
chapter - 9

*alarm clock ringing

bry woke up and stop the alarm he dressed for school, when he go downstairs he's about to head at the door when his mom calls him for breakfast, strangely bry get to the table and eat with his mom...

mom - " well that's weird"

bry go to his school then he saw lit walking when he is about to call him Lit suddenly turn around, lit was waving while a smile at his face...

Lit - "GOOD MORNING" (Waving)

bry was going to wave back when har and sia suddenly walk pass him....

Sia - "morning lit"

Har notice bry hand and choose to ignore it...

Lit - " what is it har? it's morning why do you have that kind of face?" ( smiling)

Har - "nothing i just saw something irritating"

then lit suddenly grab his hand...

Lit - "it's morning stop bringing negative energy"

then they rushed to the room...

the class starts and bry was sitting at the back and in front of him was zy and cath and in front of the two is where lit sitting, at the other side but same row is where sia and har sitting.....

*Bells ringing

teacher - "ok class is over, we have 3 discussion left and there will be project, you will have a partner and do some research and present it in-class ok?"

class - "yes ma'am"

zy suddenly reach out to lit...

Zy - "hey lit wanna have launch together"

lit - " yeah why not"

bry heard it, he knows zy never ask anyone to eat with them....

zy and cath was with lit and others heading to cafeteria, while they're eating bry was on the other table with his friend.....

after they finished they head back to room and just chatting waiting for the next class....

the day is over tomorrow is Saturday....

Lit - "umm do you guys wanna hang out tomorrow"

zy- "are you asking us?

Lit - "yes"

cath - "yeah that would be great tell us the time and location"

zy - "she said yes already guess you know mine already"

cath - "we'll be going first since our driver is outside already"

Lit - " yeah take care"

sia - "you surely get close to them already don't ya"

Lit - "hehe well it's more fun tho"

then lit saw bry....

Lit - " hello bry do....."

bry - "I don't hang out with strangers"

Lit - "but we ain't strang...."

har - " lit"( staring bad at bry)

Lit- "hmm? I just thought"

Har - " you heard him he said he doesn't wanna go"( mad voice)

Lit doesn't say anything....

they walked altogether outside and they're all quiet...

sia - "sooo tomorrow we're five that's great"

*har sigh

har - " I'm sorry if i offended you, sorry if i raised my voice over you i just hate it when im seeing you pushing yourself to someone that doesn't want you"

Sia- "huh? eh? why are you saying sorry for? don't worry I'm not offended"

har - "I'm not talking to you"

lit laugh ...

Lit - "i understand I'm sorry too"

Sia -"doesn't want you? hmmm"

(har get blushes all of a sudden)

har - "i-i mean those who don't wanna be friends or hang out with, not like something you're thinking"( walk fast)

Sia - "ahuh ok if you say so" (smirking)

lit is so clueless he doesn't know what's happening....

(sia laughing awkwardly)