
A Magician from the Outside

A Russian guy after a ridiculous death is reborn in the world of ranobe "full-time magician", of which he was a big fan. However, he was reborn not into the main character or his friends, but into the body of an unknown seven-year-old boy. After wandering around the city, he finds out that the main characters of ranobe are also seven years old. Taking advantage of Mosin's good nature and taking the Chinese name XinyUn, he becomes an adopted brother for the main character of the original Mo Fan. What will change from his appearance and will he save those who have suffered a sad fate?

Mrsamrdy · Cómic
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19 Chs


Death is an interesting thing to sneak up and you won't notice. So it was with me. I am a guy of twenty years old, my name is Anton Ermolov, born in a quite ordinary Russian family. True, he studied at a special school, even as a special one, and went to China for an exchange. There I took the Chinese name Xing Yun, it was quite fun, he studies there, plus he mastered Chinese well, it was there that I acquired a passion for reading ranobe.

You may be wondering how I died. Well, this is the moment of my great stupidity. I died in my bathtub from the discharge of a phone that fell into the water, standing on a charge. The phone was old, and the charging insulation was damaged, and I was alone at home, so they didn't save me in time. Most likely, he lost consciousness due to electric shock and shock, plunged under water and drowned. At first it was wildly unpleasant, I didn't even believe that everything ended like this, but the constant blackness in front of my eyes, otherworldly, absolute, such that during life it is impossible to see even in the darkest place, where the light will never get, the absence of sound, at the same time quiet and deafening, and in general the absence of any feelings, even banal orientation in space. I didn't know where the bottom was, where the top was, I didn't know where my arms and legs were or if they even existed. All this left no doubt that I was dead. An incomprehensible feeling, a mixture of fear and resentment for such a quick death. Soon came humility, inner emptiness, hopelessness… I would not say that I have lived a happy life, or that I have been doing at least something useful for the last couple of years ... No, on the contrary, I sat at home and read ranobe from the Internet, I did not even go outside, using delivery. Many would say that regretting the loss of such a life is stupid, that I would still vegetate at home until sooner or later I would die.

But I didn't want to die, I liked my life, I enjoyed it, lived happily, well, the last couple of years, that's for sure… But before that... Brr.... It's better not to remember… Perhaps, if I had another opportunity, I would be able to live my life the way I want it! Not following someone's orders, but living for your own pleasure, enjoying every day you live. But now I felt only emptiness inside me, disappointment in everything that had happened, and at the same time humility with my fate… You can't change the inevitable anyway, I'm already dead, I'd like to plunge into oblivion as soon as possible and forget everything, fall asleep for always… To end his existence full of pain and frustration. During his life, he has experienced a lot of suffering, as well as he himself caused them to many people. They betrayed me, I also betrayed everyone around me, used their feelings to achieve my goals.... Ha... I hope they have prepared a place for me in an icy lake, closer to Lucifer… Suddenly, as I was sinking deeper into introspection and reflection, a bright light flashed, as if it was everything that existed, beautiful and not forgotten. But I managed to see him only for a moment, after which I lost consciousness. However, I don't think I can ever forget something so beautiful.

I woke up not in a hospital room as I expected, but in some corner. Not that it surprised me much, after what I saw. Especially considering my acceptance of death, it was a rather unusual feeling to be alive again, to smell, hear sounds, see something different from absolute darkness. When I got up, I felt that I had become shorter and weaker. There was a discarded mirror nearby, looking into which I saw a boy of about seven with black hair and eyes. From this, an absurd thought came to my head: "I became a hitman." At least they left me as a guy, otherwise I know how it happens, I relaxed after I was convinced of this. But this did not cancel out some strangeness in the sensations and the fact that I had lost everything I had earned in my previous life. Although I was sitting at home all the time, reading ranobe, but I regularly played sports and was in good shape, fortunately people came up with such a thing as a treadmill. And now, the body of this seven-year-old boy seemed small, weak and absolutely helpless. A complete disappointment...

Having laughed internally at my new situation, a very serious question popped up in my head, without solving which it was impossible to move on, namely, where did I get to? Looking around once again, I realized that I was in a place similar to an old Chinese alley. How did you understand that Chinese? It's very simple, there was a sign in Chinese at the exit of the alley, it's good that I knew it.

Taking a step, intending to leave the alley to look around and get more information, I felt that something was hanging around my neck, reaching out, I found a pendant in the form of a fang, some kind of animal, only made of obsidian. A note was attached to it, partly in Russian, partly in Chinese: "Success, it turned out to activate. This is a developing magic item at the initial stage. Unfortunately, there is no time to get the boy and him to a safe place, so if someone finds him, help him. If I stay alive, I will pay back a hundredfold." This alerted me, I read ranobe there once, the guy also had such a magical object and actions are also in China. But even more, the second part of the message did not fit in my head, does this mean someone can come back for me? Damn, is that a good thing or a bad thing? No, it's not even that important, the phrase "If I stay alive" is very eloquent! Okay, let's hope that the killers who left the note won't find me. There's not much I can do anyway. Go to the police? And who will believe a seven-year-old? Besides, it's not a good idea to attract too much attention to yourself. Besides, it is not a fact that these are the killers, although it is so to write… Tearing off the top part of the note written in Russian and throwing out half of it, he put the second one in his pocket. It may come in handy.

Without thinking twice, I decided to walk through the streets of the city and try to find out where I was still brought, standing in an alley still not to find out anything. And I don't care that I was wearing dirty white shorts with a T-shirt, and leaky sneakers, who cares? This should cause pity! So maybe someone will help me hide. Coming out of the alley, I didn't notice anything strange, an ordinary Chinese town, but the further I walked and listened to the conversations, the more confident I was that I had entered the world of ranobe: "A full-time magician!". No, I didn't dislike her, on the contrary, but I don't like real monsters at all! And this is not to mention the possible killers! Although it provides a lot of opportunities. There is magic in this world, and it promises to be interesting, I always wanted something like this, but I was too lazy to do it. So I wrote a couple of games, for my own pleasure, although I quickly got tired of it, not those feelings, not at all.

Deciding to accept as a fact my entry into the world of ranobe: "Full-time Magician", I went on, trying to gather as much information as possible. However, just wandering through the streets of the city, it was quite difficult to determine what kind of city it was, and even more so when I found myself in relation to the plot of the original, and this was one of the most important things. If the plot of the original has already begun, then there is no question of having time to prepare for it! Magic is the only way I know how to protect myself from monsters in this world, but unfortunately, without harming myself, it can only be awakened for about sixteen years. On the way, I saw not a young man, but not an old man, standing by the truck and waiting for something. He looked rather thin, obviously malnourished, and I could also safely say that this man looks older than his years, about thirty-five, forty years. It was from him that I decided to find out everything better.

- Hello, can you tell me what kind of city it is? I asked, as white as possible in an innocent voice, I'm seven years old, I need to use this!

Have you really forgotten which city you are in? The man asked, smiling slightly, in a kind and caring voice. - This is the city of Bo! - Smiling, he said, clasping his hands.

- I see ... - I muttered, in a sad and upset voice, lowering my head. The city of Bo means… Not bad, or not… Everything can be just awful! This is the city from which the whole plot begins! Damn... if I got here at the wrong time, I'm probably dead!

- What's your name? Maybe you're lost? - The man asked, solicitously and slightly frightened, turning around, seeing my sad and upset face.

- Ah, my name is... - he thought a little about the answer to the question, after which he said uncertainly. "Xing Yun, but that's all I remember...