
Jacks POV Pt. 1

I'm sitting next to my girl at this restaurant, waiting for everyone to finish eating. This has been such a painful meal, what with her talking as if everything is perfect. Our relationship isn't teetering on the edge of a cliff, and her shit isn't about to be packed into boxes and thrown over our balcony.

I'm pushing through, just waiting for Cam to signal that we are leaving.

I can't stand this bitch, she's driving me crazy, so I tune her out and scan the restaurant to give my mind something else to focus on. I look to my right and see a beautiful family having a meal together. How I wish life could simply move in that direction. I look away, towards the entrance, because I don't need to be triggered by other peoples happiness now.

I see her first.

I see her. She's beautiful. Flawless. I'm imagining this woman, I have to be. She looks like a goddamn angel. She turns towards our group. Doesn't give me even a first glance, but why would she? See this piece of shit? God only knows I deserve the worst. Is she real?

She's with two other girls I barely even notice. She's walking this way. My chest is constricting and my breathing is becoming heavy. I feel like she put a spell on me, I can barely even breathe.

Her hair is a beautiful black, just the same as my soul. Her eyes are as blue as the ocean, and her skin is as pure as I wish my life could be.

How I wish it was the 20's, and they wouldn't kick me out for lighting up a cigarette right now.

The electricity pulsing through my veins is giving me anxiety. I watch her as she walks towards me, and then I bow my head a bit so she doesn't see me staring. She slides behind me making her way to the other end of the table.

I should've ended shit with this bitch yesterday.

The dinner drags on with 'my girl' being a little less annoying, and Cam claps his hands and releases me from this torture. I stand up and practically run to the door, hoping I can get rid of this chain and ball as fast as possible. She follows me to the car.

As soon as we get in it begins. Just like I knew it would.

"Why didn't you talk hardly at all? How could you let that boy talk to me that way?! Are you going to the alley? Are you going to the band space? I don't want to go. In case you were thinking of asking."

She doesn't miss a beat. This bitch and her audacity. She could possibly think I'd take her anywhere else, she's lucky I brought her to dinner. AND paid for her meal. After she fucked that guy while I was at work and got fucking herpes.

It's done. I'm done.

I drive the rest of the way home, in silence. I have to hold back, otherwise this will all blow up in my face.

She gets out, I don't move a muscle. She closes her door and starts to walk towards the stairs, and I wait. She turns around and sees I'm not following, and stomps her toddler ass back to my car. So I roll down my window.

"I'm going to the alley, and the band space."

"I knew it! And I bet you don't even care if I come do you?!"

"To be honest Mary, no I don't. I have no clue why that would even bother you, because I am clearly not enough for you. You go have a good night, and so will I."

I think this is the first time I've ever seen her speechless. I roll the window back up and she's standing there, jaw dropped.

I can't. So I leave. She knows this is the end, or something close to it.