spells going off scares me so much I almost wet myself Bun Bun looks at me and I can see the fear in her eyes as well, once we make it to the main road though the town the true horror of what is happening hits me, all over the road there are adventures and guards littering the road that are either dead or dying.

A huge crash and a stream of ice forms in front of us and our master is almost hit but I don't even care because I see the wyvern come bursting round the corner, a few adventures go flying and crash in to the buildings or each other and don't get up, Bun Bun lets out a scream and the head of the wyvern snaps towards us, our master turns and grabs a bag from both of us and commands "you two stay here and by me sometime if you survive and hour you are free, just make sure to buy me some time!"

The collars around our necks enforce the command and we stand frozen to the spot as the beast comes closer, Bun Bun looks at me the tears in her eyes and I nod together we turn to the beast and freeze, it is no more than three feet away its eyes seem to suck out the souls, looking at it now it is covered in blood and wounds but it is still standing, what is left of the guards and adventurers run past and flee in to the distance to the Dragon ships that are docked on the other side of the town.


I am having a blast of a time killing and fighting all of these moving snacks but I am getting tired, but I can tell that they have lost their moral and are retreating so I just keep killing the stragglers and waiting for my chance to rest and look at my gains, I have just smashed though a small group of adventures when I hear scream and I snap my head to the side what I see is a man a rather fat man at that and two girls that have animal ears, the girls seem to be carrying the fat mans stuff, when he sees me he turns shouts a command at the girls that must be slaves of some kind because I see the collars around their necks light up when he issued his command and he grabs two of the smaller bags and begins to run away well I say run but its more of a waddle, I drop my gaze from the big guy and look down to the girls and something wired happens in my chest, it feels like my heart missed a beat, I move my face in close to them and I can see the terror written all over them and an urge to make it go away comes over me.

I lift my head and look at the man running away and use and ice shard spell and hit him in the leg making him fall to the floor, I move past the girls and keep going to the fallen man and I pick him up and bring him back to the girls, they have turned around to keep me in their sights and I drop him in front of them and pin him down with my wing, he looks at the girls with fear in his eyes but before he can issue another order I push down and crush him, I see that the collars change colour again then fall off, the girls look at each other then look back at me in confusion, and truth be told I don't know why I am doing this.

[why am I doing this?]

<I don't have an answer for the host>

[umm, can I make them pets?]

<it is possible to do so, there are two ways you can make them pets, you can force it on the like a slave contract or it can be a protection pack where you offer protection to them and they help you with tasks.>

[lets do it]

<you have offer Kitty and Bun Bun a protection pact>

The two girls look at each other for a few moments be for Kitty asks, "should we accept?"

Bun Bun moves her head from side to side and I watch her ears flop from side to side and I get the urge to nuzzle them, blinking I come back from my thought to hear her response "I think we should but I also think we should give her a name because I think its rude if we just call her beast or wyvern all the time" Kitty nods rapidly and begins bouncing from foot to foot, I thought it was the rabbits that bounce around, but it shows what I know about animals, Kitty is the first to come out with a name "How about Shadow?" me and Bun Bun both roll our eyes at what seems to be the same time before she responds with "that sounds like something you would call a dog not a female wyvern, how about onyx, NO! Onyxia?" Kitty seems to make so kind of wired noise and nods they both turn and look at me.

<you have been offed the name Onyxia by Bun Bun would you like to accept the name>

[yes, I would]

The girls look at the pact and notice that my new name as appeared in the prompt and both smile at me, but I'm distracted by the wired tingle in my brain when Kitties voice sounds in my head, I realise that it's a mental link with my new pets?...

*hey im kitty nice to meet you* Bun Bun speaks next *and I'm Bun Bun would you like us to help in some way we aren't any good in a fight be we could help in the clean-up* looking at them the looking around I see that all of the rest of the snacks have fled in to the sky ships that they seem to have fixed which makes me growl, but I put that to one side and look down on the girls and say *yes could you collect all the loot from the adventurers and guards I will allow you to have a pick of the more mundane weapons so you can learn to use them and you can grab some clothes and bedding for your selves, I will meet you in the centre of town I need to rest for a bit* they both nod and run off while I head to the centre.

Once I make it to the town centre I curl up and ask the system to bring up my gains

<you have killed 150 civilians, 50 guards and 30 adventurers you have gained a total of 478,200 exp and reached level 10, due to you hitting your level cap the remaining exp has been converted in to store points, your total is store points are now 95,025>

I let out a growl of frustration if I had of known that I was capped at level 10 I would of hunted till I reached that pint then I would of crushed this town, letting out a sigh I continue reading the prompts.

<you have gained two new titles 'The silent death' and 'the frozen killer'>

<would you like to see the shop or your evolution options?>

[the shop]

<Shop page

Total points 95,025

Magic orb 40,000

Ability orb 10,000

Higher magic orb 100,000

Human Transformation 1,000,000

Inventory 1,000,000>

[humm ill take two magic orbs and an Ability orb]

<okay your ability choices are>

<Elemental resistance….>

[okay you can stop there I want that one]

[and for the magic orbs ill take fire and lightning]

<purchase complete you store point total is now 25>

Once I finish in the store I look over and see that kitty and Bun bun has piled up all the loot for me to one side and I see that they have but 2 large bags to one side for each of them I nod and move over to the tower of loot and begin consuming it hoping I get lucky but I only get one ability from the whole stack so with a huff I tell them to grab the bags they want and pick them up with my claws and fly back to my lair, once we get there the girls set about setting themselves up with a comfy corner in the cave, I curl up and bring up my evolution options.

<Evolution options

Lesser Elemental Wyvern

Lesser Multi Elemental Wyvern

Lesser Elemental Drake

Lesser Multi Elemental Drake>

[Lesser Multi Wyvern please]

<evolution beginning this will take 8 hours to complete>