

In the universe that Mateo was shunted to, there is much more to existence than one solitary world, one solitary solar system, or even one solitary galaxy. There is even more to existence than firm, material things, and this is most prominent in the form of immaterial, irregular dimensions that exist in the nooks and crannies of more solidly defined, conventional dimensions.

One such dimension is the dimension that the strange archdemoness Rebeza, the mistress of corruption, calls home. In the hours it takes the weakened being to traverse physical and metaphysical space, especially transporting the remnants of the pirate fleet her captor enslaved using drops of her corruptive power, the archdemoness ponders multiple things at once.

One of the things the eldritch being ponders is the curious nature of her savior. The young man who rescued her from the hands of the dimensional traveler who fused paths to power to bring her low is positively fascinating to Rebeza is someone she studied to a great extent in the scant few moments the two of them were together.

Rebeza's mind is saturated with images of the brave stranger who, in her own distorted perception, bravely freed her from the captivity Sophia the dimensional traveler inflicted on her sometime ago. In her inhuman imagination she pictures the scant few moments she spent with her savior over and over, recalling each of the few words he got to speak to her, and the way his lips felt on hers.

Rebeza is, unbeknownst to her, feeling the potent powers of two unnervingly mighty perks: "Nymph's Kiss" and "A Star in the Night". Both perks empower perception of the young man who owns them, causing those who see him to do so in the very best possible light, which can be impressively mighty especially when he has just performed a daring, if unwitting, rescue.

As the unholy retinue, led by a conceptually mighty manifestation of corruption itself, nears its destination reality begins to break down around it. Space begins to glitch out and in some cases even ceases to exist, as the group exits conventional reality and enters eldritch zones created and maintained by insane, illogical, and terrifyingly mighty beings. Rebeza and her corrupted servitors begin to spot portals of various shapes and sizes appearing around them.

The enchantingly lovely fiend studies the array of portals around her, wondering how many of the beings who constructed them long ago are currently inside of them. She hopes that the number is low, as her neighbors are not friendly and if they sense her momentary weakness they may be drawn to her like vultures to a carcass.

It takes several moments for the alien woman to spot the correct portal amid a sea of breaks in space and time. The archdemoness sighs in relief when she spots the obsidian crack in reality and she commands her legion of corrupted servitors to hurry through the portal even as she darts towards it. The figure is fortunate and both her retinue and herself slip into the portal and find themselves inside of a gargantuan palace made of shadowstone, an unreal substance made from lurid nightmares and intrusive thoughts.

Rebeza closes the portal behind her forces, closing it with an act of will akin to the strength of mind it takes to close a door behind oneself, once the last of them make it through. She studies the palace she finds herself in, and is firmly aware that the only sounds she hears are the sounds of the retinue that Sophia created and that she has since asserted her dominance over. The unnerving silence of the woman's home fills her with a dread she doesn't often feel, one she didn't even feel when she was sealed away and could only barely perceive reality itself.

"Where are my servants?" She wonders, as she orders the dozens of pirates under her control to spread out and look for the angelic and demonic figures she has corrupted and cannot find.


The being that moves towards the two masterfully made constructs looks nothing like he did even a week ago. The young man whose eyes are alight with desire both looks and feels nothing like the boy who first appeared in the laboratory of the enigmatic doll maker some three days ago.

The young man who moves with the calm, predatory grace of an apex predator would not be recognized by any of his friends if he were to return home today. He has the calm, self-assured nature of a warrior, someone who has experience on a battlefield and has been in a tense, life-or-death situation and come out the other side all the better for it. Even as he approaches his dolls, there is no timidity in his eyes, nor any weakness in his firm, well-toned arms.

The dolls, experienced providers and connoisseurs of fleshly pleasure, look at him with eyes filled with expectations, excitement, and hunger. When Mateo reaches the edge of the bed, he smirks at the two of them with the confidence of someone many years his senior. The dolls joyfully reach out to him, wordlessly begging him to throw himself into their embrace. He does not hesitate any longer and he does as they ask, eagerly throwing himself between their bodies.

The two dolls snake around their owner, Raquel drawing him close to them with her long, slender legs, wrapping them around him and pulling him into her grasping embrace, while Beth eagerly wraps her arms around his tense, taut body. Mateo is slender himself, with a thin build, but he is also intensely warm and, as Raquel discovers, curiously naturally talented at kissing.

His warm, human, living lips excite the slender doll as he plants warm kisses along her cheeks. His human body heat transfers from his natural, biological, magically enhanced, body to her synthetic, artfully constructed one.

Raquel lets out surprisingly sincere, rapturous moans as she takes in the mortal flame of her passionate partner's seemingly scalding lips. The intense heat of his skin is much, much warmer than her cool pseudo-flesh, but she loves the contrast and begins to get drunk off of it.

Mateo is not off-put by Raquel's tactile coolness, nor by Beth's affections. For every kiss Mateo plants on Raquel's noble, almost haughty face, Beth excites the man's nerves by bouncing her impressive chest against his young, hot-blooded body.

As Mateo excites the cooler, colder member of the dolls, the more joyful, eager sister excites him. It's a perpetual motion machine of youthful lust, and as this is happening Mateo does what all jumpers do: he grows.

Mateo's mind is a thing of wonder. It precisely records and stores away every one of Raquel's reactions. Raquel is not able to notice it, enraptured as she is by the warmth of her lover's kisses, but Mateo is not merely a lust struck teenager. He is an energetic, naturally inquisitive man who is determined to determine the weak points of those he gets entangled with. Even as the purely animalistic parts of his brain are stroked by Beth, the parts of him that are more proudly masculine and capable of higher thinking note how Raquel reacts, and scheme about how to get a better reaction from her.

After minutes of ceaseless, sensual kissing, during which Mateo never tires, Beth begins to smoothly and surprisingly stealthily undress her master. Beth's fingers work the different parts of the clothes that cover his body, and in seconds Mateo feels the cool air of the room brush against his naked body. This stuns the young man, and gives Raquel an opportunity to recover from the unusual assault she just endured.

"Don't… Don't just tend to me, master." She says, breathlessly. This makes Beth smile, and it also causes Mateo to chuckle darkly. Somehow he's not at all out of breath, despite being the one who spent several minutes kissing his companion, herself an artificial being who doesn't need to breathe. There's something to that peak human fitness that makes him feel… larger than life, to Raquel.

Deep within the young man, the hero who prevented many deaths and rescued both long-lost champions and eldritch entities, something is occurring. Within his heart and mind the experience he accumulated is swirling and subtly empowering the strange figure. As he kisses Raquel his lips take on new, subtle traits, and his body becomes… more.

Mateo eventually orders Beth to go and mount Raquel's face. This shocks Raquel but delights Beth, and during the moments that Raquel is shocked and gasps at her master's order to her sister, Mateo swiftly moves and unsubtly positions himself to do something he has wanted to do for some time: slide into his long-time, relative to the time he has been in this world, ally.

Raquel's sight of her master is obscured when the curvy body of her sister mounts her, and the scent and sight of Beth's aroused form distracts her as Mateo greedily slides into her. Her slick folds immediately welcome the member of her master and she lets out a muffled moan as her body and the body of her master intersect and intertwine.

Mateo gasps in lustful joy as he is assailed by the mysteriously organic sensations of the interior of the doll. The doll is truly lifelike and the pleasurable sensations that would accompany sex with a human woman are what Mateo feels as he slides deeper and deeper into the sheath he is entering. He grins at Raquel and watches as Beth begins to bounce on the face of her sister, her once human-like moans becoming something more bestial.

As this is occurring to the three partners and allies, they are unknowingly drawing closer and closer to each other. Deep inside of Mateo a new, alien energy, given to him by the archdemoness he rescued, powerfully comes to life as he explores the depths of his doll.

This mysterious energy attunes itself to Mateo as his heart races due to the excitement of what he is feeling. It seeps out of his heart and into the rest of his body due to the powerful, racing beat of his heart. It is also being changed by the chaotic, evolutionary nature of Mateo's soul and the mutative nature of the blood coursing through his veins as a manifestation of his nature as a master of multiple potent pathways to power. This essential nature permeates every facet of his being and is what allows him to grow and gain new powers in the first place.

When it reaches his brain his eyes take on a subtle glow as the power fully and brilliantly comes to life within him, granting his mind and his very consciousness a subtle, yet real power. The corruptive energy within Mateo, a tiny spark of the stuff gifted to him by Rebeza, has mutated in the swirling, chaotic core of his being, where all of the stuff that makes Mateo himself dwells.

He reaches the depths of his doll and hears her subtly, muffledly, cry out in ecstasy. Beth lets out a quiet, delighted groan as her sister's muffled noises ripple through her thanks to the fact that Beth is indelicately sitting on her sister's face. As this is happening the power coursing through him manifests for the first time as an extension of something critical to Mateo: the connection he has made with the dolls who serve him.

Mateo grins at Raquel, delighted by both what she feels and what she is doing to him, even as the new power inside of him connects the two of them, and through Raquel, also subtly adds Beth to their curious network.

The connection takes a second to fully activate, but as it does it picks up on the different, but pleasant, pleasures all three of the connected parties are experiencing. The different pleasurable sensations each of the warriors is feeling, from the amateurish but still pleasant ministrations of Raquel's tongue that Beth is feeling, to the heat and solidity of Mateo's secret weapon inside of Raquel, to the loving, slick kisses of Raquel's walls as they wrap around and tend to Mateo's member, are all unique.

The natural bond the young hero and heroines have built up over the course of their time together causes all three to want each other to be bathed in pleasure and bliss. Their connection picks up on this and the very instant it fully comes on the first thing it does is transmit the sensations each individual in the nascent psychic network feels, causing all three to suddenly cry out in delight as pleasure wracks every part of their bodies.


One instant I am delighted by the faintly familiar sensation of sex as I, a giver of penetrative sex, experience it, and the next I almost black out as I feel all sorts of unfamiliar pleasures wrack my body. I can hear, and even physically feel, the loud wails of bliss of my dolls as they experience the pleasure I feel and the pleasure they are feeling, all of which crashes into each of us and hits like a truck.

I feel a powerful orgasm rip through me as the alien sensations my dolls are enduring get transmitted to me, causing me to blissfully unload into Raquel. I moan in ungraceful ecstasy, against my will, as the sensations that Raquel are experiencing powerfully enter my mind and wrack my body. It takes me a second to slip out of Raquel, and when I do I feel… spent, but happy. I take a deep breath even as Beth takes advantage of the suddenly lessened amount of stimulation the three of us are feeling to dismount her sister.

"What… was that?!" I ask, breathlessly. I've had sex before, a few times, but I've never felt whatever the heck that was. I could feel what Raquel felt, and I now know what Beth's silky entrance tastes like despite having never tasted it myself. I even know what I feel like when I'm inside of someone, from their point of view, which is strange knowledge to have.

"I'm… unsure." Raquel eventually whispers, her voice hoarse and drained, something I didn't know it could be. I study my memories of what happened more than once over the course of a few moments we spend in silence. I eventually come up with a hypothesis and decide to test it out by glancing at Beth and attempting to non-verbally communicate.

"Can you hear me?" I forcefully "ask" my companion, gazing at her as I attempt to reach out my mind and touch hers with it. Her eyes widen and I watch her snap her head in my direction.

"Yes… I can." She says, physically, as she looks at me confusedly. A second passes before she looks at me with more purpose and then I am delighted when I hear her voice again but without her moving her mouth.

"I can hear you. Can you hear me?" She "asks" without speaking. I nod at her, and her eyes fill with eager and mischievous joy.

"Huh… Interesting." I remark, confused by what is going on, but also delighted by this bizarre development. Raquel looks at the two of us curiously, and I take a beat to explain what has happened: somehow the three of us have some sort of… mental, or psychic, or both, connection. This fascinates the doll and right before I suddenly pass out, overcome by a tidal wave of exhaustion, Raquel purposefully transmits a non-verbal message. I only barely hear her tell me she loves the idea of being connected to me as my eyes suddenly shut and I rather dramatically pass out.

As I slip into exhausted unconsciousness I am surprised to be able to faintly hear my dolls, and I am also delighted to see that I can see the world through their eyes even as I drift off to sleep. The last thing I see is Raquel sense the lingering presence of my mind and relax, since she knows I am fine and just happen to be exhausted. Honestly, my exhaustion is understandable, if a touch embarrassing, given all that has happened today. I guess I'll just have to sleep it off…