
Chapter 3 Questions

It was just after noon when she woke up, the headache gone, but she could feel the stiffness and achy feeling in her body and limbs. She lay quietly for a moment trying to gather her thoughts before opening her eyes.

The chair sat in the corner, empty, it's occupant having left while she was sleeping. She struggled a bit to sit and remembered the call button by her hand. Grasping it, she pushed the button Suzie had showerd her and waited for the nurse. Suzie breezed in a moment later, carrying a tray, and wearing a cheerful grin.

"I saved your lunch" she said as she placed the tray on the table and turned to face her. "Now what can I do to help you?" she asked as she reached for the controls to raise the bed. "l'm going to raise you a bit, so you are sitting. If you start to get dizzy, let me know." There was a faint hum as Jane the bed moving. Once Suzie had her in an upright position, she reached behind and adjusted the pillows before moving the table closer to Jane and left to assist another patient.

Lifting the lid, Jane saw the usual hospital fare, a sandwich with a cup of soup on the side, an orange, a glass of milk, a bowl of green jello and eating utensils.

She actually felt hungry enough to eat, so without saying a word, she grabbed the spoon and started eating the soup. it was more broth than anything, but didn't taste to bad so it went down quick and easy. Moving on to the sandwich, a PBJ, she made quick work of that too. As she chewed the last mouthful and sipped her milk, she wondered if PBJ was a favorite of hers, it tasted so good! The jello met the same fate as the soup and sandwich, eaten quickly. She was peeling the orange when Jake stepped into the room, loaded with bags and boxes.

Setting his load down beside the chair he turned to look at her, taking in the near empty lunch tray. "I see you got some food into you. You must be feeling a bit better now that you have a full stomach." He stepped over the side of the bed. "The dr said you should try getting up and walking to get your muscles moving. She started to protest, but he cut her off. " I'll get the nurse to help you go freshen up." He left before she could say anything. When he returned, Suzie was with him.

"Dr Barnes said you could get up, move around a little and maybe wash up a bit," she said as she reached for the bed rail release. First, let's get you ready to walk. These gowns can be very unbecoming at the wrong moments," She helped Jane sit up and swing her legs over the side of the bed before placing a robe around her shoulders and slippers on her feet. "Slowly slide off the bed onto your feet and just stand for a minute. Once you feel comfortable, take a small step or two. I'm right here to give you support if you need it."

Jane hesitated, then took one small step, then another and a third. With each step,she felt more confident. In a short minute, she was a the door to the bathroom. She felt sure enough to ask Suzie to wait while she went in use the facilities. Once thru, she washed up and looked at the reflection in the mirror. Hazel eyes gazed back at her.

Better than average features surrounded by soft brown waves of hair well past her shoulders. "Who am I", she wondered again and decided to ask Jake if there had been any news from his team. She opened the door and, with Suzie by her side for safety, she slowly walked back to the bed, sitting in the edge this time. Jake was just finishing up a text message and looked up.

"You look like you are feeling a little better" he said quickly.

"Yes" thank you, said Jane quietly, then summoned the courage to continue. " You said you had someone looking into my identity, have they had any luck?"