
[74.1] The Difference in Twins

I sat on a wooden stool, painting as Astra sat on my lap playing with my clothes. Zephyr was crawling around us while in a playpen made just for him. 

I noticed he was being quiet and looked down to check on him only to see him with a handful of paint being brought to his mouth.

I panicked and swiftly intercepted his hand, "ZEPHYR!!! STOP TRYING TO EAT PAINT!"


I winced from his piercing cries and picked him up, placing him on my lap beside Astra. I quickly cleaned off his hand, "Paint is bad to eat!! It's very toxic to babies!!!"

Astra watched with judgemental eyes as Zephyr continued to cry and wiggle around. He tried to crawl out of my arms, but when that didn't work, he started slapping my painting to vent his frustration.

I let out an exasperated sigh, "Do you want to paint with me? Will that make you happy?"

Zephyr started wriggling in my arms, crying in frustration. As he wiggled, he managed to remove part of his shirt which enticed him to try to remove the rest of his clothes.

I quickly stopped him, "Zephyr! Why are you always trying to strip?! Isn't it cold!?"


I glanced over at Asmonious who was painting the sunset. I picked up Zephyr with one hand and handed him over, "Here, go to your brother."

Asmonious put down his brush and graciously accepted the baby. While I searched around in a bag Astra clung onto me, refusing to let go. 

Asmonious started playing with Zephyr to distract him. He burst into contagious laughter as Asmonious held him up as if he were flying.

Asmonious chuckled, "Is it fun? Do you want to go higher?"

I pulled out fruit from the interspatial bag and started smashing it up separately into bowls.

I put down two canvases and laid out the bowls in front of them. I released Astra into the pen and then received Zephyr back to put him down.

His eyes twinkled mischievously as he crawled over to the new child-safe paints. He glanced at me with a sly look, then slowly reached out to grab the paint. He then quickly put it into his mouth and ate it happily.

I let out a sigh, "I already know you're going to be a handful…"

Astra happily dipped her fingers in the paint and started smearing it over the canvas. She looked up at me, waiting for my admiration with a large grin.

I cheered her on, "What a good girl!!! You're taking after me, aren't you!?"

She giggled happily then returned back to painting.

I turned back to my own canvas and started painting. As I did, I hummed happily.


Asmonious glanced over, "Master, it seems Astra face-planted from sleep again."

"Aww, my little sleepy one." I picked her up and rocked her in my arms, "It seems you really do have narcolepsy."

As I kissed her sleeping face happily, I heard a ripping noise.


My head shot over to see Zephyr ripping apart the canvas and trying to eat the pieces.

I panicked and quickly grabbed him with one hand, "DON'T EAT PAPER EITHER!!!"

Asmonious laughed as he watched me struggle to hold him, "Master. I can watch him."

I quickly took advantage of his offer and handed him over. I let out a sigh, "I thought I couldn't wait until he could walk, but since he's such a menace crawling, I'm scared to know what he will do once he can use his legs."

Asmonious tossed Zephyr up and down in the air, smiling as Zephyr giggled nonstop. 

"I think he will definitely have a lot of energy when he's older, Master."

I scoffed and mumbled to myself, "You have no idea…"

No wonder he was best at running away.

I looked over at Asmonious's painting and let out a heavy sigh.

How come I never recognized it before?

His art style is just like Felix!!

At this thought, I made a complicated face.

Asmonious caught this and glanced at me curiously, "Master, what is it?"

I scratched my head awkwardly, "It's nothing… I thought my friend was the one being possessed, but he might have actually been the one doing the possessing."

Asmonious looked at me interested, but too afraid of prying.

I smiled at him awkwardly, "It's a long story."

"I see…"

I let out another heavy sigh.

I feel a little bad for Moni now that I know the truth about his past…

Does that mean my Asmonious is doomed to become that version of Moni?

I suddenly felt enlightened.


I came back to the past which means I have the ability to change his future!

I'm going to make sure this future won't repeat itself!!!

Asmonious and Zephyr both watched my inner battle with a confused expression, "???"

I whipped my head around and pointed at him, "Asmonious! I'm going to make you love humans and demons!!!"

He blinked back at me innocently, "Yes, Master… But, I don't particularly hate either right now?"

I stuck my nose into the air confidentially, "And it's going to stay that way!"

"Yes, Master…"

I was thrilled by his response and jumped over to him. I hugged him with one arm and littered the top of his head with kisses, "That's my perfect boy!"

He turned bright red and held Zephyr close to him in embarrassment, "M-Master!!! A-Aren't I too old for this treatment!?"

I laughed at his flustered expression, "I still see you as that cute little boy that I first picked up."

He flushed red, "Master…"

"Okay, okay. I will stop teasing you."

Zephyr watched the two of us, then started slapping Asmonious's abdomen to get his attention. Asmonious smiled at him, "Did you get jealous?"

He started catching him in the air again and Zephyr started laughing once more.

I smiled at the two of them while Astra snuggled in my arms, "You're an amazing older brother."

He looked away shyly as he started tickling Zephyr, "I… I don't know about that."

I looked down at Astra and softly touched her cheeks, "Don't say that. You are so good at handling the twins and Lene without getting frustrated."

He pursed his lips, "But Lovi and Atta don't seem to care for me."

"That's because Lovi is stubborn and proud. Atta is just Atta."

"Or maybe they can just see something wrong with me that Lene and the twins can't…" He added in a small voice, "Every other demon seems to think so."

"Nonsense! Rose is also very attached to you and never leaves your side. Is she not an intelligent demon?"

We both looked behind us to see a small snake hiding in the bush. For a moment I was certain I saw a blushing snake before she coiled in herself to hide.

I hummed, "Huh. I didn't think snakes could blush."

Asmonious chuckled, "Rose is still so shy and innocent after all this time."

I pursed my lips as I mumbled to myself, "I wish I could have met her more in the future…"


But in the future…

Didn't she-

"Master!? What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

I ignored him and jumped up, knocking over the easel. I ran over to Rose.


In surprise, she returned to her demon form just in time for me to pull her into a tight hug. I was already talking before I realized it, "Rose! In the future, if you see a Holy weapon, you have to run! Avoid all Holy Priestesses or anyone who can use Holy Magic!"

"Um… Master?"

Astra woke up and started cooing, startling me from what I was doing.

What am I doing!?

It's not just Asmonious and Rose!!

I jumped back up and went to the training field while the other two followed after me with Asmonious carrying Zephyr.

I pointed at Atta who had stopped training to gawk at my sudden appearance, "You're not allowed to fight with your big brother!!"

She blinked her green eyes at me slowly as if confused.

I turned around and went to the courtyard where Lovi was playing with her pet bird. Hearing me storm inside, Lene walked out of her room, rubbing her eyes sleepily.

I pointed at Lene first, "You! No kidnapping children! It's not allowed!!"

"Kidnap? What's that word mean?"

I ignored her and then spun around to Lovi. I appointed at her, "And you-"

She tilted her head, "-Me?"

I froze, "..."


I forgot I didn't meet Lovi in the future.

How is that possible?

Did Zephyr ever say anything in the past about another sister?

I pressed my knuckle into my temple to jog my memory, "It's no good… I can't remember a thing about Lovi."

Lene walked over to Lovi and bent over, "Sissy… Is Mother okay?"

Lovi shrugged, "I think she's lost her mind."

Lene said curiously, "You can lose that? How does it fall out?"

Asmonious approached me carrying Zephyr who was staring at me with an open mouth, "Master. Is everything alright?"

"Nope. I need your help."

He nodded obediently, "I will help you with anything you need."

"I need you to go into my memories."

His eyes shrank back in fear, "Wha-What?"

"You can do that, right?"

At least in the future, he could.

Didn't he use that on a process he called corruption?

I spoke indifferently, "It was called corruption, right? Can you do it?"

He took a step back unconsciously and shook his head quickly, "I can't! I absolutely can't!!!"

I furrowed my brow in confusion, "You can't? I was sure you could. Then is it only bad memories you can see? Is that the condition?"

Asmonious sucked in a breath, his skin color growing paler on the already grey hue. Zephyr felt the grip on him tighten and burst into tears.

Zephyr reached out for me, wailing hysterically. Astra woke up and started wailing along with her brother. I panicked and received Zephyr back, trying to soothe the both of them. Surprised by their outburst, I didn't notice the overwhelming fear leaking out from Asmonious.

I'm not saying I forgot to post this week.... But...

I forgot to post. Teehee~

Nekorucreators' thoughts