
Angel in disguise

His words just left me speechless and dumbfounded… me? But why exactly? A poor ordinary girl, no wealth, no fame, and so below the average that anyone would step on easily...Simply I just don't understand, how on earth could this be, is he lying to me? Or trying to push me towards him?

-"Antony....you're kidding right? Damien would never have feeling towards someone like me..."

-"No I'm not, I know him better than anyone else, he does really like you, I noticed how he changed since you came in. Anyway let's continue our walk!"

And then we both went back to our quietness, until we arrived to a swing as Antony ran over and sat on one. "Oh my god, it's been an eternity since I've been on one." He said happily; Antony: on the outside a handsome strong man, sincere and serious looking, but in the inside a kind and sweet child minded, I just smiled and sat on the next one. We kept discussing about common stuff, our origins, our lives, relationships and others while swinging. For the first time I see him smiling so purely, and so innocently from happiness, it's like when you buy a kid its favorite toy; however, I just kept asking myself....what is so special in me? What so important that made these two men change upside down? I need some answers, so I should be patient, for sure I'll found out someday.

Time flew by, then Antony's phone rang, answering it, it was Damien ordering him to come back; we stood up and began walking, then Antony tapped shoulder handing me my necklace, I didn't even noticed that it fell from my neck while swinging.

-"Thank you so much, I really don't know what I could do if I lose it somewhere!" I said thanking him as I take back my necklace.

-"No problem, but what so special about this necklace if you don't mind me asking?"

-"Well, this was a gift from my mother before she passed away; she said to keep it with me wherever I go."

-"Your mother you say? Can you please tell me about your parents?"

-"Yeah, my mother was an angel and my father was a demon, since my brother's birth he was known being a crossbreed as for me I just think I'm an ordinary human being."

-"That's really interesting to know, I don't why i never noticed that necklace you were wearing, it's awesome, but I think it would better if you put it on." He then took it from my hand and placed it around my neck as I give him a smile. He smiled back; but suddenly jumped away terrified as if he saw a ghost. Trembling and shivering, fright and horror were devouring him slowly. Confused, I just got near him to know what the matter is, but he just kept a distance between him and I, after a short while he came back to his normal self.

"What was that? What were you scared of?"I asked concerned and confused.

-"It's....It's nothing important...don't bother yourself with it, I think I was just had hallucinations....for a moment I thought I saw a halo on top of your head..."

-"Oh I see....you, demons, really hate angels don't you?"

-"Well, we don't get along well; they are above us after all..."

His words gave made me quite curious, I need to see that myself either what he saw is true or not; as soon as I got inside, I went to the stairs but then Damien called me which slightly scared me.

-"Oh hey Ann, can you come over please? I need your help with something." He asked with a soft calm tone.

-"S-Sure, but please give a second, I need to check on something first." I replied with an anxious tone as I rushed into my room closing the door. I took a look at myself in the mirror only to find out that Antony's hallucinations were honest, I do indeed have a halo on top of my head, I closed my eyes for a moment then opened them for a new appearance....a long white dress as bright as sun, white feather wings on my back and a shining golden halo on top of my head. Now this is the secret in this necklace, it was the only key to access my angel; now I'm really frightened of Damien's action when he finds out...

-"Ann? Are you alright, or you're still scared? If you want to leave just do it" Damien said as he approached the room.

-"No I'm totally fine!! No need to worry!" Sadly I was stuttering when I tried to talk, so he just got inside to see this terrified angel.

-"My my my~, look what do we have here~" he said while approaching me, turning to his real appearance. As soon as he got near me, Antony dashed worried and anxious.

-"Please...Don't do anything stupid Damien.."

-"Why? She could be so much fun~ Don't tell me that you feel for her Antony, she is no more than a maid to us, and a sad one."

Antony just stood there stuttering for a while thinking either if he should confess his true feeling or not, and then he just busted with the truth.

-"Yes I do! I do really like her so much Damien, don't you dare touch her alright?!"

-"Her?! Fell for an angel?! Antony you are a demon, you cannot-..." right before he could even finish his sentence Antony interrupted him shouting.

-"Like you should be the one talking, you married the most beautiful angel in heaven, and you loved her didn't you? But where is she now? Is she still here?"

-"Antony, that's enough, stop it!" Damien kept repeating while Antony carried on going with his speech.

-"She's not here anymore! She left you! Did you ever thought if she truly loved you, did you?"

-"Stop it! Please....enough....enough." Damien said as soon as he fell down to his knees, tearing up.

It was the first time ever seeing him like that, it turned out, that even the most fierce creatures no matter how strong they are, also have their weaknesses and times where they should let down their tears.