
Chapter 51

Miguel's POV

"Mum!"I  shouted as tears of joy gushed out my eyes; the tears difficult to keep on check a the streamed freely down my face "I missed you! " It's not a lie.

I really missed my mom and her funny ways; I missed watching as she and dad acts like highschool students in love.

"I missed you more darling,"she  shed tears of joy as she wiped away my tears.

tears that were streaming down freely on my face.

She gave me a once over, checking to see if I hurt myself.

" really fine mum,"I  smiled as she continued to check me for any injuries I might have procured during my kidnap or in my case Adultnapped.

"I thought I've lost you when I saw signs of your missing,"  she wiped the tears on her face; more streaming down her pretty face.

A face I don't want to see marred not even by tears shed for my sake.

"Am really fine mom, am really fine,"  I tried to smile; might have told my mom fine, but am I really fine?

the death of Mond is anything but fine, the triplets ignoring of me is anything but fine.

Am I really as fine as I claimed to be or am I trying to tell my mom what she wants to hear?

"The triplets did a wonderful job by bringing you back to me safe and sound son; they really tried." 

her mention of the trips made my heart skip numerous beats; my heart that have cooled down since I came out here resumed his normal parade beating.

"Yeah they tried in bringing me safely back to you," I tried to smile, but all I managed to give is a cheeks paining smile.

"The handsome boys really fulfilled their promises to me; I was doubtful at first son, but now I know I shouldn't have been. "

I looked around searching for a person that should be here but isn't.

" where's dad?"

it's unlike dad  not to be with mum on a situation as dire as mine; most times I don't know who loves me most, dad or mom?

She sighed.

"your dad have been at work for the past three days; no break have been granted unto him," she smiled " am here now son you don't have to feel lonely your dad will come soon.

You know he loves you too much to be absent on your welcome home party,"  she gave me a goofy smile; one I know too much about.

" A party!"I  gasped "that will be awesome," I squealed like a little girl.

Looking around I checked to see if anyone besides my mom was present in my private squealing party,but thankfully no one was around to witness such private outbursts.

Mom laughed the same time I did "you haven't really changed son,"  she gave my shirt an odd look "why are you wearing an exposing shirt?" 

I looked down and nearly squealed In embarrassment, my shirt was really see through.

"I didn't pay much attention to it when it was given to me,"

I explained as mom tied her scarf round me to cover my see through shirt.

"You don't want those creepy guys to start getting ideas," she smiled.

"I don't think they will have such ideas in the fore front of the mind with you present by my side," I winked "you're the best bodyguard a boy can ever wish for."

She pouted playfully "am more than a capable bodyguard, am a caring wife; I take really good care of the husband. I specialize in things like that."

"Ewww," I  made a face "too much information.

I don't want to hear all about what transpires in the bedroom between you and dad." 

I rushed towards her car to avoid hearing whatever smart ass come back she might have ( the mom I know never backs down from anything; she's ready to keep me grounded with threats of telling me on explicit content all that happens behind closed doors).

Chuckling she revved the engine when she entered the car, and drove off towards home.

"Where are we going to?" I  asked as she drove us into the only restaurant in the area; you might also call it a cafe and fast food joint since.

That's the only place in the entire town that specializes in all those things I earlier mentioned.

"I asked the sheriff's sons to have an early lunch with us to celebrate your release, and the recommended this place."

As if there's another place that sells the things this restofastcafe( restaurant, fastfood, cafe) does.

Due to the scarcity of such places; this place is always filled to the brim with people, getting a table here is pure hassle.

"When did you book the table? or are we going to order out?"

I need to really know our stance in things; mom's fond of doing things at a whim; asking her now will save us embarrassment later

 "a stitch in time saves nine." 

She waved me off

"order? I just had a phone talk with the triplets on my way to their house.

I was hoping to have dinner with them at home maybe after your party,but they requested we have the lunch here," she smiled.

"I  know you're nervous of going to a place fileld with people, but be rest assured I will be with you the entire time; you won't feel alone."

That's one of my problems with with the always filled place; I hate being in a crowd, it makes me feel as nervous as hell, but that's not all my problem.

Am worried my mom will disgrace me in front of all those people when we fail to provide the expceted

reservation slip( yeah you read right; they give reservation slip, you present the slip for them to verify it).

Someone might ask how I came to know all about this,well what can I say? I love reading and searching things out.