

On the way to the bowling alley, Liv chose to play several different genres of music. Which I'm not complaining. She began with Two Feet "Quick Musical Doodles" which is one of my absolute favorite songs, and then she went straight to Kanye. Was a little disappointed with that shift.

"And Here!" Liv turned off the car and hopped out, Nat got out of the passenger seat, and I climbed out the back. We didn't see any of the group outside so we walked in.

I walked in and noticed nothing special, it's a bowling alley, just like the rest. Liv went to Cam, and Nat and I walked to get shoes.

"How ya doin?" Nat looked at me a little concerned.

"A little anxious. But I'm good. Why do you ask?"

"Well I just know how it is when we're hanging around people you don't know. You become closed off a bit." Nat was being hesitant while asking me, I could tell she was nervous to ask me about myself. It didn't bother me at all though, it was nice to know she genuinely cared. It was true I did have problems being around people I didn't know, I am working on it. My whole life I was taught not to be center of attention. In fact it was such an issue I'd be secluded from people if I was gaining 'too much' attention. I was still getting used to human contact in general.

I showed her a goofy smile

"I'll be alright, you've got to help me get into conversation though. Introduce me to the boys you were talking to." I winked twice at her and nudged her arm, she laughed at me and spun around with her back to the counter and her arms resting on top.

"I will when they get here, I don't see them anywhere. They must be making a pit stop." She spun back around raising her eyebrows at me hinting about this 'pit stop'. She was clearly hoping for some green, which we all smoked, but them more than I.

Liv started sauntering her way over to us with a smug grin on her face like she was up to something.

"Guessss whhattt??" She didn't wait for a reply before she said "We're going to the band space with them after this! So find a boy to keep you two occupied!" She winked at me specifically, leaned over the counter and told the man her shoe size. The band space? I'm just going to brush this off and ask questions later.

I pulled my shoes off of the counter and made my way towards our alley, I placed my slides (or Jesus Sandles as most would call them) on the ground and slipped on the bowling shoes, which was my least favorite part about bowling by the way because they were clunky and hideous. They only added to my awkwardness. I stayed seated after putting them on, waiting for my posey to follow. I checked my phone and saw the picture that said "Everything is alright" with a smiley face in the center. I used these screensavers as a reminder for my anxiety not to flip out and take control. It didn't always work, but hey I was trying.

Suddenly I was pulled out of my trance by a boy taking a seat in the chairs diagonal from me.

"Hi! My name is Justin." He was alright looking, cute face, soft brown eyes and a beard that looked slightly groomed. Thinking back to what Liv had said (find a boy to keep you occupied) I decided to try to make conversation even though he wasn't exactly my type.

So I gave him a forced smile and said

"Hi, I'm Coralin."

"Coralin!? Wow, that's a really beautiful name! I bet you get that all the time though huh? Well still it's beautiful." He leaned forward in his seat while saying this and was looking me directly in the eyes so I looked down to my shoes and gave a shy smile. Just keep swimming Coralin, you've got this. It's okay for people to look at you.

"So I noticed you're with…Liv?" He hesitated and gestured back towards the group.

"Yep! That's my best friend, and Nat of course!"

"Ya I've known Liv since Jr. High. We weren't all that close though, not as close as she got with Cam anyway." He gave me a wink and a wide grin. Assuming of course he means they had a sexual relationship, which if they did that was news to me. However Liv was much more outward with her sexuality and her promiscuity. It never bothered me, as long as she kept it on her side of the fence.

I could sense this boys feelings, I could see it in his eyes while he was talking to me that he was interested in me. Why else would he give me a compliment, or be a bit fidgety. I didn't much like the ones who were so obvious about their flirtations.

He then asked me how I met Liv, how long we had been friends, and where I'm from. The small talk was haulted though by Liv, Nat, and Cam all walking over. Then two other boys came down, along with the girl I assumed was Cams girlfriend.

Liv gave me a suggested look, raised her eyebrows and head motioned towards this boy Justin, but I just gave her a glare that said 'no thank you'. She plopped down next to me and put her shoes on, everyone else was chit chatting.

"Hey guys! I wanted to introduce my two besties, this is Natalie, but she goes by Nat, and this is Coralin." They all nodded in understanding of our names.

I looked up and saw one boy, or man, my god. I hadn't seen him just a moment ago, so he must've just walked up. He was standing next to Cam talking whisperedly. But he was staring directly into my eyes while talking to Cam. I was a bit shook so I looked back down at my shoes. He walked over plopped down next to Justin put his elbows on his knees and looked me directly in the eyes. I see his his soul. Our eyes are locked and I can't pull away. Why can't I pull away? He's good looking, there's that spark. And I pull away.

I look back at the ground, and I feel my eyes wander back up slowly. I notice he is wearing nice dark blue jeans, moccasins, a black hoodie and a cap. His beard is much prettier than Justin's and his eyes are a beautiful hazel color, he seems very intimidating, mysterious, alluring, and oh shit I'm drooling, and staring! Look away! I'm staring at my shoes again and looking towards the alleys hoping I don't seem too awkward.

He started a conversation with Justin which I was trying to eaves drop, but they were practically whispering so I didn't catch a word.

Liv at some point had got up and gone god knows where. Nat was talking with Shawn again, and getting pretty cozy with him.

"Coralin, right?" I move my attention towards this gorgeous man with hazel eyes who says my name and gives me chills and instantly creates a pool in my panties. I look him directly in the eyes and say

"That's me" that came out much quieter than I meant it to. God stop being so weird. I squeeze my legs to stop the throbbing and choose to choke out a reply.

"What was your name?"

Justin pipes up, clearly noticing my attraction to his friend here. "This is Fox!" And slaps his friend on the back while giving him a suggestive glance and then smiling at me. I don't think Justin isn't very happy that this man came and sat down. If it wasn't clear to me before that he was trying to flirt, it definitely is now. It seems to me like he's trying to size himself up. Or put his friend down.

Fox, what a strange name, looks at Justin and I can't see his face, but Justin's face falls a little, barely noticeable. However I noticed. He turns his attention back to me and gives me a smile that could melt a thousand hearts. "My name is Jack, my friends" he looks back to Justin and glances at Cam before returning to my eyes, "call me Fox".

He stares at me and I just can't think of a reply so I nod smile and look back at my shoes. Jesus Christ Coralin get a grip. I'm positive you're the only one feeling this electricity, this jolt of energy that surges through every vein and is consuming your entire heart, not to mention swelling your pussy to the point of wanting to run to the bathroom to wipe away the waterfall that has fallen out of you. You're fine. Then he stands, I look up because I don't want him to leave and I'm worried that's what he's doing. He's still staring at me, he looks down my body and back up to my eyes, and I swear every point that his eyes came into contact with on my body is rippling with chills. He gives me a small wink before turning away, I have a feeling he's coming right back, because he then leans down to tell Justin something and continues to walk towards the shoe counter.

Okay good he's just getting shoes, deep breaths so that when he comes back you can stop being such a spaz. In and out. Count to three…


