
A Modern Prince in Ancient India

Follow a young modern Indian guy into the complexities of ancient India. Follow him to take India at the Top of the world. Disclaimer: This novel is a work of fiction that explores historical events within the context of a parallel Earth. Any similarities to real-world historical occurrences are purely coincidental and are a product of the author's imagination. The intent is to offer an alternate perspective on history and should not be construed as an accurate representation of actual events. Reader discretion is advised. This is a slow Paced Novel. If You Want to read more chapters Ahead Go to : patreon.com/AARYAN_PATHAK

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Chapter 5 Secret Training

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Currently, I find myself in a complete white space filled with various pieces of equipment like swords, books, and weightlifting materials. What is this place? So, this place is a room that I acquired after transmigration into this world. It resides in my mind, serving as a space where I can train for as long as I want because time runs slower compared to the real world. Although the difference is not substantial; it's just two hours in the real world, whereas here, it's four hours. After transmigration into this world, I tried to learn many political and geographical aspects about this parallel India, but my father rejected this. In this world, there was a rule that before turning six, one had to only learn to read and write, and after that, they would be allowed to learn other things.

I was able to read and write in just a year because the language I was learning was not Hindi; it was Sanskrit. Because of this, it took me a year, and everyone was surprised because I learned to read and write in just a year, and many people started calling me a prodigy.

Suddenly, I heard a female voice calling me, "Prince Arjun, the king is calling you to his training field." As I turned around, I saw a woman in her early 30s, discreet and diligent, moving through the estate with quiet efficiency. Clad in a neat uniform, she embodies both grace and humility, attending to her duties with unwavering dedication. Upon hearing her call, I smiled and said, "You don't have to call me Prince Arjun; you could directly call me Arjun as you are a mother figure for me. Thank you for taking care of me, Kavya."

Upon hearing this, she smiled and said, "Whatever the reason is, you are the Prince of the kingdom, so I have to show you the respect you deserve. At the end of the day, I am just a maid of this kingdom." Listening to her statement, I could only shake my head, as I have told her many times to call me just Arjun. Focusing on her previous statement, I went to my father's personal training field. While going there, I thought about the time I have been reborn in this world. The experience I'm having is one of the most peaceful experiences that I have had in both of my lives, and the relationship between me and my father is great, as he tries to be both a mother and father to me, taking care of me.

As I was going there, I remembered that yesterday I turned six years old, so from today, my actual training regarding the heir of Veer Vijay Kingdom will start, where I would study etiquette, behavior, law, and techniques to use differently. The training field I'm going to is permanently reserved for the royal family of the kingdom, where only people allowed by the royal family are permitted to enter. Because of this, there are only guards at the entrance, and there are no secret entrances for this place; it is a total reserved area from the outside world. Thinking about the training I would be doing, I was excited, but there was also a hint of fear inside me, as until now, I was living just peacefully, but now I have to undergo training and attend regular classes, just like in my previous life.

As I entered the training ground, I saw my father sitting on a chair surrounded by five people, four males and one female. Upon seeing them, I recognized everyone, as I have seen them several times in the past six years.