
What comes next?

Time is unpredictable. Every action we make leads to a different heading. Still every one of us worries about what lies ahead. On what’s in store for our lives. We worry about the tomorrow every single day. Wishing that tomorrow will be better from today. A tomorrow in which there’s no pain, suffering and hurt, a new beginning, new chances and opportunities. We all wish for a tomorrow like that. Still I learned in my life to never look forward. To not expect on what tomorrow will bring. Because I don’t want to be disappointed. To look forward for a future that I know I can never have. Yeah it’s depressing, but I’ve live my life like this. Always looking back, never forward. It’s one of the curses of being able to remember everything. You’ll keep on wanting to forget or either go back to the times you still can laugh and be happy. In which I didn’t have any of those.