
I am happy

Shancai thought she was happy she couldn't help saying the words "I am happy" just to try and forget he hated her. She was scared that if he found out she was the one who stayed with him in the hospital that he would hate her more. She was a prisoner to this man how could she love him but it was too late to worry about that, the deed has been done what she needs to do is escape before he find her, before he hurts her, before he rips her apart and before she can't help falling for him.

Lu jinnan was a powerful man, he was kind loving and respected women. How could someone so kind want to rip a woman in shreds but that wasn't the case he hated her because he couldn't have her. It was because she loved someone else. He laughed at himself but this was a laugh of self mockery. He wanted her to feel the pain of loving someone but not being able to have them. He wanted her to need him, to beg for him, he wanted her to want him.

He wasn't going to let his little prisoner runaway. Infact he was going to marry someone in a week the person would be picked by his family but before then he would have fun with his little toy. He would be the master and she the prisoner.

People feared him he was a god among others at the age of twenty four he already had his own business. He had a chiseled face, his eyes were like the oceans put in them but they always let out a cold essence.

One week had already passed it was time for him to see his new wife the person he would be bonded with for life. He couldn't help to fill upset a little bit but not showing when he realized he wasn't able to have fun with his toy. He thought maybe it was for the best. He slowly walked into the old house where the Lu family members stayed. His mother was overjoyed because of the choice they made. They led Lu jinnan to a room where he would see his newly founded wife.

His parent locked the door behind them. He couldn't help but change his emotion to a cold gaze when he saw who it was.