
Jacks POV Pt 3

I put the clunky bullshit bowling shoes down by Cam, I'm not wearing those things. I don't give a shit if I fall either, those shoes are so fucking uncomfortable. Cam let's me know it's my turn to bowl, so I go grab the ball I just heard Nat say was Coralins ball.

She's mine, and I want her to know, even if I'm not saying it. My gesture will show her. I pickup the ball while looking her in the eyes. I see something flicker in that pretty little head of hers. Realization I think, because her eyes go wide.

I totally spaced that I'm still wearing my hoodie. I decide to take it off, if I'm going to make these pins fall I probably shouldn't be wearing it. I place the ball back down and take it off. My shirt comes up with it, like always. But I'm not too worried about how I look, I workout at least once a day, if not more.

I pick up the ball again and glance at her, she's hella checking me out, so I take my time walking towards my alley and also check her out. Then I focus my attention at the pins, pull back, move forward, and let go.

And I'm falling. On my ass, in front of everyone. Cam starts busting up laughing, it's better if I laugh it off too. I stand up seeing I made a couple pins fall at least, and I decide I'm not playing anymore. I didn't really come to play anyway. I came to know her.

I go back to my spot next to her, and her friend says it's her turn. She stands up and grabs her ball, our ball. She goes to her alley, and everything she does is absolutely graceful, calculated and smooth. She strikes! How can she continue to grow my interest? I've never felt this way about another woman before.

I feel this ridiculous smile spread across my face watching her jump with happiness, she glances at me

"Congrats Cory, that was awesome! Do you play much?"

"I've played before, nothing major though, just for fun."

Her confidence is beautiful, I'm trying to think of something else to say to her but she beats me to it.

"Are you planning on going to the band space after this?" I look at Justin and he's got a sad boy face, but still nods at me.

"I will definitely be there if you will." She has to feel what I feel.

"Oh I'll be there."

I can't help but smile, and I stroke my beard to cover it. She definitely feels what I feel. Holding back is getting so much more difficult. If I continue to sit here I'm going to do something rash with her. I want to take my time, I want her. If I'm not careful she'll just think I'm a fuck boy like Justin.

It's better if I go talk to Cam. It is his birthday after all. So I go spend the rest of the time at the alley with him, glancing over at her every now and then. I catch her looking several times.

Once we are ready to leave I notice she's already gone from the tables and is over by the exit. I tell Cam I'll see him at the band space, and I go to catch up with her to make sure she's going. She sees me coming towards her, her friends leave but she stays and is facing the door with her back to me.

She's waiting for me. And she's alone. God this woman is driving me insane. It would be so easy for me to grab her and pin her up against the wall, grab her by her hair and slam my lips against hers while raking my hand down her back to her thighs, pick her up and hold her against the wall with my body.

Control Jack. Self control.

I walk up behind her and put my lips next to her ear and whisper "See you at the band space" fuck. She smells fucking amazing. She smells like the rain on a warm spring day.


I walk around her, turn around to look her in the eyes one last time before I leave and I back out of the exit. She looks at me with desperation, and my whole way to the band space my muscles are aching, hoping.