
A Man's Journey

The main character in this story is "Great".He has reincarnated into another world.He thought to live calmly in this life, at the same time becoming strong.What is the story line of this Great? We have to read it and understand the story line.In that world, it is the same as other novels. However, it is a little different, it is mixed with all the places in the novel.Great also has a system, but various. All the systems that are in the novel are all in it.Great JOURNEY IS VERY INTERESTING, LET'S KEEP READING. UPLOADS!!! -Friday -Saturday -Sunday

Kai_9728 · Acción
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9 Chs

Chapter 2

"It's getting late, I should immediately find a place to stay for tonight. Tomorrow I will continue my journey".

-Southern Accommodation-

"Hello, I want to stay overnight, how much is it?"

"Only 3 gold coins sir".

"Shit, I just noticed that I am poor and have only 8 silver coins dressed like a poor person. I feel unworthy to stay in this city".

Exit the accommodation

"First of all I have to find money no matter how (having money means you have power), that's how to live in this world. With money there is power, there is power to live happily".

Like it or not, Great will sleep outside with the cold weather and the wind that can cause a stomach ache.(Pity)

"Shhshe, it's cold out here (While shivering from the cold)"

-In the morning-

Ding Ding Ding

[ The main character has triggered a very op system.]

[The first system is the RICH SYSTEM]

"What the hell is this, the wealthy system???. Argh just yesterday I wanted to find money, I didn't expect that I had triggered the wealthy system so soon".

"Luck doesn't come a second time, I have to take advantage of it as well, as best as possible".

[First Mission:Finding One Stone Around]

Mission Prize: (UN),(LG)

"There is a prize too!!!. But what is meant by UN and LG??".

[You will find out after completing the mission]

After searching for a long time, Great finally found a big rock. (The size of an H2 motor)

"Hei system, I have found a big rock. What next?".

[Get ready to split rocks]

[Tringg!!.Host,have obtained a GOLD-colored legendary stone]

"What!!!. Just an ordinary stone but containing a legendary stone. What the hell is this!!!".

For the reader, this system and stone cannot be seen by anyone other than MC. In this place, outsiders think that MC does not exist while he is standing in the middle of the market.

[The gifts the host gets from this mission are a Golden Ring and a Golden Silk Dress]

Gold Ring (Unique): Can store various items, objects, living beings and so on.

Golden Silk Dress (Legendaris): According to the size, comfort and shape of the user's body.Can radiate an aura of wealth and luxury.

"Hahaha, only one thing is missing which is Coin".

[Hope the host is not too worried because as time goes by some miracles will be waiting]



Sistem:Rich System(Other system waiting)

Accessories: Gold Ring, Gold Silk Dress

Coin: 8 silver(Still poor)





-Luck π(Max)-

This is just the beginning, the real journey begins here.