
A mastermind in multiverse

In Ajay's POV, he is likely thinking about the potential for adventure and discovery in the world of One Piece. With his reincarnation and the multiverse gate, he has access to countless worlds and possibilities. It's exciting to think about what he might discover and accomplish in the future. I don't own any character except for original characters of my own .

water_law · Cómic
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11 Chs


( Ajay pov )

Ajay: " Excuse me, what did you just say Boa Hancock? "

Hancock turned to me and looked into my eyes , probably trying to figure out something .

Boa Hancock : nothing I must be talking gibberish that's it .

( Is she expect me to buy that that she just slipped her tongue , and revealed her secret though most people might not understand it unless they are from a different world with advanced technology .)

Ajay: I would like to talk to you if you don't mind that is alone .

Boa Hancock: Oh really? sure I will give benefit of doubt .

Hancock and i moved to the captain quarters to have a conversation meanwhile everyone else were having either a party or getting themselves cleaned I said we will move move soon later .

Ajay then sat on the chair while Hancock took the captains chair which says a lot about her personality .

Ajay: Let's cut to the chase you're a reincarnated person right

Hancock said with a confident smile : That I am and judging by your previous actions so are you .

Ajay: Yes, it is. In fact, Thanks for ruining my plan .

Boa Hancock: (Acting suspiciously) so you were really after innocent little Hancock .pervert if it wasn't for me this little girl would have fallen in love with a asshole like you .

Ajay: That is quite harsh but judging by your confidence I know you can take me down easily and I am pretty sure you could have taken down those slave traders so why did you in your right mind got yourself kidnapped . This is just confusing to me since if you know her past , you know what's to happen from now if I didn't interfere.

Boa Hancock: (sighed) I see. you are somewhat reasonable Well, I suppose it's because I wanted the love love fruit and I know how dangerous it is to get but I had ways to get by that situation .

Ajay was silent for sometime , thinking about something while Hancock just smiled at him . which didn't sit well with him it's like she knew she could defeat me easily if she tried which was like a red flag for him .

( what could give her so much confidence that she is taking this situation so lightly is it Hakj , I know observation haki can determine one's strength but this looks different . wait don't tell me )

Ajay: you have some kind of an extra power right , something that gives you confidence in this situation . probably a gift .

Boa Hancock: (nodding) well yes I can confirm that but don't think I would start bragging about my power like some 3rd rate Villain .

Ajay: Even if you don't tell me I know 1 thing for sure you don'T know the real dangers

Boa Hancock: (stopped smiling) And I am guessing you do . so how far did you know .

This gave Ajay a smile since he figured out 1 thing .

Ajay : you don't know about that person and if you don't then I would suggest you better stop what you were going to do and try something else .

( Hancock pov )

Hancock looked at Ajay with a mixture of caution and curiosity.

( I knew that he had come from another world and had a wealth of knowledge about the One Piece universe from the start that I could only dream of. Despite my status as a powerful pirate empress and one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea in the future, I wouldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at This guy's seemingly effortless understanding of the world around him .

As we talked, I listened carefully to his words and insights, marveling at his intelligence and analytical skills. He seemed to know more about the workings of the world than I ever could, and I couldn't help but feel a bit envious of his expertise.

But as I watched him speak, I realized that his knowledge was not a source of pride or arrogance. He was smart , manipulative and willing to learn more about the world he found himself in. This was something kind of dangerous people like these are hard to approach .

I liked one piece buy I was always bed ridden due to my illness and before I died I was infatuated with the boa Hancock's character .And pitied her due to her past . so when I was given a chance I decided to be her .

His knowledge and experience were not something to be jealous of, but rather something to be admired and respected. I knew that I still had much to learn from him, and that his insights would be invaluable in their quest to navigate the treacherous waters of the One Piece world.

With a newfound sense of humility and respect, listened intently But I knew he came here for a reason perhaps I could use that to get the insight of his knowledge )

But his next words completely stopped me in my tracks.

Ajay : " Let's fourm an alliance , We could both help each other despite our status . "

( 3rd person pov)

Ajay: " I will get you that devil fruit and more but I want the support of Kuja pirates and Amazon lily and I am willing to listen to your any reasonable demands but after you listen to my own plan for this world "

Ajay took a deep breath before explaining his plan to overthrow the World Government to his allies. He knew it was a risky move, but he also knew that it was the only way to bring true justice to the One Piece world.

"I know this is a big ask, but I believe that we have the power to change the world for the better," he began. "The World Government is corrupt, and they are only interested in maintaining their own power and control. They don't care about the people they are supposed to serve, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to maintain their grip on the world."

He paused for a moment to let his words sink in before continuing. "But we can change that. We can band together and fight for what's right. We can expose their corruption and bring them down, once and for all."

He went on to outline his plan, which involved gathering a coalition of powerful pirates, revolutionaries, and other allies who were willing to fight for a better world. He explained that they would need to be strategic and careful, using their combined strength and intelligence to outmaneuver the World Government and their powerful allies.

"Our goal is not just to defeat the World Government, but to create a new world order that is fair, just, and equitable for all," he said. "We can do this, but we need to be brave, determined, and united in our cause."

As he finished speaking, Ajay looked In the eyes of Hancock to see her reaction. He knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but he also knew that they had the power to make a real difference in the world. With a sense of purpose and determination,.