
Chapter - 6

Lit contact Sia and Har to tell about his dream last night, they're planning to go in the nearest park where zy and cath is going to....

Zy - "so what's come to your mind, why do you want to go into the park, well it's not like I don't want to it's just the first time you ask me desperately to come to the park"

Cath - "I don't know either it's just i feel like i needed to go there"

And when they get to the park they sat on a bench, and in the other side of the park there where lit was...

Har - "so what is it that you wanna tell us"

Sia - "should we grab some food first?"

Lit - "I..i got a dream last night it's like real like it really happened"

Har - "so what's this dream about?"

Lit - "it's about a person, he's crying and he destroyed everything, and he told me that trust and love will only bring pain and then i woke up and I'm sweating"

Har come to him and put both his palm on Lit face...

Har - " you don't have fever Don't you"

Lit - "no I don't feel sick"

Sia - " so in your dream you feel like you were in there and you feel like it's real"

Lit - "yeah"

suddenly Sia shouted...

Sia - " that's freaking AWESOME"

Har - " could you not shout like that we're in park that's embarrassing"

Sia - " what's embarrassing in that besides they don't care about what we are doing, and also I'm hungry"

Har took a deep breath and talk to Lit...

Har - " don't think about it it'll only bring you headache, don't think too much ok?"

Lit - "um ok, your hands still in my face by the way"

Har took off hid hands and blush and Sia laugh silently...

Har - "ok ill grab some food"

Lit - " let me do that, since I'm the one that invite the two of you here"

Sia - " um there's a food stall nearby so whatever you think is good in the appetite I'll have it"

Lit - " ok i got it"

Har - " what nearby stall? it'll take a few minutes there must be street food here"

Sia - " hey it's england street food is hardly to find here"

Har - " is that so then I'll go with him what if...what if something happen to him"

Sia - " we're not kids anymore to get lost"

Lit - " sia is right i can handle it, don't worry"

Cath - " i feel hungry"

Zy - "and so am i, we're sitting here for like an hour doing nothing"

Cath - " go get some food "

Zy - " ok wait here"

Lit was in a stall ordering their food and zy appears besides him and order a food for him and cath, and they look at each other and stop for few seconds and ask each other if they somehow meet before...

Lit & Zy - " no"

they both laugh...

Zy - "maybe you just look like of someone i met or saw before"

Lit - " yeah probably, there's a lot of people's who have similarities on their faces tho"

So Lit foods are ready to take out...

Lit - " I'll be going now, it's nice to meet you"

Zy - " yeah, nice to meet you too"

Lit go back to his friend's and in Zy is feeling sorry for him for unknown reason....

Lit - " here you go, your foods"

Har -" it took you almost 30 mins i thought something happen"

Sia - " yup he's monitoring the time"

Lit - "of course it'll take almost half an hour because i walk and also they're preparing it, I won't be going there and then everything will be prepared"

Har - " tsk let's eat"

in the Middle of their eating time Lit opens up about the guy he met...

Lit - " oh by the way i met a guy he looks familiar, and then we both ask each other if we somehow meet before" ( laughed)

Har - " why are you laughing?"

Lit - " because it's funny"

Sia - " was the guy cute?"

Lit - " well he's quite manly but easy to get along with that's what i feel"

Har - "sia do you really have to ask that?"

Sia - " well yeah you wouldn't relate so sush, so if it's up to you hit or nah?

Har - " sia i....."( unable to finish because lit speak)

Lit - " if it's only a friend why not but I'm not interested on love maybe not now or never"( then he smiled)

both was speechless after a few minutes lit ask to go back to the dorm, and after a few walk's they cross with Zy and Cath all of them are quiet until lit breaks it....

Lit - "oh hey it's you"

har and sia look at lit...

Zy - "oh hello we meet again"

cath look at zy, cath and sia and har feel like they know each other...

Cath - " have we met before? the three of you"

Zy - " i ask the same thing before hahaha"

Har & Sia - "we feel the same too"

Lit - " maybe it's all just coincidence"

Zy - " yeah it's nice to see you again bye"

Lit - " nice to see you again mr bye"

they went to their dorms and they slam to their bed, it's already 10:00 pm, they went to sleep and 1 day left until school starts...