
A Man Living in the Countryside Would Fly Up to Heaven at Daytime

"Su Yu was tired of the high life in the city. He quit his job and went back to the countryside. He linked himself to a webcast system focusing on country life. He would livestream his carefree country life every day. Growing flowers, walking his dog, and raising a giant white snake. Life was good. However, as time went by, his audience found him to be an unusual network anchor. Fighting against tigers barehandedly. Pulling up trees hit by lightning. He even livestreamed how he conquered a group of robbers through the fire magic. His audience asked, ""Anchor, be honest with us. Are you cultivating behind our back?"" Su Yu answered, ""Of course not. Cultivation is only an illusion. How could it be real? Have some faith in the science, please!"" The audience went on, ""So, could you explain what happened to your yellow dog and white snake?"" Su Yu looked back. Not until then did he find his yellow dog had suddenly learnt to float in the air. It was right in the air at this moment. As to that white snake, it had started to shed its skin, and dragon horns and limbs were growing out. Su Yu said, ""Okay, believe me. I will find a scientific explanation for this!"" The audience said, ""Forget about that for now. Look at the thunder clouds over your head. Why don't you just admit you are going through a calamity? Don't claim it is a thundershower to lie to us. How come the lightning over your house is golden?"" Su Yu was embarrassed. He did not expect his audience to find his secret out. Since they had found it out, Su Yu would stop pretending. ""That is right. I am a cultivator. I have come clean!"" Then, in the face of the whole world, Su Yu went through the thunder calamity successfully and flew up to heaven at daytime! "

the Fiery Passionate Kid · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

Fire Hunting Bow

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Fire Hunting Bow? What's this?"

With a mere thought from his mind, the Fire Hunting Bow was drawn out of the system. Then, a bow and a quiver with several arrows appeared in his hands.

The bow was red in color with fiery patterns around it. Other than that, it had many ancient-looking inscriptions on it, which Su Yu could not read. They seemed like some ancient runes.

The bow was made with unfamiliar materials but had a comfortable grip. It was also quite heavy, but after having cleansed his body with the pill, Su Yu had gotten stronger, so holding the bow was a piece of cake to him.

The black quiver seemed to be crafted using animal pelt. It also had some metal parts embedded on the edges.

Similarly, the silver metal part was made with some kind of unknown alloy that was also comfortable to hold.

There were 10 arrows with black and red stripes on them in the quiver. The body of the arrow was mostly black while the arrowhead was red in color.

Even though he had not used the arrows, he could tell they were powerful based on their appearance.

Su Yu wanted to test the power of the bow right away. He raised the bow, pulled an arrow from the quiver, and walked out to the front yard.

Then, he nocked the arrow and took aim at a flying sparrow. He pulled the string backward as hard as he could, but then he realized that something was not right.

"This bow…is a little tough to pull!"

The bow was not just unusually heavy, but the string was also extremely tough to pull.

Su Yu had grown up in Xiantai Village. When he was younger, he used to follow his father and Uncle Zhang to hunt in the forest.

City folks barely had a chance to even see a bow and arrow, but to Su Yu, it was like a childhood toy.

His house used to have a recurve bow. His father had paid a craftsman quite a sum to have it crafted.

That recurve bow had a draw force of 30 kg. If fully drawn, that bow could easily pierce the skin of a wild boar within 30 meters, and if positioned correctly, it could easily perforate the body.

Su Yu had been able to fully draw his father's recurve bow once or twice back then, but now, he could not do the same with the bow in his hand.

Even though he was more mature now and stronger due to the modification of the pill, it was strenuous to draw it fully.

He was curious how much drawing force the bow had.

"45 kg? 90 kg? This is going to be interesting."

One thing worth noting was that a bow with 30 kg of drawing force could already pierce a wild boar's skin.

If the drawing force reached 32 kg, it could even take down an elephant. No other animal on land would withstand anything higher than that.

Once the drawing force reached 45 kg, it was no longer a hunting bow but a war bow. It was not used to deal with beings of nature but to perforate armors.

"This bow is pretty darned awesome."

Even though it was strenuous to draw the bow, it did not mean Su Yu could not fully draw it. He could pull it, but he could not control it as he wished. 

He estimated that even with his current body and strength, the most he could draw the bow would be no more than 10 times per day. If he pushed himself further than that, he would surely injure his body. A slight mistake might harm his tendons or deform his bones.

A bow was not a toy, but he really wanted to test it out. He took a deep breath and roared as he drew the string back.

The moment he successfully drew the string back, he saw something amazing.

Something in his body tried to absorb the bow.

Then, he noticed the black runes on the body of the bow start to light up one by one. At the tip of the red arrowhead, a red flame ignited.

"What is this? Could this bow be beyond ordinary?"

As expected of the system! Only quality goods came from the system!

Su Yu no longer hesitated because he could not afford to hold the fully drawn bow for long. He let go of his fingers and the arrow flew.

The arrow was let loose and flew towards the sky with precise accuracy!

The sparrow that flew in the sky was his target, and before it could even grasp what happened, a blazing arrow was fired at it.

When the arrow perforated the sparrow's body, the flames burned it to ashes.

Su Yu was shocked. "What the…? This bow…IT'S AWESOME! It burned the sparrow into nothing?! That's freaking awesome!"

As the arrow fell from the sky, Su Yu went to retrieve the arrow.

When he picked it up, he discovered that not even a single sparrow's feather was left on the arrowhead.

Su Yu mourned for it for a second before he slid the arrow back into his quiver.

Then, he started streaming.

The moment his stream started, a number of viewers came in.

"Good lord! Look at what I found!"

"Little handsome is so hardworking! He's streaming so early?"

"A hardworking streamer! I just woke up and am having breakfast. I was just thinking about what to watch, and then I saw you streaming. I'm loving it!"

"Where's Little White? I want to see Little White!"

"Who's this dude? Don't block us. Hurry up and show us Little White!"

Su Yu was speechless when he read the comments.

His face was twitching. 'You people are a bunch of ungrateful souls. Who's the streamer here? Me or the snake?'

His body even quivered for a bit as the thought ran through his mind.

Further away in the storeroom, Little White heard the commotion and slowly wriggled out.

Then, a large white head popped over Su Yu's shoulder. Its big googly eyes were staring at the camera, curious about what it was looking at.

"Wow! Little White! Good morning!"

"Little White! The real streamer is here!"

"Little White looks cuter already!"

Little White hissed at the camera as a reply to its passionate viewers.

Those viewers who just came in were shocked to see a large white snake staring at them through the screen.

"Holy sh*t! What is this?!"

"It's a huge snake! What kind of stream is this?!"

Meanwhile, inside a manager's room at Jiang Province, Jiang Ling had just finished working overtime. She put her documents down and wanted to take a break by going on Lion Fang. 

She was scrolling through the site, and when she randomly entered a room, she was greeted by a big white snake, sticking its forked tongue at the screen.

Terrified, Jiang Ling almost punched a hole in her computer screen.

"What's this?!" She looked at the snake and sized up the strange room.

Curious, Jiang Ling sent a comment to ask, "What's with the snake? Why is there a snake on the stream ?"

"Same here. This should be a python. Is it someone's pet?"

"Showing a snake on a stream? Is this some lousy prank? I'm going to report you!"

"Hmph! You newbies know nothing! This is Little White, the snake that the streamer adopted yesterday. Little White isn't just any snake, it can understand the human language.

"Yeah, stop talking crap, newbies. Little White is clever, okay!?"

Some of Su Yu's old viewers from yesterday defended Little White.

Jiang Ling was even more confused when she read through the comments. "Little White? The snake can really understand the human language?"

Curious, she continued watching Su Yu's stream.