
Chapter - 7

so the day has come, it's the first day at school, Har and Lit walk together to get in school Har felt uneasy while Lit is so excited....

Lit - "I'm so excited to meet new friends"

Har - "people's there would probably bunch of spoiled brat"

Lit - "maybe some but probably not all of them don't be so negative in the morning"

Har - "I'm not thinking negative I'm just stating a fact"

Lit come near Har and hold both his hand on Har arms and said "let's just hope they're not what we think" and smiled then pulled Har rushing inside the school....

Lit - " that board might tell where our room is let's go"

Lit pull har in front a board and look for their names and when they saw it they go to their room...

Lit - "I'm so nervous should we open the door now?"

Har suddenly open the door and look around...

Lit - " it's looks so good unlike our school"

Har - "and so what up with that? atleast we're happy there"(he whispered)

Lit - "hmm?)

Har - "nothing"

they look for their sit they didn't notice that in their backseat zy and cath were sitting...

Zy -"so we meet again, was it really coincidence? hahaha"

Lit - "hey it's you two again"(smiling)

Cath - "again? why don't you want to meet us?"

Lit - "it's not like that"(smiling awkwardly)

Har - "and so what if we don't want to meet you two? we don't know you tho"

Cath - "why are you getting mad? I'm just kidding you're so overprotective boyfriend"

Lit - "eh?"

Zy - "i see so you two are in a rel...." (before he finished Lit speak)

Lit - "no..no you're wrong he's not my boyfriend"

Har - " not yet"(he whispered)

Cath & Zy - "oh ok"

Lit - " by the way I'm lit what's your name? we haven't introduce in the park when we met twice"

Zy - "yeah, I'm kiefer zyraint you can call me zy"

Cath - " I'm cathalina andrew"

Lit kicking har feet a sign to tell har to introduce himself, har introduce to them since he can't say no to lit...

Har - "I'm harley Michael, it's not nice to meet you"(looking other way)

Lit - "har do you really have to say that?"(said by little voice)

Lit - "so we introduce ourselves do you wanna be friend's?"

Zy - "yeah why not"

Cath look at zy with a shocked face....

Cath- "wow it's very unusual of you to be friend's with somebody"

Zy - "I'm friending with normal people's not with a person like bry"

Lit - "bry who's that?"

the two look both to Lit...

Lit - "oh I'm sorry i didn't mean to barged in to you topic"

Zy - "it's fine, that person is freak"

Lit - "eh?"

Cath - "that person is rude so better distance yourself if you don't wanna get hurt"

Har - " don't worry if he touch Lit I'll beat him up"

har looked on them eye to eye, zy smiled and whispered "i see this man is not joking in his life"

Cath - "you got a good boyfie there"

Lit - " i told you he's not my boyfriend"( shy tone )

Bry come to the room and Lit saw him then he suddenly feel mad and sad his hand is shaking and har notice it...

Har - "you alright?"(he hold Lit hand's)

Lit - " I don't know but i feel mad all of a sudden"

Bry - " yo Zy never thought we'll be in the same room"

Zy - "never thought stupid like you still got some brains, who would've thought"

Bry made a mad face and look at Lit then he suddenly felt something strange the feeling he felt when they crossed the First time at school...

Cath - "they're our friends so better go away from them"

Bry - "why what would you do if i try to do something to them?"(smiling)

He move a little to where lit and har was sitting while starring at lit, when Zy was about to stand up to his place har speak...

Har - "why don't you try it let's see what will happen"

the two on the back was shocked Lit was just sitting there aren't saying anything because he felt sad and mad....

Har come out of his place and face bry eye to eye and they're like about to fight when the teacher suddenly come in....





G33z3rcreators' thoughts