
A Magician from the Outside

A Russian guy after a ridiculous death is reborn in the world of ranobe "full-time magician", of which he was a big fan. However, he was reborn not into the main character or his friends, but into the body of an unknown seven-year-old boy. After wandering around the city, he finds out that the main characters of ranobe are also seven years old. Taking advantage of Mosin's good nature and taking the Chinese name XinyUn, he becomes an adopted brother for the main character of the original Mo Fan. What will change from his appearance and will he save those who have suffered a sad fate?

Mrsamrdy · Cómic
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19 Chs


After cultivating for about an hour in the security room, I recovered almost all my energy, checked the cameras and made sure that Xin Xia was still in the shelter, shaking with fear and in no hurry, went for a walk around the supermarket. I needed to find clothes and a mask to somehow hide my appearance, I was going to wander around the city back and forth, it wouldn't really be if someone from my friends recognized me. I didn't find anything on the ground floor, but on the second floor there was a store of all sorts of entertainment and other small things. I found an interesting mask in it, in the form of jaw bones, and on top of everything else, it also slightly changed the voice, making it more artificial. Cool, take it. After walking around a little more, I found a clothing store, in it I took a sports jacket and jeans, as well as a scarf, which I tied so that it wouldn't get in the way. Looking in the mirror, I realized that there are not enough glasses to complete the image, but they will get in the way too much, reducing the field of view. It's a pity, such a cool image disappears. Well, okay, let's get down to business.

There were two tasks ahead of me now. The first is to find Lin Yu Xin and make sure that everything is fine with her, as well as to find out whether the authorities are aware of the fake source or not. If you believe my theory that the canon should be respected, then somehow you should know, and if not, then tell her, under the pretext of helping a stranger. The second is to make sure that Mo Fan gets to a safe place and deals neatly with Bai Yan, well, and drinks the source. I've spent enough time at his leak, so I think I can figure out whether his talisman has been absorbed or not.

Now Mo Fan is in a compartment with all the students of the Tian Lan School walking towards a safe place protected by a barrier. And Lin Yu Xin, who knows where, is trying to save Mo Xing, me, probably, and Xin Xia. Let's go look for her first, since only from her can Bai Yan find out where the source is, and she trusts him. After checking once again if everything was fine with Xin Xia, I headed to the exit of the supermarket, I wonder why no animals have come here yet? Strange.

When I went outside, I realized what the problem was, a pair of one-eyed wolves were devouring the corpses I had left. When I showed up, they didn't even pay any attention to me. Well, then the more corpses the longer they won't climb into the supermarket, okay. I quickly compiled a lightning star trek and released lightning anger on the wolf closest to me, hitting him on the shoulder, at the last moment he twitched slightly, otherwise his whole head burned. However, it turned out not bad, half of the shoulder and neck are missing, so his death is a matter of time.

Meanwhile, the second wolf was rushing at me with all his legs, but the blades of the wind were already ready for him, one wave of his left hand and the wolf's head split, partially turning into minced meat, yet these creatures are stronger than rats. After looking at the first wolf writhing in pain, I went back to the supermarket, found the knife department and took the one that was longer and narrower, returned to the wolf, pierced his eye and took his soul. A knife is a convenient thing, however, it is of little use, it will not be able to cut through the wolf's skin, but I still put the knife in the case that came with it, hung it on my belt and headed for the nearest building.

After entering the building, I immediately went to its roof, with my abilities in wind magic, I will be able to travel on the roofs of houses, and it's faster and safer. Only the problem is that first I need to get on the roof, I haven't learned how to run on the walls yet, but it's a pity. Climbing up to the roof, before going somewhere, I looked around. In addition to the area in front of the supermarket, the whole area was filled with monsters, who in groups of two or three, climbed the streets in search of victims. Still, near the Ming Wei school, where there is one of the rat tunnels, this is understandable. Where should I go? Mo Fan is definitely going to a safe place, and Lin Yu Xin? I think the same way.

Having come to this, I headed to the side, how lucky I am that in the city of Bo houses are built about the same height! I tried to use as little magic as possible to move, resorting to the wind step only when I had to jump a really long distance. The monsters below, of course, noticed me and even tried to catch up, climbed the steep walls, but soon abandoned this thankless task. Those who did get in received a lightning seal from me, and in the meantime I got out. The rain had already passed, so it was pretty free, but the puddles from the rain were pretty much in the way, I was constantly afraid to slip on them.

Ten minutes later I was about a kilometer from the safe zone, there were more than enough monsters here, so I had to be careful. Then I began to move parallel to the safe zone, looking for the right person for me. So I ran for about twenty minutes, but I didn't find anyone. I ran into patrol magicians a couple of times, but I quickly got away from them until they noticed. I also saw one pack leader of a three-eyed wolf that walks not far from the security zone, but most likely he will be killed soon, and I wasn't even going to approach him, as I felt, I immediately ran away, it's too early for me to compete with him, at least let him learn how to use medium-level magic.

After that, I decided to expand the search area, I tried to bypass all the monsters that tried to get in my way, but sometimes I had to kill them, but at the same time I saved energy as much as possible. After another half hour, I found my target, two kilometers from the safe zone. It was Lin Yu Xin who was trying to escape from the three black-clothed magicians. From time to time, the troika sent various spells into it, by which I realized that one of them owns fire, the second ice, and the third wind. All three were ordinary entry-level magicians, small fry, eh.

Lin Yu Xin, constantly covered herself from attacks with a water shield, and could not answer them, yet she is a magician of the third stage of the initial water level, how did she plan to fight at all? It is only suitable for distraction. After watching this scene from the roof of the building, using the wind step, I got so close to them that I could hear what they were talking about. Also at this moment, the ice magician froze one of the girl's legs, so that she fell by inertia and stopped.

- You made us run, you bastard. The wind mage who came forward said. - Where is the holy spring! Speak!

- And you try to find him! Lin Yu Xin replied menacingly.

- We know for sure that you don't have it, you either gave it to someone or hid it somewhere! Answer me quickly!

- Fuck you! - She shouted, pulling her foot out of the ice. At that moment, Bai Yang appeared from around the bend, riding his summoning wolf. Of course, I had seen him before, he was deliberately sitting and waiting in ambush for his turn to join the game, but I didn't want to do anything with him. I could kill him, but what's my gain? Although He Yu, I like him, he and Xiao Hou look great, I liked their pair, I'll think about it later, but for now we'll see.

- Is everything all right? Bai Yan asked as the black-robed adepts disappeared around the corner. - Where is the sacred spring, please tell me, I will give it to Zhang Kong.

"He's with Mo Fan, a two-element student. - After catching her breath, the girl gave out, I caught a facepalm, how can you be so gullible?

- Great, guys finish it. Bai Yan answered her confidently, the ice mage immediately created an ice wave, freezing the girl's legs again.

- what?.. Lin Yu Xin's eyes bulged in incomprehension, meanwhile Bai Yang was slowly leaving, sitting on his wolf. It's time to act, I can't sit anymore, I hate such reptiles.

Jumping off the roof and landing between Lin Yu Xin and the adepts, with the help of the wind step, I used the usual lightning seal to scare off Bai Yang and his monster. The effect was even a little better, I accidentally touched his hand, so there was a burn on it, ha, cool. Meanwhile, the three magicians stared at me and backed away.

"Mid-level Mage, where did you come from here, aren't you supposed to be guarding the safe zone! The wind mage shouted, meanwhile, Bai Yan was gone.

The fire mage tried to create a star trek and released flaming bones at me. With the help of the wind step, I dodged, simultaneously creating lightning anger in my hand, yes, for an entry-level magician, this power should be quite impressive. With a wave of my hand, I directed the spell at the ice mage standing in the center, which literally tore him apart, about the fire mage standing next to him, touched by residual lightning, so that he was not in the best shape. Only the wind mage was able to dodge.

This adept tried to escape, yes, he is a wind mage, but so am I, what is he thinking about? What if I have so much lightning, the wind is no good? Quickly making up the star trek of the wind, I took out a knife and set off after him in pursuit, which did not last long, just around the corner I caught up with him and just stabbed him with a knife. First by piercing him through, and then by cutting his neck. When I returned, I saw that Lin Yu Xin had just freed herself from the ice, and the fire mage was writhing in pain, I stopped his suffering by piercing his head.

- Who are you? Lin Yu Xin asked me, with fear in her voice.

- I'm a friend. - I answered, though because of the mask, my voice sounded like the voice of a robot from cartoons. Trying to explain it, I added. - This is a speaker in a mask, I have problems with my voice, I was injured on the hunt. - In fact, I wasn't lying, there really was a speaker in the mask that amplified the voice and made it so.

- I see, but what should I do now, Bai Yang is a traitor, he knows where the source is, Mo Fan is in danger, and I didn't even fulfill my promise, I didn't find his relatives. Lin Yu Xin began to reproach herself.

"Calm down, we can save Mo Fan, come with me." I said, heading back to the nearest building.

- Wait, what's your name? - She asked, following me.

- My name is Aquilon. "We don't have much time," I replied, Mo Fan, he should get to the safe zone soon, and Bai Yang will definitely stand in his way.

Friends, I'm sorry that there have been no updates for so long. The author went into a bit of a binge

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