
A Magician from the Outside

A Russian guy after a ridiculous death is reborn in the world of ranobe "full-time magician", of which he was a big fan. However, he was reborn not into the main character or his friends, but into the body of an unknown seven-year-old boy. After wandering around the city, he finds out that the main characters of ranobe are also seven years old. Taking advantage of Mosin's good nature and taking the Chinese name XinyUn, he becomes an adopted brother for the main character of the original Mo Fan. What will change from his appearance and will he save those who have suffered a sad fate?

Mrsamrdy · Cómic
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19 Chs


The next day, Mo Xing and I went to the police station to report my so-called "missing". The words about the almost complete loss of memory, tears and my age made it easy to deceive the local police and they promised to look for hunters or at least their corpses. However, the chances of a successful search were incredibly small, despite the special signs. Namely, one of my parents definitely had to have a European or so appearance, since I myself was a mestizo, more like a European than an Asian. But even so, I don't think they will have much chance of finding at least someone, yet I didn't tell them the name of their parents, or even how they might look like, absolutely nothing, citing memory loss. Just that they were hunters and went hunting, nothing else. Actually, I didn't really know this and couldn't know what kind of parents this body had.

The original Mo Fan got into his body, into his environment, so nothing much has changed for him, except for the existence of magic. Actually, otherwise he would not have been able to change his fate and take revenge on the Mu family. He also claimed something there that he had a plan to defeat everyone with the help of his hard study, but damn, it's not with his brains… As for me, it was definitely not my body, I looked completely different in my seven years. Although the color of the hair and eyes remained the same, they were as black as the night sky, as before. And the rest of it was different from my body, although I have to admit that it's pretty cute, unlike the old one…

The police also offered to leave me in the orphanage for now, before they find someone, but I successfully convinced Mo Xing to keep me at home for now. It also didn't cause any problems, a little tears and puppy eyes, and he gave up just like yesterday. Although he doubted the idea of my adoption, but it's only a matter of time. Besides, according to the law, Mo Xing could not do it yet, he had to wait about three months. Which was very convenient, since it was the end of May, and the summer holidays were beginning and reflections fell on the time when you don't need to go to school. That means I can easily go to the same class as Mo Fan, which is very important in tracking him.

When we got home there was only one Xin Xia, and the hero lover ran away to play with his friends. Well, that's even better. Mo Xing almost immediately left for work, from which he took time off to go to the police, leaving Xin Xia and me alone. She was mainly engaged in household chores, cleaning, cooking, washing.... In order not to arouse much suspicion, I helped her, at first, but then I was politely asked to leave, as I was only in the way. That was what I needed, now I'm too weak and any yard gang will be too dangerous for me, not to mention monsters. So I decided to devote my time to training and developing my muscles. Fortunately, in a previous life I was doing a little self-defense, so I could fight well. Another reason for my behavior was the plan to establish a relationship with Mo Fan, and for this I needed strength!

After that, the days dragged on one after another, no different from the previous ones. Mo Fan left home early in the morning and returned late at night, and so it was with Mo Xing, who was constantly working. In two months of living in this world, I found only a couple of his days off! We were mostly at home together with Xin Xia, who also continued to do all the chores around the house, although it was difficult for her because of the stroller. I tried to help her to the best of my ability and desire, at one time getting very close to her and making strong friendships. As I thought, Salan, Ye Chan, left them not so long ago, so Xin Xia was in a depressed state and often cried. Somehow I tried to ask her about the past, but nothing good came out. She only said that she lived with her mother, moving from place to place, until she met Mo Xing and left her here. The funny thing was that they lived in Xi'an for a while before moving to Bo City. For ordinary people, this fact would have remained unnoticed and it is unlikely that Xin Xia herself would remember it at the right moment, but for me, who read the original, it was interesting news. Although completely useless, as it could be assumed. On the other hand, it may indicate how long Salan has been preparing her great ceremony.

As for me, these two months have been very fruitful for me. In order to feel confident, I trained tirelessly and achieved significant results, developing good muscles and strength. Also, over time, I completely got used to my body and did not feel the discomfort from the sharp decrease that I had before. But this was only a small part of my preparations for the great plan of friendship. In addition, I chose to walk separately from Mo Fan, exploring the area and its inhabitants. Namely, I was interested in hooligans and their leaders. They occupied one of the key places in my plan. Over time, Xin Xia also began to go out and walk with Mo Fan, although she did it rarely and not for long. In many ways, it was thanks to my influence, I helped her cope with her mother's departure and persuade her to walk with everyone. Although it looked funny on my part, who got into exactly the same situation, but I excused myself by believing that they would come back for me, as they promised, and not just disappeared in the middle of the night.

And now, after two months of work, the last preparations for the friendship plan remained. I had one more month before my parents were considered dead and Mo Xin would either have to adopt me or I would go to an orphanage. After living with them for two months, I finally became convinced that I needed to somehow influence Mo Fan. Of course, the excellent relationship with Xin Xia was a good help and thanks to them I could influence Mo Fan a little, but he treated me more with suspicion and a certain contempt. So it was not possible to change the situation much in a month. And Mo Xing will most likely consult with him before making a final decision, not with Xin Xia. So completely endearing him to me was one of the key tasks!

For these purposes, on another day, when Mo Fan and Xin Xia went to play at the Mu family villa, and I headed down a small hill to where hooligans usually gathered, humiliating everyone they wanted. They were afraid to approach the villa itself. During a month of observation, I figured out a little about their structure and found out where they usually gather, as well as who usually gets there. Of course, it would be incredibly stupid to go straight to their meeting, even though I swung and got used to the body in these couple of months, but it still wasn't enough. How do you think a seven-year-old can talk on equal terms with a fifteen-year-old big guy who has only alcohol instead of brains, and thoughts about how to establish himself at the expense of small ones?

My target was a ten-year-old guy who was usually on the sidelines, but had a group of good acquaintances, and also lived near the villa of the Mu family. I even heard him complain a couple of times about the children who live in that villa or next to it, pure envy, which is very easy to play. But for my plan, I needed to remain unnoticed and unrecognized. In fact, it was much easier than it might seem at first glance. To steal a black cap, a medical mask, and clothes from the store for me did not cause any special problems, and I had to get something else in my past life. So it was almost impossible to recognize me either by my clothes or by my face, but my voice... if I hadn't been able to change it competently, like a professional announcer, I wouldn't have lived to be twenty years old. So it wasn't difficult to slightly adjust the voice and make it more girly. By the way, I also stole women's clothes, denim pants, and a flowered jacket. Given my puny physique of a seven-year-old and the fact that at this age girls do not differ much from boys, he will not be able to recognize me during the execution of the plan at all.

I was waiting for him a little away from his house, in the alley through which he usually goes to a nearby construction site, where their whole gang meets. Thanks to a well-chosen time, I also didn't have to wait very long. Soon, a rather short boy with a nasty face, a typical sycophant and sycophant who hates his life, appeared at the entrance to the alley. I've seen them more than once, these are the easiest to manage and the easiest to throw, typical losers who are used by everyone. A little worse, such all-encompassing good people as Mo Xing. At least they do everything from the heart, and not because of the rot that overwhelms them.

- Oh, baby, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you here before. - He said in a voice full of disdain, most likely thinking about what to do with me, beat me up and take all my supposed money, or something else. I still stole some good things, especially for such an image, the main thing is that he immediately thought that I was an ordinary girl, which is what I was counting on.

- Big brother, don't look at me like that, I just wanted to tell you what I learned recently. I said, in a sweet girlish voice, smiling under a medical mask.

- Ha ha ha... and what does a little girl like you want to tell? He grinned smugly, feeling completely in control of the situation.

- You want to make fun of those jerks who live near the villa and who are lucky to be born in such a place? I immediately asked, in a voice full of contempt and hostility.

- Eh? What do you mean? - This guy immediately became serious. "Even if that's the case, what business does a little thing like you have with them?

- Recently, they came to the area where I live and bullied me! I want them to suffer the same fate! I said seriously, with outright hostility, like a naughty little girl.

- And you want big brother to sort them out for you? - The guy asked in surprise. - Better get off me with this, I'm not interested in helping the little ones! And it's not as easy as you think!