
Chapter 155

Miguel's pov

There's no way I can forget something like that in a haste.

He smiled before offering to help me push the stroller, but I refused.

"It will keep me grounded knowing my babies are safe with me."

No matter how good looking he might be , I can't entrust my babies to someone I just met.

Someone whose identity is still a mystery to me.

He smiled knowingly "of course it will do so," he turned and started walking towards the direction the male with a ball of lightening came from.

"Why are you going towards there?" I suspiciously glared at him.

I will be a fool to follow him there with my babies without knowing where exact where's going to.

My encounters with Manuel have taught me not to blindly follow people anywhere they want to take me.

"Am taking you to my house," he answers without a moment of hesitation.

Mother always says when a person answers your questions without hesitations, it means they're telling the truth.

He words might be true in some aspect but not in all. There are people who have pre decided on what to say before they're asked, while some are natural liars capable of forming any lie despite how complex and complicated your question might be.

In this case now, I can't tell if he's telling the truth or not.

"House? why are you taking me to your house?" 

Why can't we go anywhere that's not his house? Why must he take me there?

"That's the only safe place to talk, and moreover we don't have any eatery in out town. When you think of all this, my house is a safer bet."

" Why can't we go to my house? is there anything wrong with my house?"

If he wants a place we can't be disturbed in, my house should also be a safe place.

No other person beside I and mother stays in it.

"I can't enter your house without the permission of the owners of the house, and currently they're not around.".

"How did you know they're not around?" I raised a suspicious brow at him.

" Why won't I know if someone of my clan is around or not? We're a close knit town with not much population because of the number of children we can be able to give birth to. If a person leaves here, we will be aware of it."

When he worded it like that, I can see how he got to know of the absence of the king family that took us in despite knowing we're humans.

"Do you still want to proceed with what were doing or should I forget about it?" Aiden raised a brow in question.

"Forget about it?"

How can I forget about all I saw? 

Am a curious person. Forgetting all that happened here isn't an option.

i thought on the right decision to make.

Should I follow him knowing he might harm either I or my babies, Or should I forget all I saw, and hope Mond and Solomon knows something about it?

I know the decision I make now will prove if am willing to know or not. I don't think Aiden will tell me anything about them if I fail to follow him today.

Should I go, or should I not go?

What's the right decision for Me to make?

Going will make know what exactly the members of this town might be.

Not going will leave me ignorant for years to come.

I breath out "lead the way," 

Ignorance is the worst of all. Knowledge they say is power.

It's better I seek out the knowledge of what they might be than die of ignorance.

Aiden looked surprised at my answer "you know. I was thinking you won't agree to follow me."

" And. risk knowing who you might be?" I raise a brow at him.

He shrugs before he resumed walking.

Turning my stroller, I followed closely behind him.

The town isn't like how I Invision it to be. I thought it will look more like the houses in my mates' town, but here looks like something straight out of a medieval time.

The houses looks to have survived since the 15th century or something like that.

"Why is this place different from the ones at the outskirt?"

The building I lived in with mom is built with block and zinc while the ones here are made up of mud and Thatch.

Looking at this place now , you wouldn't have guessed it's the same with the buildings surrounding it.

The tall buildings and the mist at the edge of the Houses makes it difficult for a person to see what lay beyond the beautiful looking houses.

"This is our ancient home. The spirits of our ancestors reside on them," Aiden kept on walking as he talked.

" No one lives there? it's empty?"

How can they leave a house empty claiming their ancestors live in them?

Does that mean their entire ancestors are living inside there?

" Won't it be stuffy?" 

I can't begin to imagine the large numbers of their ancestors living in a tight space.

How can they mange to be there?

"It's like an ancestoral home to us Miguel. Moreover it can't hey stuffy because they're now spirits without flesh. Spirit have no mass,they can't occupy space."


" That will explain why there have been no quarrel with them. Had they being with their flesh, I don't think anyone living in this town will rest from their quarrels. Trust old people with their quarrels. They quarrel about insignificant things."

He coughed to stifle his laughter " I will appreciate it if you don't talk more about them. Its seen as a mark of disrespect to them if you laugh in their presence," Aiden kept a stoic face as he said those words.

The expression he have on his face is enough to make me laugh, nut I stifled the laughter.

I can't afford to be seen as a petulant daddy.