
A Magical Feeling

Waking up in an unfamiliar body, Reika soon discovers she has transmigrated to a world full of magic. All Reika wants to do is find a quiet corner to obsessively learn magic. However, this world has other plans. From a confident Prince who won't leave her alone, to a series of twists and turns; Reika soon realizes that a world of magic isn't as perfect as it seems. [The original novel for the webtoon: A Magical Feeling] Release schedule: Several chapters will be released on Fridays

Nekoru · Fantasía
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507 Chs

[28.3] Cyrus's POV: The True Illusion King

[Author's note: This part is from Cyrus's perspective. That's right! Cyrus is telling the story now.]

I opened my eyes and found myself in a garden filled with flowers. I stared at the flowers swaying gently in the breeze.

I recognize this scene from when I was a child.

This is my father's garden. He always put so much care into trying to make this the best garden there was.


What a nostalgic dream...

I clicked my tongue, "I don't have time for nice dreams."


Now I'm in a bad mood.

I took out my sword and channeled my mana. In irritation, I swung my sword with a far too powerful stroke.

The dream ripped apart in response before fading away.

I smiled to myself, pleased that I had easily broken the dream-like illusion that surrounded me.

Although I hate having to use my illusionary magic, at least I'm pretty good at it.

I spoke aloud as I stared into the darkness, "Reveal yourself while I'm still in a decent mood."

Another dream appeared, but it was not the one meant for me. I walked into the new illusion without fear.

If I needed to, I could easily destroy it and free all of us from this dreamlike illusion.

The only reason why I hadn't was because I had to figure out what the goal of the demon was.

However, this dream was exactly something a child would think of. The trees and bushes were covered in candies and smiling flowers danced without stopping. As I walked past large oversized toys the size of houses, I hesitated upon seeing a small child duck behind a cotton candy bush.

Is she really a child?

My hand tightened around the hilt of the sword, "Come out."

Timidly, a small child with long, messy black hair and a single strand of silver on the side stepped out from the bushes with her head lowered submissively. She had one horn on the side of her head, but the other horn had been broken off by force.

I hesitated upon seeing the child, "Y-You are the demon who created this illusion?!"

Somehow I just can't believe it.

The little girl nodded slowly as if preparing to be scolded.

I didn't know whether to raise my blade or put it away.

When I had been sucked into the illusion, I hadn't expected to come across a child demon. I assumed that the demon was merely faking her age so we would lower our guards. Now I wasn't so sure.

Is it an illusion or is it truth?

Suddenly, my hand was grabbed. I tensed up, preparing to fight when I heard a shrill cry from the little girl.

"Dadda! Please don't be mad at me!"

I froze. "W-What did you call me?!"

She wrapped her arms around my waist and sobbed pitifully, "I just wanted to meet you! Please don't be mad!"

I didn't know if the demon was trying to take advantage of me or if she was actually a confused child.

I shouted quickly, "I'm not your father! I'm not old enough nor am I a demon!"

She looked up at him indignantly, "You are! I recognize your face!"

Now I was even more confused, "My face?"

She nodded, "Yes. My Momma liked to dream about you."

I grimaced in disgust at the thought of a strange woman dreaming about me, "Who is your Momma?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. I could never see her face nor can I ever remember her name."

"How is that possible?"

Surely this must be a trick.

She must be inventing this person to lower my guard.

"I don't know." The small girl reluctantly released me from her hug and batted her eyes innocently, "Would you like to see the dreams my momma asked me to give her?"

I stared down at the child still unsure if she was trying to trick me or not.

This could all be a trick since she knows she can't defeat me.

I could either end it here, or I can play along…

If I play along, I might figure out something useful.

I slowly nodded my head, "Alright."

She grinned ear to ear and quickly grabbed my hand. As she led me through the strange dreamland, she didn't even look bothered by the fact I still had my sword out poised and ready to attack her if I needed to.

She is either a naive child who honestly thinks I am her father, or she is an evil demon who is confident in her master plan.

But which one is it?

Should I just attack?

But if she's innocent…

Demon or not, I can't hurt an innocent child.

I watched as the dream faded out into the darkness before another one took its place. The two of us walked through towering hedges before coming to a garden with a single woman in a long flowing blue dress, sitting at a table decorated with tea, cookies, and cakes.

I was horrified to see an exact replica of myself sipping tea while casting side glances at the woman.

I walked over to the two of them and circled around them with my mouth agape. Not only did the woman have no facial features and a blank face, but I also sat across from her as if I was familiar with her.

How come I can't recall a scene like this?

Since I know it never occurred, it could only mean it was falsified.

But for what purpose?

Did this mystery woman have an unhealthy fascination with me?

Or was it the demon's trick to get me to lower my guard?

The small girl stuck out her bottom lip, "I'm sorry, but I can't show you my momma's face. I don't even know what it looks like. I'd like to think she was really really pretty."

I put away my sword and turned to her with a stern look, "What DO you know about your mother?!"

The girl smiled softly, "She is a fairy who lived on the mountain and saved us all. She protected us and fed us. My Momma loved to talk about the past. She would always be drawing a picture of a golden-haired boy who looked just like you. My Momma said that she loved him so much and really wanted to see him again. But she was also scared to see him again."

I raised an eyebrow, "Scared?"

Just what is she talking about?

She shrugged, "Momma never told me why. She said I was too young to understand."

I brushed back my hair, confused as to what situation I was in.

I shook my head.

I have more important matters to deal with. I need to figure out what happened to Reika and the others.

I will just have to figure out this situation later.

I turned to the small girl, "What happened to the other people I came with?"

She answered innocently, "Zephyr ran away because he's a whiny little baby. That weird owl is crying over your sleeping body. That meanie jerk-hole is in a nightmare and Momma is in another dream."

I let out a sigh, "None of them are hurt?"

"Momma said not to hurt those who don't deserve it." Her innocent look turned sinister and her voice turned deep, "But I really think that meanie jerk-hole deserves it."

…I don't think she's a child.

But is she innocent?

I cleared my throat, "Can you bring me to Reika?"


"The girl I came here with."

She nodded happily, "Yes! Although…"


A bad feeling settled in my chest.

She looked away with a guilty face, "Her dream is a bit… Weird."

I felt a sense of relief wash over me. I thought it was going to be something much worse than just a weird dream.

I let out a sigh, "Somehow that doesn't surprise me… Just take me there anyway."

She nodded and grabbed my hand once more. As we walked through the dream, I spoke, "Why are you working with the enemy?"

"The enemy?"

"The leader of the Demon Sympathizers."

She clicked her tongue, "I'm not working with him."

I looked around, "Then why did you-"

She grinned, "I just wanted to say hello."

I watched her silently before speaking, "Then can you tell me about the Demon Sympathizers-"

Her smile abruptly disappeared. Her childlike voice was replaced by one that seemed far more mature than her current body, "I'm neutral. I won't get involved."

Shocked by her sudden change, I had no idea what to think.

She doesn't seem to be an innocent child.

But she also doesn't seem to be an evil demon.

However, her smiling face suddenly returned as she pointed, "There's Momma!"

I followed her finger and froze upon seeing the scene in front of me.

I tried a new thing! Do you like different POV's?

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